Chapter 4: A first date with the Cherry

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(Note: Cherri Bomb's tattoos on her arm are from the addict music video, and be prepared, there will be dirty jokes about Cherri by T.K.O)

 Picture of what Cherri looks like for her date in this chapter

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Picture of what Cherri looks like for her date in this chapter.

At the Hazbin Hotel at the bar, K.O was drinking a root beer while Husk was drinking some booze, and K.O said, "Man, T.K.O is the only one in the band who has a girlfriend." "Kid, I know I'm not much of a guy who is comfortable around kids or play with them or that s@@#, but I do have some advice for you, don't get a girlfriend, they can be hard to handle." Husk said. "But I always thought about getting a girlfriend so I could feel loved." K.O said. "I know, kid. I understand you want to love somebody, even if I gave up love a long time ago, but trust me, you might not find somebody who could help you feel loved. Sorry kid." Husk said. "Oh, so K.O here can't find a girl to date?" Angel said as he came to the counter. "Hey, I'm just saying he might find someone, or are you trying to suggest he should find a guy?" Husk asked. "Hey, I know he's into girls and stuff, even if I still kinda flirt with him, I know he is more interested in ladies." Angel said. "Okay whatever, just tell us what the f@#$ you even want cause I think you came here for something." Husk said. "Oh, I came to tell K.O that I have a date for him tonight." Angel said with a smile. "A date?" K.O asked. "You called someone to go out with the princess's oldest adopted son?" Husk said. "Yep, no need to thank me, I did it in favor of helping Charlie with her boys." Angel said as he looked proud, but Husk wasn't impressed as he said, "You'd want us to thank you for having the big metal band's frontman date one of your prostitute friends?" "Hey. From what I heard from Charlie and his brothers, K.O wants to be in love with a girl, and I'm helping him find one." Angel said to Husk. "Then who is it?" K.O asked, with Angel smiling and he said, "Oh, I told her to surprise you when she comes over for your date tonight." "Wait, K.O is going out tonight?" T.K.O asked as he and the rest of his brothers came to the bar, along with Charlie and Vaggie. "Yeah, I arranged a date for him tonight, and I sure as hope he's gonna have a fun time." Angel said. "If it's a hooker, then you're getting my foot in your a$&." T.K.O said. "Relax Goth boy, she isn't gonna like just win him and abandon him or something like that, she'll be a good girlfriend for him, I promise you that." Angel said. "So, when is she gonna come over?" K.O asked. After that was asked, an explosion was heard outside and the front doors opened with purple smoke coming into the hotel's lobby, and entering the building was Cherri Bomb, who was wearing a red shirt with a black jacket over her shirt, and her usual pants and boots. "Hey Cherri." Angel called out to his best friend. "Hey Angel, how's it going?" Cherri asked as she walked Angel. "Oh I'm good, you?" Angel asked. "I'm cool." Cherri said as she gave a thumbs up, and she looked around and said, "So, where's the lucky guy I'm going out with?" "Wait, Angel has his tuff war buddy as Charlie's oldest son's date?" Vaggie asked. "Angel, I appeactie you wanting to help K.O with love, but I don't know if K.O can handle Cherri." Charlie said. "Relax ladies, I told Cherri to go easy on him so he can grow to her, plus she said she's understandable to some guys like him." Angel said. Cherri was surprised and said, "Wait, K.O? As in the frontman of that band that is having a big popularity lately?" Cherri started blushing and looking nervous as she had her hands on her mouth and said, "Oh my god, I actually thought about meeting the band, but I didn't think my bestie would hook me up with their frontman. Oh god, I might be one lucky demon to date him." "Wait, I don't think it's a good idea because Cherri is a little older then K.O, and she's not even a teenager." Charlie said. "Relax, it won't be a crime if he dates my girl buddy." Angel said. Cherri felt nervous as she walks up to K.O and said, "So, you're my date, right?" "I guess so." K.O said as he felt nervous as he knew about Cherri's reputation of being an anarchist and doing explosions, and Angel said to Cherri, "Relax gal, he's a nice guy, he won't hurt ya." Cherri then stopped being nervous and said, "So, wanna go have a fun time?" "Depends on what you have in mind." K.O said as he still felt nervous. "Okay." Cherri said as she grabbed K.O's hand and said with a smile, "You're in for a fun night." Cherri then took K.O out of the hotel with K.O saying to Charlie, "Bye Mom, I'll see you tomorrow." When the two left the hotel, T.K.O looked at Angel and said, "Dude, you hooked our big brother up with your girl buddy?" "Yeah buddy. Are you jealous, even though you already have a girlfriend?" Angel asked in a teasing tone as he leaned towards the lead guitarist of Demonica, who said, "No, but it is surprising you hooked him up with her, especially since her boobs are pretty big." Everyone blushed at the comment and P.K.O said, "Dude, you're gonna do your boob jokes again?" "What do you expect? Cherri is freaking hot, and K.O is gonna date her, he's so lucky." T.K.O said. Angel giggled and said, "Don't worry kiddos, your big brother is gonna have the best girlfriend Hell can offer him." With K.O and Cherri, the two were walking on the sidewalk with Cherri saying, "So, what's it like being a rockstar in Hell?" "Ah, it's cool." K.O said with a blush. "I guess it's good to be a rockstar, right?" Cherri asked. "Yeah." K.O said with a blush. Cherri noticed K.O's shyness and said, "Dude, what's up? You're still acting nervous like when we were at the Hotel." "Oh, it's just that I heard about you and your tuff wars." K.O said. Cherri knew what he meant and said, "Oh that. I know what you mean, but like Angel said, I'm not so bad. I'm pretty good once you got to know me." K.O felt a little better as Cherri wrapped an arm around his shoulder and said, "Wanna go for some drinks as our first stop?" Later at a bar, Cherri was drinking some beer while K.O was drinking some root beer. "Sorry if I don't drink alcohol like you are doing right now." K.O said. "Nah it's cool, I don't really care what people drink since they have different tastes and all that." Cherri said. "Especially since I'm 16?" K.O asked, with Cherri smiling as she said, "Yeah, I know there are some dead kids at your age your age that drink and s@#$, but I can understand that you don't do that." K.O blushed as his date was understandable and said, "So, you're also not against this little idea of us dating since you are like a little older than me?" Cherri smiled as she took a drink from her beer and said, "I'm cool with it as long as you're cool with it too." "If you're fine with it and not like those people who trick people then I'm fine with it." K.O said as he drank some of his root beer. Cherri smiled as she said, "And it's also hard to believe that I'm actually dating the frontman of Demonica, considering I like your music." "Really?" K.O asked. "Yeah man, I think you do a good job with those riffs and lyrics." Cherri said as she did an air guitar. K.O smiled as his date actually liked his music and the bartender came and said, "Okay old and young lovebirds, here's the check." The bartender placed the check next to the couple, and it said it was about $21, and Cherri was about to complain to the prince, until K.O paid and he and Cherri left after they finished their drinks and Cherri said, "Hey, thanks for paying for the drinks." "It's what the boyfriend does for the date you know." K.O said, with both him and Cherri blushing and Cherri said, "So, you want to go somewhere with a nice view?" "Uh, sure." K.O said as Cherri took him by the hand and took him somewhere. On a building, K.O and Cherri looked at some of the lights down at the city. "Wow." K.O said with amazement, with Cherri smiling as she said, "I know, right? I know Hell is a bad place but it does have some good things if you already found out, like these lights on a nice night." "Yeah, it's a nice sight to behold." K.O said with a smile. Cherri looked at K.O and said, "Say, do you mean what you said in the bar?" K.O blushed as he looks at Cherri and said, "Uh, you remembered what I said?" Cheri smiled as she leaned towards K.O and said, "Do you mean it when you said I was your girlfriend?" K.O blushed and sweated and said, "U-U-Uh, if you want it that way, y-y-yeah." Cherri then hugged K.O as she said, "Oh yeah, you got yourself a hot girlfriend now baby." K.O blushed as he was embraced by Cherri, not to mention, her breasts were touching his chest as they were about the same height and K.O said in his head, 'Oh man, T.K.O is gonna be jealous when I talk to him.' Cherri released K.O and said, "Wanna go to my place?" K.O blushed as he nodded, and Cherri took his hand and they went to Cherri's home. In Cherri's apartment, K.O sat in her living room as Cherri was in the shower, as he marveled the place and said in his head, 'Wow, this is a nice palace.' K.O then blushed as he thought, 'Man, I can't believe Cherri is showering right now. I know I might feel like T.K.O for saying this, but I can't believe I'm not in there with her.' "I'm done." Cherri called out, in which K.O teased up and he said in his head, 'Ok K.O, just calm down, be cool.' Cherri came into the living room, and K.O blushed hard when he saw her, she was now wearing a long sleeve pajama shirt with the top of the shirt unbutton, showing some of her cleavage, and a pair of black panties, and her hair was not in it's ponytail. Cherri looked at her boyfriend with a smile and said, "I see you like my place, thanks." Cherri noticed K.O was feeling very nervous and she sat down next to him, which made him more nervous and she said, "Yeah, sorry for the way I'm dressed, I don't really have much clothes to wear when I go to sleep, I normally wear just my underwear and sometimes I..." Cherri saw K.O and he looked like he was gonna pass out and she said, "Sorry, didn't think that information was too much for you." "I-I-It's okay, I'm a little used to some of that stuff since I grew up here in Hell, and with Angel living at the hotel, but I'm kinda getting used to this with you as my girlfriend." K.O said with a blush. Cherri wrapped an arm around K.O and said, "I understand how you feel man, so I'll try my best to make sure to have you ease into how I am." "Okay." K.O said with a blush, and he heard Cherri yawn and she said, "I'm getting a little tired, want to get some sleep?" K.O blushed at the request and Cherri said, "Don't worry, if you're not ready for it, we won't do it yet, we're just going to go to bed, I promise." "O-Okay." K.O said as he and Cherri went to sleep. In the morning, K.O woke up and found himself embraced by Cherri as she was still asleep, which made him blush as he felt her breasts against his back and thought, 'Oh man, I'm definitely gonna have a lot of words with T.K.O when I see him.' At the Hazbin Hotel, the brothers were eating breakfast as Angel was sitting with them while drinking some booze. "Do you have anything better to drink?" T.K.O asked. "I do drink soda like you and your brothers do kiddo, but right now I'm drinking some liquor." Angel said. "Something I don't drink." T.K.O said. "I know, I can understand that." Angel said. T.K.O sighed and said, "When is K.O coming home?" As if on queue, the Hotel's doors opened, and K.O came in with Cherri, who was wearing her usual clothing and K.O said, "I'm home." Everyone looked at the couple and Angel said, "Hey kiddo, how was your date?" "It was good." Cherri said. "Really?" T.K.O asked. "Yeah, and guess what Angel?" Cherri said. "What is it?" Angel asked. Cherri hugged K.O with her breasts against his chest with him blushing as she said, "We're a thing." "Oh good, I was right about K.O getting a girlfriend like Cherri." Angel said with a smile. "Well, I gotta go, see ya K.O." Cherri said as she was getting ready to leave, but before she could go, she said, "Oh, and one more thing." Cherri then went to K.O and kissed him on the lips, surprising the brothers and K.O, and Cherri broke the kiss and said, "Wanted to save that for when you got home." Cherri then left the hotel with K.O feeling happy he got a kiss, until he saw T.K.O looking at him and said, "What?" T.K.O then walked up to K.O and said, "Dude, how was it with Cherri?" "Uh..." K.O was interrupted as T.K.O said, "How did Angel decided for you to date a hot chick like her?" Before K.O could answer, T.K.O said, "Did you actually touch her boobs? Did she pop your cherry?" T.K.O kept asking K.O about his date, and Cherri was walking down the street with a smile as she said, "I can't wait for my next date with K.O. That kid is a handsome kid and I also can't wait for the next Demonica concert."

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