Chapter 5: The spring pop vs metal rock off

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On the road, Blitz drove his van with his employees in it and they were entering a parking lot and before they can park, a car went in and took their spot, and Blitz pulled out a megaphone and said on it, "HEY YOU, YOU GOT 5 SECS TO GET OUT OF THAT-" The person got out of the car, in which was a succubus , which was Hell's pop singer Verosika Mayday, which surprised Blitz and Verosika said, "Oh, Blitzo." "Verosika." Blitz said as he gets out of the van and walks to his ex and said, "I'm surprised they let you out of rehab." "Well Blitzo, they let me out considering that I'm famous." Verosika said as she drank from an alcohol bottle that had beetlejuice. "Wow, Blitz dated a pop star?" Loona said as she was freaking out that Verosika was there. "I guess it didn't end well." Moxxie said as Blitz and Verosika continued arguing. While the ex couple were arguing, the Demonica van came out of nowhere and parked in a spot, and the band came out of the van and T.K.O said, "Cool for Mom to get us a van to go to our studio." "Yeah, but we still need to get our own van since this is temporary." P.K.O said, with T.K.O granting in response. Verosika noticed Demonica and said, "Wait, aren't those kids over there that head banging band Demonica?" Blitz looked and saw the kids and said, "Oh, yeah there are." Verosika smiled and said, "I heard you and your employees are hired by the princess of Hell to be their bodyguards." "SO WHAT, WE DO CARE ABOUT THOSE KIDS. YOU SAYING WE CAN'T CARE ABOUT KIDS?" Blitz shouted. "No, but I'm just surprised you of all demons would be hired to guard someone as big as those kids who are being almost as famous as me." Verosika said with a smile. "And are you trying to mock my future son-in-law?" Blitz said. "Ahem." A voice said, and Blitz turned and saw the quadruplets standing behind him with T.K.O doing a mad look, and Blitz was a little scared and said in a nervous tone, "Oh, hi guys, what's up?" "Oh we're here for the studio performances that he got in our mail this morning." K.O said. "And I heard you saying I'm your son-in-law in public again." T.K.O said. "Look, I just can't help it T.K.O, you know that I'm really glad you are dating my Loonay." Blitz said, with T.K.O just glaring at him. "So, you guys are supposed to be a metal band?" Verosika asked with a smirk. "Ah yes." P.K.O said with a raised eyebrow. Verosika laughed and said, "Surprising you kids became big, but I know you're not as big as me." "HEY." T.K.O complaned. Verosika laughed, until she saw C.K.O, and blushed, and she saw K.O, and blushed as well and she thought, 'Oh man, those two are actually cute and handsome. They're exceptions.' "What are you blushing about?" Blitz asked, which made Verosika shake off her blush and said, "Oh, nothing a@#hole." "Wow, what did he do to you?" T.K.O asked with a surprised expression. "Oh, let's say your future father-in-law has been such a total a@#hole to me when we were together." Verosika said, surprising the brothers and C.K.O said to Blitz, "You dated a pop singer?" Blitz sighed and said, "Yeah, and let's say it didn't end well." "Oh, like how he made be pay for one of the hotel rooms we stayed at, and s@#$ing horseback riding lessons." Verosika complained, and the brothers looked at Blitz with disappointed looks and T.K.O said, "So you made her upset and she dumped you? Man, I thought of you as a jerk, but I didn't think you were that much of an a@#hole." "Wow, you're dating his adopted daughter and he's not even banning you from dating her?" Verosika asked. "Blitz knows he's an a@#hole himself, so he is letting me talk down to him." T.K.O said. Verosika laughed as she said, "Ha, looks like even you're Hellhounds boyfriend thinks you're an a@#hole." Verosika then turned around and said, "Now if you excuse me, I have a studio to go to." Verosika walked to the building, and Blitz was about to walk to her about his precious parking spot, until he was stopped by a big Hellhound as he looked at Blitz with a growl and Blitz was scared with Verosika said with a smile, "Oh, this is Vortex, and he is more responsible than your Hellhound." Blitz then backed up as Verosika and Vortex walked into the building, and Demonica went in too as T.K.O said, "Looks like you got what you deserved." "Why aren't you backing me up?" Blitz said. "Since this is over a parking spot, then it's just stupid, like you." Blitz was surprised as Demonica went into the building for their studio recordings, and Blitz had Millie go look for a spot and he, Moxie, and Loona went into the building. In the building, the three were going to their room, only to find Vortex on the same floor as they are, and Loona blushed when she saw him, and Blitz was angry again as he ignored Moxxie as he was talking and said, "Moxxie, shut the f@#$ up." Moxie then went into Verosika's studio, and her group were around Moxxie as he was talking about the parking spot, and they then started to attack him, and when he exits the studio with kiss marks on his face, and Blitz was mad about what happened to Mooxie, and he heard some hard music coming from down the hall, second door to the right and he smiled as an idea popped up. Behind the door was Demonica performing a song, and Blitz came into the studio and said, "Kids, I need help." "Oh what now?" T.K.O said as he was interrupted from doing his part. "I need you guys to help me in getting my parking spot back." Blitz said. "Oh, so you lost your stupid precious parking spot, and now you want use to be involved in that bulls@#$?" T.K.O asked. "Hey buddy, it's a big deal, so don't make it even bigger." Blitz said. "It's not a big deal, but YOU'RE MAKING IT A BIG DEAL WITH YOU NOT ACCEPTING THE FACT IT'S JUST A PARKING SPACE." T.K.O shouted. Blitz was a little scared from T.K.O's outburst and said, "O-O-Okay, but please, t-t-try to help your future daddy-in-law." "We're in the middle of studio recording, we can't do that right now." T.K.O said. "Look, when I get my parking lot back, you guys will go back to your recordings, I promise." Blitz nervously said. The brothers looked at the studio guys and one of them said, "It's okay kiddos, you guys handle whatever's going on, and we'll resume when you get back." The brothers then left the studio with Blitz, and they were in Verosika's studio and her group were surprised to see them as one of the guys, which was Ace, said, "Hey, aren't those Hellhound kids that band everyone's been talking about?" "Well if they are, then they look very handsome and adorable." Said Apple. "Save it, me and K.O are seeing someone." T.K.O said. "Wait, Demonica is here?" Vortex said as he ran into the room with an excited look and went up to T.K.O and said, "Oh my god, I can't believe I'm meeting Demonica, including T.K.O." "Ah, nice to meet you?" T.K.O said with a rised eyebrow. Vortex handed T.K.O a notebook and pen and said, "Can I please have your autograph?" "Sure, no problem." T.K.O said as he signed and Vortex thanked him and walked off, and the brothers turned their attention to Verosika and her crew and Blitz said, "Okay you seductive b)&78, your spring break thing is coming up, which is when you go to Earth to seduce people into your like porking game, so I think maybe we can have a changelle of who can do a better job then each other." "And you're having us kill with you when we're clearly rock stars?" T.K.O asked, which scared Blitz as he looked at T.K.O and said while sweating, "Oh no, I thought maybe you guys could probably-" "You were actually planning to have them be part of your little assassintion business?" Verosika asked with a smirk. Blitz was about to answer, but T.K.O beat him to it and said, "Oh no, I think he was thinking of having us perform at the same area you're at." T.K.O looked at Blitz with an angry look and said, "Right Blitz?" Blitz sweated and said, "Oh yes, I guess so kind of rock off will be more interesting then killing." "Now that is interesting." Verosika said, before she leaned forward and said with a smirk, "And what's the prize?" "That parking space." Blitz said. Verosika smirked and said, "Alright fine, we'll have this contest for that spot, but if I win, I want a little bonus." "What's that?" P.K.O asked, and his response was her leaning towards K.O and C.K.O and said, "I get to have the red headband cutie and the shy one too." The brothers blushed hard and T.K.O said, HEY, YOU LEAVE MY BROTHERS ALONE." "Well I saw them very attractive to me, so I'm gonna take them as my bonus." Verosika said. Blitz graled and said, "Fine, this noon at that beach." "Be there, b$&@." Verosika said. "Wait, what are we, Demonica, supposed to do?" C.K.O asked. "Oh, I guess Verosika plays first and you guys play after her for the rest of the concert, and whoever gets the most impression out of the people, we like f@#$ with people while you guess like rock them out, they win." Josh said. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Milky said. "Alrighty then." Verosika said. Later, I.M.P and Demonica were talking about the plan, with Blitz saying, "I know it's weird for you boys to get involved in this, but we gotta win that parking spot back." T.K.O gave Blitz a glare and he said, and Blitz said, "And keep my ex from sleeping with K.O and C.K.O." "And again, man, I know you're a jerk, but I didn't think you were some much as an a$&hole to go out with someone and be a d$&/ to them." T.K.O said. "You still gonna make him look bad like that?" Loona asked. "Hey, he did something to make Verosika upset and break up with him, and I never thought he would go that far as an a&@hole." T.K.O said. "Good point." Loona said. Blitz sighed and said, "Anyway, we gotta think about how to get people at the beach Verosika is gonna perform at, and we gotta plan out the stage for the boys and get the coward for them." "Well if we can blend into the coward, and give out flyers to the guys on the beach before Verosika can perform to give them the attention for Demonica's first band in the human world." Loona said. "Wait, blend in?" Millie asked, with Loona looking at the Imps and said, "You mean you guys were f$&@ing around on Earth, without human disguises?" The imps were lost for words and Loona said, "Well, just let me do the flyers, and you put up the stage." "Wait, can we have human disguises too?" C.K.O asked. "I'm sure of it." Loona said. T.K.O got finished writing something and said, "Got the flyers." "You did the flyers?" Blitz asked. "Yep, and I can't wait for our first concert in the human world." T.K.O said. Later on a beach in the human world, the imps and Loona were at a stage as it was being set up on the sand, and Moxxie said, "Well, I hope we win that spot." "And I gotta keep that promise." Blitz said as he had a flashback from T.K.O, who angrily looked at Blitz and said, "If I said one drop of blood on that sand at the beach, I will become your Angel of Death and give you an early extermination with you being the only target." Blitz was scared from the threat and has to deal with no killing, and he turned to Loona and said, "Okay Lonnay, you do that disguise thing and get those flyers out." "Whatever." Loona said, before she then changed into a human with her still having her original appearances like her hair on her head and her clothing. "Oh Loona, you look downright awful." Loona glared at Blitz and she went off to give out flyers to people on the beach. Behind the stage, the brothers were in human form as well, and they were preparing for their concert, and a guy was signing some paperwork. "You almost done?" C.K.O asked as was holding some drum sticks. "Yeah, and what's left is my signature and I'll be rocking with you kiddos whenever you call me." Said the guy. "Okay Alexander." C.K.O said. With K.O, he was on the phone and he said, "I know you want to come, but I'm not in Hell now, I'm on Earth with Blitz and his employees." The caller said something and said, "I'm really sorry, but you can't come to this concert." The caller spoke again and said, "Look, you'll come at the next concert when I'm in Hell, I promise." After the caller spoke again, K.O said, "I know, I love you." The caller said bye and K.O hung up and T.K.O said, "Got done talking with your girlfriend?" "Yeah, and Cherri is bummed that she couldn't come." K.O said. "Well, there's always next." T.K.O said with support. "Yeah." K.O said. On the beach, three young adults were lying on the sand, one of them was a man, and he was a blue buffy alien with green curly hair and he's wearing a pair of pink swimming trunks, and the other two were women, one of them had tanned skin, a curvy figure, and purple hair and she's wearing a black one-piece swimsuit, and the other woman had a bit of a toned body, and she was a redhead and she is wearing a black two-piece. "Man, this is great." The alien said. "Yeah Rad, a good way to spend spring break." The purple hair woman said. "Well, it's good for you and Red Action to be here, but Drupe is not here with me." Rad said as he looked at the two women. "Well you don't have to be mad about that, but I guess it's weird that one couple is here while a guy with his girlfriend not being with him while she's on business for the break." Red Action said. "Not to mention, K.O is not here either." Enid said. "Well, he's with his parents at some other beach, and Dendy is with him." Enid said. Loona walked up to the three and said, "Hey guys, there's gonna be a concert here at the beach today, so I hope you'll come." After Loona handed the three flyers, Rad smiled at her and said, "Hey baby. You look like you're bored." "I'm handing out flyers for a metal concert that is gonna start soon, so I don't have time with what you're planning on doing." Loona said, with Rad ignoring her as he got up and smiled as he said, "Oh come on, why not have some fun with me? I can show you a good time in my room." "I swear to god, I will pull your teeth straight out of your gums with my finger nails if you even try to f@#$ me." Loona said with anger, making Rad a little scared and she looked at the lesbian couple and said, "Got anything to say to me about wanting to do me?" "No no, we're good." Enid said. "Yeah, and we'll be there for that concert." Red added. "Good, plus I got a boyfriend already." Loona said as she left. "Wow, she didn't have to threaten me if she was seeing somebody already." Rad said. "Hey, don't be flirting with any girl besides Drupe, and I bet she will be furious if you were flirting with someone else besides her." Red said. Pink smoke appeared on the beach and everyone then looked and saw Verosika on a stage on the opposite side of the beach with Verosika in human form on stage saying on the microphone, "Alright Spring Breakers, you ready to get f@#$ed up and make some b@#$%ing bad choices?" Everybody cheered as Verosika said, "This is your final warning call. All aboard."

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