Standing Tall

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As I ran through the moss covered forest, two words repeatedly flashed through my mind. Get Home. I had stepped on so many rocks that I was sure that I was sure my feet were bleeding by now. I'm almost home when I hear foot steps behind me, pounding foot steps that no human could make.

Smelling the air, I could already tell what this was, Wolves, and not the normal kind. I pick up my pace pushing my legs to go faster. I had a pretty good head start, but I knew they would catch up in no time considering the fact they run at incredibly fast speeds. My lungs are burning and my heart is begging me to stop but I know I can't or else I'll be done for. Nearing what looked like a cliff I stopped, only to realize that there was a river nested in between the two separated sides.

Looking back, I see them nearing, their eyes were focused on nothing except for me. Knowing I stood no chance in this form, I jumped into the shallow river praying they wouldn't follow. I ran to the other side and started climbing up. I was half way up when they reached the river. I forced myself up with the last bit of energy I had praying they wouldn't jump in the river and rip me to shreds. I could handle myself when it came to fighting in dragon and human form but I was exhausted and the shifting into my dragon isn't exactly a two second process.

I finally pulled myself up. Turning around, all of the pack was staring at me with such ferocity, growls and snarls filling my ears. I couldn't run anymore ,I had to fight or I would surely die. As I was about to change into my dragon form I noticed the wolves weren't moving, only staring as if they couldn't come over to this side. We stood there for what seemed like hours but was really minutes with me eyeing their next move and them glaring at me. Finally with much hesitation, I turned around and ran into the forest, keeping an alert ear out in case they tried something sneaky. Nothing happened. So I kept running into a forest before stopping. After catching my breath, I looked at my surroundings analyzing everything. The trees, the moss, the dirt, the rocks. Trying to decide on which way to go, I heard twigs snapping, and wind whooshing, and smelled that vampire smell I had become so accustomed to. This time I was ready, taking in a deep breath and then releasing it, I started to imagine myself into dragon form. Feeling the cracking of my bones was not as painful as it once was, in fact I barely felt it at all. I was used to it.

I stood ready for whatever creatures that were headed my way. They came in a group of seven with faces I had seen before. The Cullen calm of course.The ones on the battlefield that fought my mom.It had been so lonely without her. They gathered around me and a blonde haired one came up to me.

"What are you doing here. You have no right to be here."

I snarled at him, making it evident that I did not care that I was in their land. He glanced around at him companions and gave a small nod. They all spring into action and pounced on me. Since the dragon form I was in had no other specialties except for flying that is what I tried to do. Flapping my Wings I felt myself being lifted off of the ground. I had to navigate past the branches and get enough height to get through the top of the trees at the same time. They were trying to drag down but I still kept pushing until I was finally in the open air and I took off.

I twisted and turned in mid air, I flew up and then dived, anything I could do to get them off of me. Their grasp on me was tight but I finally got free of them and flew for what felt like minutes but I knew they would be following me, running beneath the trees. I need to do something, so I got to the very edge of the forest and changed back to human form. I ran aimlessly through the streets not knowing how far my house was from here or how to get there. I stopped and took a deep breath, taking in the smells and sounds and finally calming myself down enough so that I could focus. I recognized faintly where I was and tried my best to navigate to my house to no avail. Finally I stopped and asked someone, he was a man who looked about in his 40's with dark brown hair with a little grey in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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