First Day of School

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Lila's P.O.V

As I walked down the crowded hallway of my new school, searching for the main office I couldn't help but feel anxious, wondering if my peers would be friendly like in the books I've read, but you never know, they could be unfriendly too.

When I finally reached the office, I took a deep breath and opened the door. There I was greeted with a nice looking middle aged woman sitting at the desk that had slightly greying black hair and a fair complexion who was filling out what look like some type of paperwork.

"Um.... Excuse me" I said quietly

The woman quickly looked up from the working giving me a welcoming smile, which I nervously returned.

"How can I help you sweetheart?" She asked

"My name's Lila, I'm new here" I said

"Oh okay. Just give me a second" she said while rummaging around her desk looking for something.

"Ah, here it is" she said holding up a piece of paper before holding it out me to take.

"This is your schedule, and this is a map of the school, along with your locker number and combination." She said while handing me two other sheets of paper along with it.

"Enjoy your school year at Forks High School."

"Thank you" I said before turning and walking out of the office. The bell hadn't rang yet, which means that I'm not late yet, I took the remaining time to do something wise and look over my schedule. Okay. I thought to myself while leaning on a nearby wall. I have social studies first period, english second, gym third period,science fourth, lunch fifth,math sixth, and then finally art last period. Hmm seems like an overall decent schedule. Just as I pulled out map to try and figure out where my first class could possibly be, the first bell rang. From what I had found out on the laptop my mom bought me, there are a total of two bells, the first is a bell telling you to get to class and the second is a warning bell telling you you should already be in class.

I started walking in a random direction trying to read my map while still trying to avoid bumping into anyone.186.186.186. I thought repeatedly looking at the numbers on the doors i was passing by and I seem to be going the right way considering I'm already at 173. I finally reached the classroom where I found a lady who looked to be in her mid to late 30s writing on the chalkboard at the front of the room desk, looking like she was about to start speaking. She had purple glasses on that had a tint of red to them and wavy hair that was tied into a ponytail. As I walked into class I couldn't help but feel everyone's eyes on me, and when I looked around the room everyone was staring at me, making me quickly look down.

"Excuse me" i said quietly again just like earlier.

The teacher turned around and I got a better look at her. She was wearing the classic "teacher dress suit" which was a plain black skirt, with a white button down shirt, and a black blazer.

"Sorry I'm late, but I had a little trouble finding the room. I'm new." I said while handing her my schedule

"Oh ok Miss Evans. Just take any available seat" she said handing me back my schedule before turning back to the chalkboard. I turned around to find the class still looking at me, well some, some were on their phones or talking to the people close to them. My eyes scanned the room looking for a good seat for the rest of the year until I found one. I sat in the middle row, putting my bag next to me and patiently waiting for the teacher to begin the lesson. While I was waiting I started thinking what else I needed to buy with the money mom left me. I bet your wondering how I got into school without a parent to enroll me. Well let's just say mom has her ways. I wonder if she's okay?

"Okay class my name is Mrs. Smith and welcome to my class" she greeted us smiling warmly

The rest of the class was spent with us filling out papers about ourselves since Mrs. Smith wanted to know more about us. After we were done we just had free time which consisted of people talking and and me staring out the window because I have no one to talk to. The rest of the school day consisted of pretty much me staring out the window, people occasionally talking to me, making me think I actually had a chance of having friends, and someone even sat with me at lunch. As I got home from the walk home from school I could help but sigh at that interesting and exhausting day as I laid on my bed. That night I ate dinner, and went to sleep excited to see what school would bring tomorrow.


So how ya doin guys!?!? I know you guys are probably SO angry at me for the extreme M.I.A i was having and I am so sorry, but I'm back. A few things before you go:
You guys have probably noticed I have changed the main character's name. I changed her name because I liked the name Lila better than Kylee, so that's why.
Also, I changed her eye color and will probably change the actress playing her, you guys dont have to picture her differently if you don't want to. It's all up to you.
Lastly, i will be updating wayyy more than I was before because I love you guys and I really appreciate your support.
Don't worry Jacob and Lila will definitely meet properly really soon.
Thank you guys so much for 700 reads!!! I'm so happy right now, you guys are the best. Well that's all for this author's note.Byee.

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