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(A/N: Double update, to thank you for your patience)

Ram and Ruj spent the day with their mother, out of the house. Ram didn't want his young brother picking up on the sad vibe around the house.

They went to the mall and did some shopping, had lunch out at one of their favorite restaurants, and Ram took them to one of King's greenhouse spots. Those places were really peaceful and beautiful, it really made you feel more at ease with whatever turmoil you had disturbing your peace of mind. The smell of the different flowers really tickled your sense of smell in a beautiful way.

Ram was glad to see his mother feeling so much better, he was happy knowing that she wasn't breaking down every second of the day. They made their way home after getting takeout for their dinner tonight.

"Thank you for the lovely day, spending it with my two lovely sons", his mother said as they were making their way back to the house.

Ram was driving his mom's red Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Premium, it was a smooth sailing car and classier than his bad boy Jeep. It felt good to cater for his mother in her time of need. They got home in no time as the traffic was flowing without any jams.

"I know you're trying to make me not see this, but I know something is wrong. What happened?" Ruj asked as they were having dinner.

Ram kept quiet and glanced at mom while he focused back to my food. He didn't want to breach the subject without her giving the go ahead.

"What do you mean, baby?" Mom asked Ruj.

"Ma, c'mon. I know you know what I'm referring to", Ruj put down his utensils and faced them both.

Mom sighed as she also stopped eating and took a sip from her glass of water. She seemed to gather her wits before discussing this issue.

"Dad hasn't been home since lunch yesterday. And I saw the tension that was there when we were all together for the meal, it wasn't as pleasant as it has been before so I assume something must have happened to cause it", Ruj concluded.

Ram had to hand it to his young brother, he was more observant than he let on. He hadn't thought that he'd notice all that was happening without being told.

The atmosphere was really strained, so rigid, as the adults sated Ruj's curiosity.

King had had an outing with his friends to make up for the cancelled plans the previous night. He had to appease his friends, pay for not telling them sooner that he was an item with Ram.

They hadn't given him too much of a tough time about it, he was thankful for them accepting it without negativity.
"You really do love the weird things, don't you?" Tee had teased him about it.
"I'm glad you have someone strong enough to protect you through the naivety you've got", Bohn had said to him.

"I'm not naive", King had challenged.
"Oh, yeah?" His friends had asked him. "You've been approached so many times, some we had to block before they arrived your way and you never even noticed."
King really didn't know about all this but he didn't care much, he cared about his Cool Boy.

During dinner, his sister had come with her family to join them. His father was present as well.
"So, little brother, I hear you have a lover now", Kumfah started as they were having their dinner.

"P', please don't start with that", King tried evading the topic.
However, Kumfah isn't one to be evaded that easy.
"I have my sources that are very reliable. So no point in denying it", his sister pressed on.

"Oh, my baby found his one already?" His mother joined in as the father also looked at him with interest in this topic.
King didn't like the attention he was getting about this and his sister's husband noticed.
"C'mon, don't bombard him like this. Maybe he's not ready to tell us yet", he said.

King looked at his brother-in-law with gratitude.
"You're right", King's father seconded the brother-in-law.
King felt he had to fess up to his family, sooner or later.

He gathered his strength and put his fork down before breaching the subject.
"It's true", he said as he looked down.
Everyone was quiet, even Kumfah. She knew how much toll it took on you to come out to your family as someone in a same sex relationship.

"Who is she? Is she from a good family? Wait, that doesn't matter. Is she from your university? Where did you meet?" His mother went with all these questions.
"Ma, give him room to breathe and answer all your questions", Kumfah came to his brother's defense.

King took a deep breath and then looked his parents in the eye.
"It's a he, not a she", he said softly.
No sound was heard from all around the table as everyone was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Kumfah was smiling, proud of his brother for having the guts to tell their parents himself. Then his parents looked at each other before saying anything.
"Honestly, with your orientation, I suspected it would come to this", his mother said in an encouraging smile. "I spoke to your father about it a while back, I wanted us to prepare ourselves if ever you'd come out to us. And let me tell you, I'm proud of you for telling us."

King exhaled in relief after hearing all this, he thought his parents would shun him because of this.

"So, what's his name?" His father asked.

"His name is Ram. Oh my gosh, he is so handsome and manly. Very deserving of my cute and stunning brother", Kumfah went into her y-girl mode at the dinner table.

"Honey", the husband called her to make her stop. He knew of his wife's obsession.
King facepalmed himself as his sister said all this. His mother laughed as she listened to her daughter's rants. The father shook his head in amusement, he knew her daughter was rather silly.

"He is Ram. Ram Vera. Yes, he's from my university, same faculty as well but he's still first year. That's where we met", King answered his parents.

"Vera, from Vera Corp.? His father Josh Vera?" His father inquired.
"I don't know, dad. We haven't met each other's parents yet", King answered.

"Oh well, I'm sure he might be the one because that's the only Vera around here. He married a woman from Australia, if I'm not mistaken", his father said.

"Well, Ram is a mix race so it might be him", King answered as they continued with their dinner.

"Well, son, as long as you're happy and won't regret your decision, then we're on your side. Your happiness is what really counts", his parents put in their support.

King got up and hugged both his parents, he was happy they had accepted his choice without any hassles. He was glad to have these kind of parents, it took strength and devotion to accept this kind of matter into the family, but most of all, love.

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