Chapter 7: The new manager

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So I'm having genderswapped versions of some of the characters in this story, and how they came here will be explained.

So I'm having genderswapped versions of some of the characters in this story, and how they came here will be explained

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This is what Alastoria looks like, hope you like her design.

On a stage with Demonica at a bar, K.O was at the microphone and said, "Already everyone, tonight is the beginning of something special. We are having T.K.O sing tonight, and he will be singing on other occasions for him wanting to sing." K.O moved and T.K.O went to K.O's position and K.O said on the mic on T.K.O's previous spot, "So little brother, how is it to be the frontman from time to time now?" "It's cool, can't wait to show our crowd what I can do as the lead." T.K.O saif on the mic. "Okay, so what do you want to play?" K.O asked. "I say we play one of the songs we wrote." T.K.O said. "Alright, let's do it." K.O said as he prepared to play his guitar and T.K.O prepared too and the band started playing the song.

The brothers played their song as they played harder than usual while it was similar to their thrash music and T.K.O singer in a very high and hard, and everyone in the bar dashed around like it was a moshpit as they rocked out to the music. (Listen to the song before conutining) After the show, the brothers were in their break room as they were gonna play again in a few minutes, and T.K.O said, "Wow, I do a good job as the second frontman." "Yeah, and you're gonna do it again in a few minutes." K.O said with a smile. "And I think you will be a good second frontman." Said a female voice which sounded like it was on the radio, and the band looked and T.K.O said, "Uh, this is only for members of the band that is playing tonight, which is us, so please leave." "Sorry, but I can't." Said the voice as the owner stepped out of the shadows of the room, and she had the appearance of Alastor, the only thing different was she was around the same height of Charlie, her suit was red and her hair and ears were light pink with some blue here and there, and her skin was a pale pink. "Whoa, Alastor?" P.K.O asked. The woman giggled and said, "Oh no, my name is Alastoria." "As in like some version of Alastoria?" T.K.O asked. "Yes, and let's just say I came from another Hell and I heard that you boys are a band and I decided that you would need a manager since I heard you don't have one." Alastoria said. "Wait, you want to be our manager?" C.K.O asked. "Persiecy." Alastoria said with a smile. "We got a curvy thick hot girl as our manager? Cool." T.K.O said, and Alastoria looked shy and said, "Was that necessary?" "What?" T.K.O asked. "You called me thick." Alastoria said. "Yeah, what about it?" T.K.O asked. "Well, I have men eyeing me like how you are and I had them touch me, including the spot I don't like being touched." Alasotria said with an annoyed look. "Wait, what spot?" T.K.O asked. "I think it's her butt." P.K.O asked, with Alastoria looking surprised and said, "How did you know?" "A guess." P.K.O simply answered. T.K.O also looked surprised as he said, "Wait, Alastoria is sensitive about her a#@ and she doesn't like people touching it?" "Yes, and I don't know why men do that." Alastoria said in annoyment. "So you don't like it when guys slap it, Angel Dust style or something?" T.K.O asked. "Yes, like that pervert spider." Alastoria said in anger. K.O stepped in and said, "Okay okay, let's not go on about this dislikement on butts and probably breasts since I saw hers were pretty big." K.O saw Alasotria's boobs, which were almost as big as Cherri Bomb, and he sweated and blushed as he said, "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to say that." "Well I'll make an expectation since you wanted me to stop complaining about how men look at me." Alastoria said and she then said, "Now, back to the manager's statement." "So, you are gonna like boss us around like some old age school principle or some s@#$?" T.K.O asked. "Not exactly my dear boy, just to manage you and your brothers and help out with your shows and your recordings." Alastoria said with a smile. "Why though? I assume you like old music and perfor them." T.K.O said. "I do, but I am kinda interested in working as your manager." Alastoria said. "Really?" C.K.O asked. "Yes." Alastoria said. "Alright, we'll talk about this after our show, is that fine?" K.O asked. "Of course, there isn't enough time for an interview, so I'll wait till after your next song tonight." Alastoria said with a smile of understandment. THe band were called back on stage and they played like how K.O and T.K.O rearranged with another song.

The bar loved the next song with T.K.O singing again, and Alastoria watched them with a smile, but not like Alastor's as she actually wanted to watch them without any desire to see failure. (Listen to the song before continuing) After the show, the brothers sat in chairs with Alastoria also sitting in a chair in the star room and K.O said, "So you want to like look after us for what reason?" "Well, I guess I was wanting to be the manager of this big band in Hell, which is you four kids, and I even asked our princess for permission to be your manager." Alastoria said with a smile. "Wait, you asked our mom?" T.K.O asked with a hint of anger. "Yes, and she said yes, so now I think you have no choice." The brother's sighed and before they could see more, Alastoria said, "Oh, and I love sweet treats and desserts like cakes, cookies, milkshakes, and sweet candy. I like cute things like puppies and kitties, and I do indeed like to go up to people." "Okay, thanks for those facts." T.K.O said. K.O offered his hand and said, "Well I guess we're glab to have you as our manager." Alastoria smiled as she took K.O's hand and shock it as she said, "Well, I'll do my best as your manager." "And since you don't like your a@# touched, don't let us find you sleeping in our beds with us." T.K.O said, with everyone in the room looking at him and K.O said, "T.K.O." "What? I don't know if she's gonna do that, so we got to be prepared to see if she sneaks into our beds." T.K.O said. Alastoria looked annoyed as she said, "Well I won't do that, I promise you I won't do it, so is that good enough?" "Yeah fine." T.K.O said. The brothers then finished the meeting and they all walked home, witn Alastoria following as she said in her mind, 'I know I promised not to do anything to them, but they are sure handsome, can't wait to see what kind of things they're do as a band.'

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