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On the whole ride home I couldn't stop thinking about how great my day was today.

I'm still kinda new to this school thing and have very few friends. One being my cousin, another being marinette, and now.... kaili.

And the best thing is she is friends with my cousin, joella, too therefore we can all hang out together.

I knew that I had an emergency call to make when I got home, well not emergency.... but emergency.

Master Fu

I have to know if he has given that miraculous out to anyone yet.

I arrive in my bedroom sitting my backpack down by my desk and sitting down on my bed dialing in the number.

He answered

Hey, this is adrien I was wondering if you had handed out the you know what to someone yet?

I have, and she should be here any minute so i really must go-

Can I have a hint?

You know I can't do that-
i could hear a knocking sound from the other end of the line

That is her, I must be going-
He hung up.

I sit my phone down with a sigh.

I just hope she can tolerate my since of humor, and we can be friends.
I know I could never love anyone besides lady bug.... we are truly meant for each other wether she wants to admit it or not.

No one can change my mind.


I followed my GPS on my phone to the address but had to take a short stop at a market because the little white rat thing wouldn't stop begging for cheese.

I approached the door with caution.

I could hear talking from the inside so I decided to knock

I call out.

I see the door slowly open

Hello Ms.DuPont

You know my name-

Of course I do! I knew your mother, such a sweet sweet girl little kambrie was when she was your age. I miss her.

How do you know my mom?

Well the same reason I know you.

Come on in and I will tell you why you are here.

I trusted him... something about him just made me feel like I could. I knew I was here for a reason.... I just don't know what that reason is

I walk into the small house.

It was cozy, there were a few abnormal things... the yoga mats on the floor that seemed to circle around a large red and black box that resembled the one I got my ring in.

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