Chapter 8: The double date

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K.O was walking to the Hotel, and he saw Loona angrly standing at the entrance and K.O said, "Oh, hey Loona, what's up?" Loona looked at K.O and said, "Oh, hey K.O." "Whatcha doing here?" K.O asked. Loona looked ticked and said, "Oh, I'm still p@#$ that your little brother hit on your girlfriend, and I came over to tell you and him that we're going on a double date." "Wait, what?" K.O asked in surprise. "It's been arranged. I have booked a reservation at Inferno's Garden tonight." Loona said. "I didn't do anything, I had nothing to do with T.K.O committing..." K.O was interrupted as Loona said, "On Cherri Bomb's boobs? I know, but since he did that, I'm gonna have you and her there with me and T.K.O so we can fix this little thing T.K.O did." Loona said. 'Man, Loona is so overdramatic with T.K.O flirting with a girl.' K.O thought. "So, be ready till night, or I'll make sure your night where your girlfriend pops your cherry where it blows up with you not walking for a week." Loona said as she left. K.O looked scared and said, "Wow, she didn't have to threaten me." K.O walked inside the hotel. Later that night, K.O and T.K.O were wearing their leather clothing as they were walking out of the hotel and K.O said, "I can't believe your girlfriend is mad at me for what you did." "Sorry man, I really didn't think she would be mad at ya, like you didn't do anything." T.K.O said. "But that was my girlfriend you were hitting on, and that got us here." K.O said. "I wasn't hitting on her though, I was talking about her boobs." Right in front of your girlfriend." K.O pointed out. "True." T.K.O said. "Hey." Said Loona's voice, and the two looked and saw their girlfriends standing before them and they blushed at how they're dressed.

Cherri Bomb

Cherri Bomb

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"Wow." K.O said as he saw Cherri dressed with black shirt with cherries on it, which made her look like she's at a metal concert, and Cherri saw her boyfriend's expression and said, "Thanks, I thought about wearing this for our date tonight, and plan on wearing this for your next concert." "You look cool in that, babe." K.O said with a smile. "You look good too, Loona." T.K.O said with a smile, while Loona wasn't pleased and said, "You better mean it, because this date will tell me if you care about me." "Okay babe, I'll prove it." T.K.O said with a smile. The two couples then proceeded on their way to their destination, and K.O felt weirded out of this while Cherri felt how he was feeling as she held his hand and whispered to him, "Sorry about this, I didn't think she would still be p@#$ed off at your bro, and even have us in this situation." "It's cool Cherri, I was hoping for another date with you anyway." K.O whispered back, with Cherri smiling at the complement. "So, have you done anything since we last spoke?" T.K.O asked Loona, who was still mad and she said, "Just the same s@#$, and still p@#$ed that you like Cherri Bomb's boobs then mine." "Babe, I didn't say that, I was saying like they were big." T.K.O said. "While I was there when you said it, meaning you like boobs that are bigger than mine." Loona said with a mad look. "Oh come on Loona." T.K.O complained. "Wow, didn't think she still be p#$@ed about what he said about my boobs." Cherri said as she heard the conversion, and K.O blushed hard and said, "Okay guys, let's stop that talk so we can try to fix things up." The group looked at K.O and Cherri said, "Yeah, I think that's a good idea, these boob jokes are making my boyfriend a little weirded out." "Alright." Loona said. Later, the two couples were at Inferno's Garden, and they were at a round table, and they had glasses of water and Cherri said, "Nice place you pick Loona." "Yeah, nice place." Loona said with a glare. "Hey, she didn't tell me to check her boobs." T.K.O said. "I know, but we still didn't fix this." Loona said. "Jeez, when are we gonna fix this?" K.O asked. "Maybe the first thing is like asking something, and I should go first." "Okay." K.O said, and Loona said, "So K.O, what do you think of this metal band business?" "Oh, I like it and it sounds great and having people rock out to us makes us look important." K.O answered with a smile. "Okay and for you Cherri." Loona said as she looked at Cherri and said, "What do you really think of K.O?" Cherri was surprised at the question and said, "Whoa girl, where did that come from?" "Well, what do you really think of your boyfriend?" "I love him, it's true." Cherri said. "He's like way younger then you." Loona said, and Cherri looked offended and said, "Are trying to tell me to dutch my boyfriend since he's 16, b@#$%?" Loona was surprised and said, "Whoa, chill out, I was just asking what you really thought of K.O." "Like I said, I love him, even if he is 16, he's handsome and pretty cute too, and he's also a very nice guy too. Is that good enough for ya?" Cherri said to Loona, who was scared from Cherri's rage and said, "Okay, that answer is good enough about how much you care about K.O." "Well she is pretty serious about K.O." T.K.O said. Loona then decided to change the subject and said, "Okay then, I guess we should change the subject." "Good idea." Cherri said. "Hey, don't we get to ask since you brought it up?" "Okay, that might be far since she said it's the first thing." Cherri said, and they asked each other questions. Later with their dinner, they all had salads, K.O and T.K.O had root beers, and Cherri and Loona had beers. "So, you girls are like gonna like drink more then one of those?" T.K.O asked. "Maybe, depends on how long we're here for." Cherri said. T.K.O looked at K.O and said, "I forgot to ask ya, was she annoyed or something on your first date with her that you don't drink?" "She was cool with it, she doesn't really care about what I drink." K.O said. "Okay, and I thought it was like she was going to like b&%$#ing about you not drinking." T.K.O said. "Well I did hear Angel say that you guys like have standards when it comes to drinking and I'm okay with that." Cherri said before she drank some of her beer. "I guess that's cool that she doesn't care about what you drink bro." T.K.O said. "Yeah, it is." K.O said as he finished his root beer. Cherri finished her beer and said, "I need another one." "Mind if I come with you?" K.O asked. "Sure, I don't see why not." Cherri said with a smile as she and K.O went to the bar part of the place, leaving T.K.O and Loona alone as T.K.O said, "Well, I guess we should take alone." "Yeah, whatever." Loona said. "What do you want me to do to show you I'm sorry I committed on Cherri Bomb's boobs?" T.K.O asked. "I don't know, maybe if you didn't hit on her and s#$%." Loona said. "Well maybe you shouldn't do that either." T.K.O said back. Loona was a little surprised from her boyfriend's respondes and said, "Wait, you mean?" "Yeah Loona, don't think I didn't see you at my concret in the human world while you were talking and making funny looks at the succub@#$%'s Hellhound." T.K.O said with a mad tone. Loona knew what he meant and now thinks she was being a bit of a hypocrite that was mad at her boyfriend for saying dirty jokes about a girl while she was having a crush on a guy who already has a girlfriend and said, "Wow, I guess I was being a hypocrite." "I think?" T.K.O said as he looked mad. Loona now felt bad and she then grabbed T.K.O by the face and he kissed him on the lips and he returned it, and K.O and Cherri saw the scene and Cherri said, "I guess they're cool now." "I guess so." K.O said in agreement. Later the two couples are leaving the restaurant and K.O said, "So, you guys cool now?" "Yep, I was a hypocrite to T.K.O about him hitting on a girl who is dating." Loona said. "Is it about Vortex?" K.O asked. "Yeah, I kinda have a crush on him, even though he has a girlfriend, so I guess me and T.K.O are even." Loona said. "That's nice." K.O said with a smile. "And you know, I'm kinda surprised you're dating Cherri Bomb." Loona said with a smile, which surprised K.O and T.K.O and K.O said, "What are you saying?" "Well, I think it's impressive you got a hot girlfriend, but it's Cherri Bomb, one of Hell's famous Anarchists, and you like gotta be special or lucky or whatever to go out with her, and even score her in the bed." Loona said with a smirk. "Loona, you can't talk to my brother like that, that's mean." T.K.O said. "Sorry T.K.O, I can't help it when his girl is a hot babe and he might be the frontman of your band which is like really big for everyone in Hell right now, but he doesn't seem to be good enough for her, and I bet they won't do good in the bed either." Loona continued as she smirked. "Hey, Loona." Cherri said as she walked up to Loona and then she threw a hard punch to Loona right in the boob with an angry look, and Loona backed away as she held her boob that was punched and she looked at Cherri as Cherri said, "Lay off my man, b@#$%." Loona was a little surprised at Cherri as she said, "Whoa, sorry, I was just kidding." "Nobody jokes about my relationship with K.O." Cherri said, and K.O felt surprised at his girlfriend's outburst and said, "Wow Cherri, thanks for standing up for me." Cherri looked at K.O and said with a smile, "Thanks babe." "So, want to spend the night at the hotel?" K.O asked "Well I don't know about the rehabilitation thing your mom is trying to do, but I can crash for the night, so sure." Cherri said as she and K.O walk to the Hotel, with T.K.O and Loona standing there and Loona said, "Sorry I made fun of your brother." "Well, I don't appreciate you saying what you said to him, but we're still cool, right?" T.K.O asked. Loona smiled and said, "Yep, we are." T.K.O and Loona then kissed as they hugged each other, showing their not fighting anymore.

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