Chapter 9: Human World fighting Concert

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That night at a club, Demonica were performing on stage with many sinners cheering for them, including Cherri and Loona who were in the crowd, and T.K.O was singing on the mic.

"Wow, they sure can thrash around like this." Loona said with a smile. "Yeah, and there's a good reason I like this music." Cherri said. "Even though my boyfriend is playing now?" Loona asked. "Yeah, it's still cool." Cherri said. (Listen to the song before continuing) Later after the show, the band were at backstage as T.K.O said, "Wow, showed them how bada@# I sing." "Yeah, you did." K.O said with a smile. "You did well, I must say young boy." Alastoria said as she came to the brothers. "Yeah, and you still think we're cool?" T.K.O asked with a smile. "Yes, and I came to inform you and your brothers that you are all called to the human world to perform." Alastoria said, and the band felt surprised and C.K.O said, "Wait, they want us to go there again?" "Yes." Alastroia said. "And how did you find that out? You don't have access to the living world, even Overlords don't have that." P.K.O said. "I heard from I.M.P from their recent visit from above, and the humans are expecting you." Alastoria said. "And I guess we're gonna have I.M.P help us get there?" K.O asked. "Yes." Alastoria said. Later at the I.M.P office, Demonica and the Imps, along with Alastoria, were in the meeting room and T.K.O said, "So, why do the humans want us to perform?" "Well, in the city we visited, Lakewood, they are having a UFC match, and they want you guys to perform for the town's contestant in a metal way." Blitz said with a smile. "Wait, Lakewood?" K.O asked. "Yeah, why?" Moxxie asked. "We lived there before we died." P.K.O said. "Oh, that's right." Millie said. "So, you guys gonna help us get there?" T.K.O asked. "Yeah sure, and since we don't have anything else to kill there, we'll do the bodyguard thing." Blitz said. "And can I come again?" Loona asked. "I guess it's fair to come along again Loony, especially since your boyfriend is coming along." Blitz said, with Loona smiling as she is gonna come with. "Hey, what about me?" Said a voice as the door was opened and Cherri Bomb was in the room with her leaning back against the wall. "Cherri, what are you doing here?" Millie asked as she felt surprised to see K.O's girlfriend was in the room. "Oh I heard from the backstage that Demonica, in which my man K.O is part of, are going to the human world, and I say I want to come with." Cherri said. "Whoa whoa whoa lady, you can't come. It's part of the rules." Blitz said. "But without a human disguise right?" Alastoria asked. "Wait, how can she have a disguise? She doesn't even visit the human world." Loona said. "Oh, I did go asked the band's grandfather and he was kind enough to give me a gemstone that can grant a demon a human disguise, and for a sinner it's what they used to be." Alastoria said as she held out a gem. "So does that mean I'll be what I looked like when I was alive?" Cherri asked. "And I bet you were ugly looking, weren't ya?" Loona asked, and Cherri looked at Loona with an angry glare and said, "Hey, I have you know I looked really hot back then, and I still have some of that hot look as a demon." "So how did you look alive, Cherri?" K.O asked, in which Cherri looked at him with a smile and said, "I think that'll be something you'll see when we go up there." "Okay." K.O smiled as he was kinda excited to see how hot Cherri looks as a human. "Excited to see Cherri as a human?" T.K.O asked as he saw K.O's smile, which changed to a blushing expression as he said, "Oh huh well. You know what I mean." Later in the human world in an actor room, the band were in they're human forms and K.O said, "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I can't believe I'm gonna see how Cherri looked when she was alive." "And I hope she is still hot looking as a human." T.K.O said with a smile. Loona, in her human form, came to T.K.O and said in an angry tone as she pointed at him, "Now look here T.K.O, I may have forgiven you about what you did with looking at that anarchist babe, but this time if you even try to flirt and eye her as a human, I'm gonna be shoving my foot, right up your a$# until it's through your mouth." "Okay babe, I'll behave." T.K.O said as he was scared from Loona's threat. Cherri came into the room with a gemstone on a necklace and said, "So, what am I supposed to do with this to turn human?" "Oh, you like put it around your neck and it becomes invisible and your disguise comes out." Millie said with a smile. Cherri felt unsure about it, but decided to do it as she placed the necklace around her neck and it disappeared, and a light engulfed her and she changed into a human version of herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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