My Little Flame( Twilight/Jacob black fan-fic)

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This story belongs to me the story along additional characters besides the original twilight characters belong to me.

... The Twilight Saga belongs to Stephanie Meyer

It all started with the day that Victoria found me. I don't remember that day, considering I was a baby, but I could say I had pretty normal childhood. I don't know much about my background, but I assume I'm a combination of what my parents looked like. I like my eyes the most though their a normal dark brown but I just I think their the best feature I have sad to say. I never really thought about how my life would have been if I wasn't raised by vampires, I just can't imagine it.My name is Lila Evans ... and I am a dragon shifter.

"16 years ago....

Victoria's P.O.V.

I was out hunting for food, or a deer preferably. I am a vampire. But I only drink animal blood, though there was a time that I drank human blood, but that was another time. Running through the forest, I picked up an unmistakable sound. A baby's crying. Why would a baby be in the woods? I thought to myself. Following the sound I found a baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket, she only looked about 4 months old. Who would leave an innocent baby here all alone? Looking around I saw no one, there was a smell, but it was faint, I couldn't track it. Not that I would want to considering they left their child in the middle of the woods. I swear humans are so stupid. As I picked her up and held her in my arms I felt a searing pain run along them, she was boiling hot, I almost dropped her from the heat. Completely forgetting about the hunger, and that I am a nomad trespassing on a coven's territory probably, I took her to the nearest hospital, Forks hospital. Huh, so I'm in Forks. I thought. Rushing into the hospital I told the nurse it was an emergency. After filling out a form of all fake information I gave it back to her , and tried to adjust myself becauserushing in an emergency room covered in dirt from running all the time with no shoes can be a little off putting. As I was escorted into the emergency room, it was hard with being surrounded by blood hearing it pumping hrough all these humans bodies, but I held my breath and focused on Lila, who was looking around the room, and then stared at me before smiling. I retired it and the n wondered why she wasn't crying, she should feel hot not smiling and giggling no matter how incredibly cute it was.

Dr. Hofter came in and asked what the problem was, I said "She's burning up". He then asked for her D.O.B, name, ect. I told him the fake info that I put on the form, but named her Lila. After a while he told me that it was just a little fever and prescribed her some children's medicine, and said to make sure she was well rested, nothing but they did want to run some more tests and give her some shots, and drew some blood from her which was difficult for me but I managed. After he finished I said thank you and headed out to find James and Laurent.

Sometime Later...

Once I found them I told them the story, her blood was still as attracting as a humans was but we had to contain ourselves. She did smell different though, not quit human. I should known then there was something special about her.Not a bad different but she smelled like lilacs and strawberries sometimes, which was strange but at the same time soothing and calming. "What are we going to do with her?" asked James. "I don't know, but we can't just leave her out here" said Laurent. "Let's keep her, she'll be no trouble. Please?????" I pleaded. After much debating it was decided,and from then on she became known as Lila Evans.

15 years later...

Lila's P.O.V.

I was walking through the woods aimlessly, right now we were in C.A. mom, dad, and Laurent had switched back to human blood, which was very uncomfortable for me, so many innocent lives taken, to keep them alive. I've tried to convince them to switch back over but they claimed human blood gave them more energy and they were fuller with it. I still disagree. This is normally how my days go on, exploring wherever we end up next consumed in my thoughts. Suddenly heat spread throughout my body and my legs gave out What's going on? I thought. Then the pain came, excruciating, pain that seemed to last a lifetime along with the screaming that came . It seemed like after every scream, the pain only intensified. Finally, it go to what seemed like it's peak and all I head was cracking. I didn't bother to look around to see what it was I was a little preoccupied at the moment. Then I saw it my skin slowly become hard and scaly , my hand turning into claws along with my feet, and pretty soon my screams were replaced with weird gargling sound. I smelt like someone was pulling me off the ground but I was really grwing, and there I stood on all fours. A dragon. The pain now replaced with fear as I ran to a nearby pond and looked at my reflection. I tried to scream but that gargling sound came out again. After I called down I took in my features. Dark red scaly skin, golden eyes widened from fear, but how. I sat there wandering for hours then I realized how am I going to change back! Ok Lila calm down just think about being human. But you're not human you're a freaking dragon. I took deep breaths imagining I was back to being me, and slowly I felt my bones crack back into place which wasn't as painful as shifting the first time but it still hurt. I quickly went into town looking for any resource to search what happened, when I stumbled across a library. After some research of the computer, all I found was a bunch of fake supernatural arrivals and a website where people explained how to 'become a dragon by using different recipes. It solved nothing. I was still confused and scared and frustrated, so I went back to the woods. Mom was worried sick looking around for me and I explain to her what happened she was freaked out and did not know what that had happened either so now I just have to cope with it. My secret.
We thought if we went back to where I was found in Forks Washington then maybe we can find some answers on what I am. It was a long shot though

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