Chapter 4

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The first thing (Y/n) heard when she started waking up was the sound of drums playing and the native peoples yelling and speaking. It was complete gibberish from what she could hear in that moment. She felt her arms and legs bound to a pole, hanging above the ground. She felt the natives carrying her come to a stop, and looked to see Will also hanging from a bamboo pole. Looking around, she stopped at the sight of their chief.

"Jack?" (Y/n) whispered, shocked at the prospect of seeing him once more. He was sitting on a throne, a crown with a skull on his head and a feather duster in his hand. He had eyes painted on his cheeks and a green bug painted on his nose. (Y/n) was puzzled.

"Jack? Jack Sparrow!" Will said, beginning to chuckle in relief. Jack looked around at those surrounding them "I can honestly say I'm glad to see you!"

Jack got up from his throne and walked over to Will, poking his shoulder.

"Jack, it's us! Will Turner and (Y/n) Rogers!" (Y/n) cried. Jack looked her way for the first time. She saw a bit of hesitation and remembrance in his eyes, but he hid it and resumed his chiefly stature.

"Pah se ko?" Jack asked one of the natives that brought them in.

"Teen dada, eeseetis." said the native, and the other agreed with him, chorusing, "eeseetis", whatever the hell that meant.

"Tell them to let us down!" Will said to Jack, but he was ignored. From what (Y/n) could gather, and what she could see, Jack had become the chief of these natives, who appeared to be cannibals by the amount of skulls surrounding them.

"Jack, please don't tell me you became the king of an island full of cannibals." (Y/n) asked, but received no reply.

"Kele lam. Nom piki piki, nom minsi winsi." Jack said, and it scared (Y/n) that she didn't know what they were saying. Surely Jack wouldn't let these cannibals just eat them, right? Jack walked over to Will and looked down in between his legs. "Lam seisei, eunichi. Snip snip." he said, miming scissors.

"Eunichi." the natives repeated in disgust.

Jack walked over to (Y/n) and examined her, poking her in different places, which made her squirm slightly. "Jack, what in the devil's name are you doing?" she asked, and, yet again, received no reply. Only a poke to her chest, where he moved a bit of the cloth, the large pendant he gave her now showing. Recognition flashed in his eyes, and he paused for a few moments, looking into (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes. He regained himself, and spoke more gibberish to the natives, who nodded in understanding and looked at her with interest, making her uncomfortable.

Jack walked away slightly, but the compass on his hip caught Will's eye. "Jack, the compass! That's all we need. Elizabeth is in danger. We were arrested for trying to help you. She and (Y/n) both face the gallows!"

Jack stopped and turned back to the natives, saying, " Seiserom shup shup sha smame mame shuku, savvy? Maliki liki." He brushed them away with his hands.

"Maliki liki!" the natives repeated.

Jack bent down to (Y/n)'s ear and whispered, "Save me!" before the natives ushered them away, chanting.

"Wait! Jack!" (Y/n) called, trying to loosen her bonds.

"Jack, what did you tell them?" Will asked frantically. "No! What about Elizabeth? What about (Y/n)!? Jack!"

They were brought to the end of a bridge, untied, and put inside a cage with the half of the crew of the Black Pearl.

"Gibbs! Cotton! Marty!" (Y/n) said, thankfully, seeing those in front of her.

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