Properly Meeting the Cullens

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Lila's P.O.V.

Today all of the periods I had before lunch did not matter because at lunch was the first time I saw the Cullens today and that's when I would start my plan. Normally I would stroll into the cafeteria, looking around carelessly until i got to my table, but today I walked into the cafeteria with my eyes fixated on one table only and never looked away until I was standing right in front of the Cullens.

"Hello" I said cheerfully with the the biggest smile on my face which was obviously fake to me but not to them.

"Hi" one of them said equally maybe even more cheerfully than me. She was a tiny girl with brunette hair styled short. Alice. mother had told me their names along with their descriptions and powers a while ago.

"I just came over here to say hello since I am new here and not many people come over here to talk to you guys so I figured I should. I'm Lila" I said looking around the table while doing so to see their expressions. The whole table looked shocked especially Bella. Trying to conceal the amount of disgust I had for her was overwhelming especially being so close to her, but I managed.

"Well I'm always up for making new friends! I'm Alice" she said with enthusiasm.

"I'm Jasper" the blonde one next to her said

"Emmett" a buff brunette said with a smirk.

"Rosalie" the blonde girl said with disdain

"I'm Edward and please forgive Rosalie, she's not used to newcomers." said the boy next to her with a small smile. He had bronze colored hair with an average build. As soon as he said his name I only thought happy thoughts to avoid my mind being read.

"Hey. I'm Bella" she said with a small smile like Edward's.

"Well...okay. I'm going to go now I just wanted to say hi.

"You can sit with us for lunch if you want to" Alice said.

"Um, well I normally sit with my friends I said pointing in the direction of the table where my friends were staring wide eyed at the Cullens and I.

"Yeah Alice let her go sit with her friends."

Rosalie more like demanded Alice.

"Nonsense, I insist" Alice said rolling her eyes at Rosalies remark and smiling at me.

"......Okay, I guess so just let me tell them" I said before walking off towards my table where I was greeted with faces of shock and excitement.

"Oh my God" Kate squealed while she all but shook the life out of me.

" I cannot believe you actually talked to the Cullens, like legit had a had a conversation with them." Kate said while Linda and Danielle nodded enthusiastically with the biggest smiles on their faces.

"It wasn't a conversation. It was more of me just introducing myself to them." I said in a pathetic attempt to try and calm them down.

"As if." Danielle scoffed "But what did they say?" she said almost falling out of her seat

"Actually that's why I came over here. Would you guys mind if....." they looked at me expectedly "I sat down at lunch with them?"

"Aaahhh" Kate screamed in excitement resulting in the nearby tables to stare at us strangely.

" Why are you still here talking to us?! Hurry and get over there" Linda said in exasperation

"Yeah, I mean it's not everyday you get asked by the Cullens to sit at lunch" Danielle said with a smile so big on her face I thought it was going to crack.

"After school you better give us every single detail."said Kate, a serious look on her face.

"Okay. Well I should-" "GO!" they all yelling interrupting me in the middle of my sentence sending me walking off to the Cullen table where an empty seat was waiting.

"So" Alice said looking me straight in the eye as I sat down " What's your full name?"

"Lila Evans"

" Where did you move here from?" asked Edward asked. What was this an interrogation? I thought.

"California" was the the first state that left my mouth seeing as that was one of my states.

"That's pretty far from here"Jasper said

"Yeah well, it was time for a fresh start and it's a little too crowded for my liking"I said and I wasn't lying. California was crowded from when my family had traveled there but at least I had enough space to fly once in a while without being seen.

That's pretty much how the whole lunch period went. The whole table asking me questions about my life minus Rosalie's snide comments, me asking them questions about their lives. That went on until one minute before lunch was over I asked the question"Do you guys have best friends?"

Bella was the first to answer." Mine is Jacob Black. He lives in La Push"

"I've heard of La push before. It's a Native American reservation right?" I questioned even though I already knew it was.

"Yeah. It's really nice, they have a beach and everything, but it's a small town, much like this one."Bella said with a smile.

"Well I'm definitely going to be going to the beach now that I know one is close by" l laughed just as the bell rang.

"Thank you so much for sitting with us" Alice said while getting up and hugging me. To say I was shocked was an understatement. It was kind of weird and welcoming at the same time. Mom gave me hugs too, but still hugging someone who I just met was different. So i hugged back, said goodbye to everyone else and we parted ways.

The walk home was probably the happiest walk home I've had in my couple of days at Forks High and as I was doing my homework, I suddenly stopped and realized what just happened today. I became friends with the Cullens..... well more like an acquaintance but still. That is one more step towards finishing my plan and I am happy with that.

Snuggling into my bed, I turned off my lamp next to me and let my thoughts run wild, thinking about the Cullens, the wolves, mom, dad, Laurent, the wolves, but most of all I thought about the plan. With this plan I would make sure that the Cullen's didn't ruin anymore families. Maybe I would go to the beach tomorrow if my friends were up to it and ask the Cullen's to come too. If it's one thing I know is that Alice seems to like me and the others apart from Rosalie seem to like me too. That should be enough to convince them I would make a good friend. I'll always have to watch my thoughts  when Edward's around though. If I let one thought slip that could give away my own I'm done and I can't have that. I thought before sleep took over.


I am such a horrible person because I have not been updating like I said I would because I have been busy lately, but I promise now and I truly mean it this time I WILL update more. I am so so so so sooooooooooo sorry guys but I'm back now so that's what counts also thank you guys for 1.5K reads, you guys are Awesome with a capital A. See what I did there *wink wink* No? okay. Also thank you guys for all of the support and alllll of these amazing comments. Yes I'm talking to you guys. I am sorry that I didn't reply to your comments but unfortunately wattpad has this weird thing. I don't know if its just my phone or what but if I search for my book on wattpad, it doesn't let me read past the first 3 chapters. Soo I have to go on the website, search for my book, read the comments, and feel bad because I can't reply, but I'll just log out of my phone, and log onto my computer to reply hopefully it works :-).

P.s~. this note was probably skipped by most but not all so thank you to the ones that read it through. Again sorry for not updating as much and I promise Jacob and Lila will meet in the next chapter that should be up this be so... Bye guys and thank you all so much again.

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