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The three of us walked up the stairs in some theater lobby and came to a halt in the line for the front desk, there was pretty piano playing some people gave Bill and me dirty looks because of what we are wearing 

"If people are ticked off at me I have the right to know why," Leo said to Billy who rolled his eyes

"Do yourself a massive favor and shut up for a minute, yeah?" Billy growled, I took Leo's arm and leaned against his shoulder the person in front of us moved and Billy walked up "Sorry, I'm looking for a couple of your employees" he said to the man "Laura Machin and Carla Machin" 

"Yeah, up the stairs door on the right" the man mumbled, we followed his instructions and found them the little girl looked rather scared and she had a right to be 

"Are you the girl who lost her teeth?" I asked 

"Keep your voice down" the woman scolded "no one here at the hippodrome knows, what would they think if they found out her teeth had been stolen by some demon. No one wants a toothless girl selling ice cream, it's not exactly a good image" 

"Just one question Ms. Machin" Leo spoke up "the night that this thing took Carla's teeth, she left a tooth under her pillow?" 

"No," Ms.Machin said "she lost her last baby tooth a couple of years ago"

"Wait so it took her teeth at random?" I asked this was new

"It took all her adult set now she's going to have to wear dentures for the rest of her life dentures at nine years old" the woman spat "kids on the street won't even play with her anymore" the girl took her dentures out to reveal her empty mouth, I clutched onto Leo's arm tightly. The next interview we had was with John Cooper so we started walking to his house, that girl without teeth left a disturbing image in my mind 

"Hanna" Leo called catching up with me "why is everyone so mad at me" we walked for a bit more before I decided to answer 

I sighed "It's not my place to say, I'm not mad at you though" I assured him "I'm sure they'll come around soon" we continued to walk to a house and I knocked on the door. A man opened it 

"Mr.John Cooper?" I asked timidly "Hi, sorry to disturb you" the man gave me a confused look 

"is that your son?" Billy asked "Hi there" he gave the little boy a bright smile which was very rare for Billy 

"Don't speak to him" the man said "don't even look at him, go and beg somewhere else" 

"We aren't beggars" I stepped forward "we're helping to-"

"I don't care who you are" the man snapped walking closer to me, Leo took my arm pulling me 

"What on earth is that supposed to mean," Leo asked 

"Do I know you?" he asked, he looked back at me "you two are siblings" 

"Yes we are but you don't know us," I said quickly, Billy looked at me and I shook my head signaling that he shouldn't ask a question now 

"What is a lad like you doing hanging out with two rats like them," he asked Leo totally disregarding that we were siblings which was very odd

"Excuse me I'll have you know" I started yelling but Leo covered my mouth with his hand to keep me from telling our secret I struggled a bit in his grasp 

"See, a Kitten" Billy said before he walked up to John dangerously 

"Go ahead try it" the man taunted Billy "I dare you, I'm a retired captain of the British army and a professional bodyguard, I'd absolutely destroy you" oh he must have been at the palace once or twice 

"Just so you know," Billy said walking away "I'm on the streets cause my dad was in the army too, only he wasn't lucky enough to come home" he marched away and Leo and I hurried after him we walked up a dark alleyway 

"Billy?" Leo asked "Billy stop, Billy" 

"You wanna know why I don't like you, Leo?" Billy yelled "why people are annoyed at you? everywhere we go people like him, people like you treat us like that" he pointed to dirt on the sidewalk "like shit" 

"Billy please" I said softly, I didn't want them to get into an argument 

"I'm not like him," Leo said 

"I've met lads like you hundreds of times Leo, you're a dabbler, so posh, so rich that life's become boring so you thought it might be fun hanging with poor people just come and go as you please" did Billy still think of me like that? he probably did 

"No you're wrong" Leo yelled 

"Maybe even sleep with a poor girl?" Billy added "poor girls don't matter you can just use them and dump them back in the gutter" Billy walked away 

"You don't know anything about-" Leo started to say but he fell onto the sidewalk  

"Leo" I yelled rushing to his side "Are you alright, did you cut yourself" my heart started beating quicker, if he was bleeding we would have a huge problem

Billy scoffed "afraid of a little cut are we," he asked angrily looking at me and then back to Leo 

"He has fucking hemophilia Billy" I yelled "he could die if he gets cut" Leo held onto his knee "show me," I said and Leo lifted his pant leg to reveal a terrible bruise 

"Jesus Christ," Billy said "why didn't you say something"

"I didn't want to slow down the investigation" Leo responded, Billy, sat down next to us on the curb "when I was born the doctor said he had never seen a human being so unsuited to life, he'd never seen one as broken as I am" I looked at the ground feeling bad for my brother 

"That's where you're going wrong," Billy told him "you can't go around telling people you're broken, you're here aren't you"

"Thanks, Billy," Leo said softly. Billy helped Leo up

"Come on kitten," he said and I was shocked if I gave anyone a nickname I would probably never use it 

"I didn't think you were actually going to call me that" I laughed 

"You proved me right earlier when you were about to attack that man" Billy laughed with me 

"Yeah I guess I did" 

The Dark and The Light-BillyWhere stories live. Discover now