Married Life

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It had been 3 years since I married the love of my life Drew McKenzie. He has not only saved me physical, but emotionally as well. He was my rock and taught me how to come out of shell and really love and let someone so unexpected love me.

He was a star on the Bruins. His first year he took the league by storm and lived up to all the hype around him. Immediately sponsors were knocking on his door to be tied to the next NHL superstar. Jay took him under his wing and helped him navigate through traveling and having a good family life. I was so thankful for that.

As for me, I graduated Harvard early and just this spring finished my residency at the same hospital where my mom works.

They offered me a position right on the spot and I took it. I am now a practicing doctor in the NICU at the hospital. I love coming in everyday and watching these little miracles thrive and grow bigger and strong enough to head home with their parents.

I walk into work and see my friend Ashely at the reception desk. "Hey Dr. McKenzie, how are we this morning?" she asks.

"I am alright, I woke up a little nauseous. I think the sushi I had last night didn't agree with me too much," I say smiling.

"You still heading to Drew's game tonight?"

"I wouldn't miss it. They are playing the Rangers so my brother is in town too. He always gets on my case about voting against him," I say laughing a little.

She smiles and hands me my patient files for the day and I start my rounds in the NICU.  I love that I can give these super parents some reassurance that their little ones will be okay.

After a couple of hours I have finished off my rounds and am just about to leave the NICU and I see my husband right outside the doors smiling.

I walk out the doors and smile, " Hey what brings you to my neck of the woods?" I aks.

"Well Baby Anderson, I just thought I might swing by and bring my wife a well deserved tea and a kiss from her very sexy husband," he says leaning in and kissing me.

I blush and kiss him back, "Why do you insist on still calling me that nickname.  I haven't been an Anderson for 3 years now," I say smiling.

"You will always be Baby Anderson.  I think I call you that more than Emily.  It's just something between us," he says kissing me.

I smile and pull back, "You ready for tonight's game?" I ask.

"Yep all ready and pumped to kick your brother's butt, but I want to make one little request," he says smiling.

"Oh and what might that be Drew?" I ask.

"When I get home tonight I want you wearing just this sexy doctor's coat and a pair of heals. This look is very sexy," he says winking.

"Stop it.  I am at work and people are now staring at how red my face is," I say blushing.

"Alright I will stop for now, but promise me you'll just be wearing this," he says touching my coat.

"I promise, but score me a couple of goals tonight," I say.

"Can do Baby Anderson, can do," he says giving me a kiss and heading out.

I finish up my morning paper work and do some more quick rounds.  I stop in the cafeteria for a quick lunch and manage to keep that down as my stomach was really hungry.

The afternoon goes by quickly and before I know it I am handing over all my patient files to the on coming  doctor and head out to get ready.

I get home to our modest sized house.  After Drew got signed he figured it was time to up grade the house and I had to talk him out of buying a huge house several times. I told we only need a house to fit us and maybe a couple of additions later down the road.

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