La Push

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Swimming had always been something I loved to do. Feeling the water completely surrounding you to me was just so peaceful. I loved it even better when I was swimming in my dragon form, especially at the beach. Diving under the water and exploring the ocean full of fish and coral is just so amazing to me.

"psst, Lila" Danielle whispered breaking me out of my thoughts

"What is it" I whispered back turning around in my seat

"You're not copying down the notes on the board"

I didn't even notice, I was too lost in my thoughts I guess.

"I was just thinking, thanks for telling me though."

"No problem" she smiled


"So I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to the beach sometime this week?" I asked




"Let's go Saturday. I have plans tomorrow" Danielle said

"Let's do it" I said excited at the fact of going to the beach. "What should I bring ?"

"Your bathing suit obviously" Linda said while rolling her eyes.

"And a towel. Ohhh and sunscreen definitely." Kate added.

So that was it. The beach was definitely a go and I couldn't wait especially since I had friends to go with.

~The beach~

"Ahh don't you just love the feeling of the sun on your skin" Danielle sighed.

"Totally" Linda said "but I would love it even better if there were a few hot guys around. It's completely dead around here." She added looking around the almost deserted looking beach.

"Wow. You really love male attention. Don't you? Danielle said

"Um well we do need them in order to have children Danielle, and because I don't want the human race to go extinct I'm just simply looking for a guy who's preferably tall, extremely hot, and will give me everything I want." Linda said smartly making us all laugh.

"Don't we all" Kate said chuckling.

"Ohh looks like your wish came true Linda." Dani said fanning herself with her hand while looking to her left.

"What are yo- oh my goodness"Linda gasped.

Feeling excluded I looked to see what the big fuss was all about. It was a group of tan boys, all extremely fit, shirtless, just playing around, and for once I felt something different , a new emotion. Not fear, or anger, or happiness, or sadness, it wasn't anything I had felt before. I can't explain it, like something building up inside of me.

They were a thing of beauty, that's for sure but something was off setting about them. They didn't smell like the humans I've been attending they looked buffer than anyone I've seen before.

"Let's go over there and talk to them, you know to be friendly" Kate said smiling.

"Of course, I'm always up for making new friends" Linda added

"I think I'm going to stay here guys"I said. I was really curious, but I really don't feel like watching my friends flirt with a group of guys.

"Suit yourself"Dani said getting up followed by Linda and Kate.

Turning my gaze back on the ocean I pretend to be completely uninterested but really I was listening intently for the conversation about to take place.

My Little Flame( Twilight/Jacob Black fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now