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Ram spent a day and a half with his granny. He hadn't seen her for a while, it felt nice to be with her again. He could hold countless amounts of conversations with her. She was one of the people he always spoke openly to. No judgement would be passed between the two, only sound advice coming from the elderly.

Grandma had noticed when King arrived that his mind was preoccupied with something and it seemed big. She didn't want to rush him into admitting whatever it was, she decided to wait for him to start up that part of the conversation.

"Grandma, I need your advice on something", King said.
Grandma knew it was about what was occupying his mind so much.
"What is it?" She asked while sipping her tea. It was late afternoon already.
King seemed to be contemplating on how to say whatever was on his mind. He seemed to be looking for the proper phrases on how to approach the matter.
"King, what's wrong?" Grandma asked after he was quiet for a while.
"Grandma, I like someone", King said. "I'm scared because of the amount of feelings I have for this person. They're a lot."
Grandma was following the conversation so far, she decided not to disturb until he's said all that he has to.
"My issue is, the person I like, is the same gender as me. I don't know how that will be taken across the family. That's why I decided to start with you, you're most important and you're the one who's always given me the best ways on how to tackle things", King concluded before he looked at his grandma.

Grandma was taken a bit back when hearing this but she wasn't really surprised. From when King was a little boy, she knew that he was different. His hobbies were even more different than the kids his own age. She knew that this would be coming sooner or later.

"King, this is a first. How long have you known this person?" She asked.
"We've known each other for some months now. He's my junior in the university. That's where we met", he told her.
"And his name?"
"His name is Ram. He's a mixed-race", he provided.
The grandma continued with sipping her tea and she didn't look troubled at all, which was baffling King.
"Grandma, why aren't you acting surprised or angry or something? I mean, I just came out to you", he questioned.
Grandma laughed lightly before patting his hand.
"Oh, my King, so what? It's not like it's something that has to give me a heart attack. I know you, remember? You're always sure and accurate with whatever your mind tells you. I trust you", she said to him.
He was amazed that she accepted him so quick but very happy about it.
"You need to bring him here so I can see him", grandma said. "You need to man up and tell your parents if you're sure about him. You've never brought anyone home or even spoke of anyone. That means he really means something to you. So you have to be brave enough to stand up for what is of importance to you."

King felt his grandma was right.
"I hear you, grams. I'll tell ma and pa as soon as possible. Thank you", he hugged his grandma.
They spent the rest of their time tending to some plants. This was where King adapted the love of plants. His grandma had taught him most of what he knew, he researched the rest because it was a passion he couldn't escape. The love he had for plants was really deep.

The next afternoon, he journeyed back to his condo. He knew Ram would be there, waiting for him. It felt good knowing he was there.
"Ai Ning", he called when he got in the condo.
He saw Ram closing the storage door while he was hearing whimpers as well. He knew Ram had just locked in the dogs for his sake, that made him feel more for Ram.
"You're back", Ram said.
Ram really was a man of a few words, but that didn't bother King. King was happy knowing that he was one of the few people that Ram spoke to.
"How was your visit with your grandma?" Ram asked.
"It was great. I missed her so much", King answered and put his bag down on the couch. He sat down and Ram joined him.

They were going back to school tomorrow since the weekend was over.
King's phone went off with a message notification. He looked at Ram, he's the one who normally sends him messages, and he found him with his phone on hand.
I'm gonna move back to my dorm, the text read.
King was surprised to say the least. He was now used to having Ram around even if it hadn't been for long.
"Why?" He asked Ram.
Ram went back to texting again.
Most of my school stuff is there, my uniform too. I've inconvenienced you enough, the text read.
"Ai Ning, I told you, it's not an inconvenience", he said back.
Ram looked at him and said, "My dogs scare you so much."
King couldn't disagree with that. Although he was hoping that with time he'd get over his phobia. While he was still thinking, he didn't notice that Ram had moved closer to him. When he looked up he was met with Ram's light smile.
"We'll still see each other", Ram said.
King didn't know what to say to that.  He felt shy all of a sudden but he didn't want to show it. He looked at Ram and Ram back at him.
Their faces came closer until their foreheads touched. Ram's hand went to hold King on the side of his neck and he pressed his lips against King's. The kiss was very light, a peck to be specific. Their noses were touching while their eyes were closed. King started the kiss again this time. When Ram kissed him back, King gasped and Ram took that as a chance to insert his tongue into King's mouth. Ram tasted King and he loved it. They separated after a while, needing to breathe, and that's when they realized their position. King had straddled Ram's lap as his arms were around his neck. Ram's hands were tight around King's waist, keeping their bodies in contact.
They looked at each other but no one dared to move. Then Ram kissed King on his forehead to show that he didn't mind how they were.
The next thing Ram said was such a shock to King because he didn't expect to hear it. He thought Ram wouldn't say it but he did.

Ram said, "Be my boyfriend."

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