vi. forbidden corridor

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vi. forbidden corridor

MELODY AWOKE TO yelling and chatter, to which she was not only confused about, but getting a massive headache from.

Why can't I just be in peace for at least one second! It's chaotic, even when I slee—wait.

Melody looked around, her eyes searching the place. Wha—where am I?

This definitely wasn't her bed at home, and there was no way this was hers in the Slytherin's dorm. It was a cozy mattress surrounded by the softest white blankets. Melody poked the mattress, and it sank under her finger. She took off her finger, and it resumed its originally bouncy form. Huh. She looked around, and a curtain of white immediately filled her vision.

"Wait..." Melody mumbled, her gaze catching on a few labeled potions by her bedside. "Is this..."

"Madam Pomfrey, why isn't she waking up yet!" a familiar, anxious voice shouted. "What's wrong with her! You said she should be waking up by now! Is she ill? Is she dead?"

"Miss Nott, I will be asking you to calm down, otherwise I would suggest you to take your lead," an unfamiliar female voice said sternly. "My patients are trying to rest, and it's no good if you keep yelling like this."

"But, Madam Pomfrey!"

Melody tucked an unruly strand of her messy bed-head hair behind her ear and stood up. It wasn't what she expected.

"Whoa!" Melody shouted as she fell over. 

"Mel!" Indi screamed, yanking open the curtains. "Are you okay? Here, let me help you up!"

Melody grabbed Indi's outstretched hand. She tried to take a step, but nearly faceplanted if it weren't for Indi's arm saving her. Am... like a toddler now? Melody thought, bewildered. I can't even walk without help? This is worse than the after effect of Azkaban! Well, not the mental trauma, just the physical trauma. All because of...

Her eyes widened. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone!"

"What?" Madam Pomfrey butted in, her eyes wide and panicked. Melody clamped her mouth shut, internally cursing herself. She wasn't supposed to know about the stone. If Pomfrey told Dumbledore, she would be interrogated by something she didn't know about. And worst case scenario, he might accuse her of working with imprisoned or secret Death Eaters because of her parents...

"I said... Harry Potter is in the choreographer's... show..." Melody said, trying to find words that sounded like 'Philosopher's Stone.' She winced, but still smiled angelically.

"Choreographer's show?"

"Um, yes," Melody fibbed, her insides screaming from behind her calm expression. "Potter in Flying Class... reminded me of... a show I had scene back in the muggle world..."

"Oh," Madam Pomfrey frowned. "I'm sorry, I must have heard you wrong the first time. Well, Miss Socering, you're free to go. Miss Nott, please help her, and do be careful."

As Melody passed, Madam Pomfrey discreetly patted her shoulder. "You might want to take care of the writing on wrist before it smears off," she whispered. "It's a very interesting spell. It wouldn't allow me to use it. Don't let those talents go to waste, Miss Socering."

Melody's eyes widened, her eyes falling onto her arm and Indi tugged her out of the Hospital Wing.

Madam Pomfrey knew...?

And what did she mean by "it wouldn't allow me to use it?" Did that mean... that only Melody, the creator could use it? 

Her heart sped up.

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