Dear Tears

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Dear Tears

We try to hold you in, but you disobey us. It is not easy to hide you because our eyes become watery, and you force your way out as you roll down our cheeks. Yes, I said our cheeks. I am talking about me and my brother, Kace. I do not know how many times we pretended to smile with moist eyes. Nobody knows how many times we pretended to smile with moist eyes because nobody noticed. We were ignored. Our lives have always been displayed as sad eyes of sorrow. Tears follow us from our past and our present. To be honest, Kace and I are not looking forward to future tears because we already know it will be filled with disappointments. However, I promise you, Kace, we will cry our future tears together.

Kace, I see your tears trickle down. We have a lot in common, and one's thing for sure, our tears know our names by heart. Kace, the world does not seem to understand our pain. As icicle tears run down your face. I have drops of tears settled at the corner of my eyes, and they quickly became a flood.

Kace, tears have entangled in our eyelashes as we look through them—we see only the world for what it is, and it is blurry. We were born into a blurry world. We share a mirror of tears because what you see is what you get. Kace, I think it is time to break the curse. They say if you break a mirror, you will have back luck. Well, we've been cursed since birth. Therefore, it is time to shatter the glass in the mirror. We are tired of the lifeless tears. Kace, we've cried so many bitter tears of yesterday because tomorrow has never come. We are immune to salty tears as we drown in an ocean of tears over and over again. When will we be able to come up for air? Sadly, life dunks our heads underwater again as we cry while tears are buried beneath our sheets at night.

Our tears are just like how people see us—they are invisible. That's okay, I see you, and you see me. Kace, we will be invisible together because it seems like our tears will never go away. Our tears have filled the ocean. I would think the ocean would favor us by now and offer us a life jacket. If not, that's okay too because we are each other's life jackets.

We have had many tears stains on our cheeks. Inflamed tears from hurt and red-eye. Bullets of tears from surviving the wars and battles we have lost. Tears from suffering when they tore us apart. Exhaustion tears from always not knowing how to settle our minds. Kace, we've cried a thousand tears, if not millions. Echoes of tears keep calling our names from the past, but we cannot look back. We have to keep pushing and moving forward. We cannot bury ourselves in our tears. Yes, it seems like we cry 'everyday' tears. However, one day, the first tear of the day will be a tear of happiness because we will be together soon.

Until then, our river of tears that continue to keep crashing will keep us alive,


I do not know how many times we pretended to smile with moist eyes. Nobody knows how many times we pretended to smile with moist eyes because nobody noticed.

I are not looking forward to future tears because we already know it will be filled with disappointments.

Tears have entangled in our eyelashes as we look through them—we see only the world for what it is, and it is blurry. We were born into a blurry world. We share a mirror of tears because what you see is what you get

I am tired of the lifeless tears. Kace, we've cried so many bitter tears of yesterday because tomorrow has never come. We are immune to salty tears as we drown in an ocean of tears over and over again. When will we be able to come up for air? Sadly, life dunks our heads underwater again as we cry while tears are buried beneath our sheets at night.

Our tears are just like how people see us—they are invisible. That's okay, I see you, and you see me. Kace, we will be invisible together because it seems like our tears will never go away. Our tears have filled the ocean. I would think the ocean would favor us by now and offer us a life jacket. If not, that's okay too because we are each other's life jackets.

We have had many tears stains on our cheeks. Inflamed tears from hurt and red-eye. Bullets of tears from surviving the wars and battles we have lost. Tears from suffering when they tore us apart. Exhaustion tears from always not knowing how to settle our minds.

Kace, we've cried a thousand tears, if not millions. Echoes of tears keep calling our names from the past, but we cannot look back. We have to keep pushing and moving forward. We cannot bury ourselves in our tears. Yes, it seems like we cry 'everyday' tears. However, one day, the first tear of the day will be a tear of happiness because we will be together soon. Until then, our river of tears that continue to keep crashing will keep us alive.

Somewhere in this world, the tides are rising high and washing away the negative tides of curses that bind my life. Somewhere the sun is sprinkling some glitter on the ocean's surface, and in the same place, a bird's feather is gently floating in the wind. Those thoughts alone give me faith because I know somewhere in the world what I imagine is happening precisely in that order. Therefore, I know that hope and faith do exist, and the impossible is possible. 

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