Saving Jess

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"Jess we are going to be ok" I panted as she closed us into a room looking terrified 

"How can you know that?" she cried 

"Our friends will find us, I promise," I told her, we turned around to take in the room, and standing in the other corner was Allan we both gasped and leaped back terrified 

"I've been looking for the two of you everywhere," he said walking forward "I suppose we all must seem exceptionally strange to you Jess, millions of people around the world wear special hats because of religion, neck chains with the image of a murdered man" Jess took my arm and we ran to the other corner "are we crazier than they just because we are fewer in number, do they too not believe in miracles and magic"

"Leave her alone" I spat shaking a bit 

"The path of an ipsissimus is a lonely one, Jessie," he told her "people will try and take advantage of you, I could help guide-"

"Look at yourself" Jess sneered "you're still the person who stole a deck of cards from a dying man, it's not magic that makes a person powerful, it's kindness, it's decency" 

"I would do anything you asked if you give me some of what you have" Allan begged, grabbing onto her wrist 

"Let go of her" I yelled trying to tear his grasp away

"You're hurting me" Jess whimpered "please" suddenly he let her go and we both sprinted out of the room as fast as possible 

"Where are we going?" I asked as we ran 

"I have no idea" she responded turning around different corners and going up random staircases, our friends had to find us soon, if they didn't we would have a huge problem "B, B" Jess called frantically as we winded up another staircase 

"Jessie" a voice whispered, we whipped around in search of the person who that voice belonged too 

"Jess, don't listen" I cried 

"Jessie," the voice said again and Jess was put under some sort of trance "where are you my love" I shivered at the voice "I need you to come to me"

"No," I took hold of Jess's arm 

"Be with me" the feminine voice whispered, Jess began to walk down the stairs, I tried to pull her back but whatever magic had been cast upon her made Jess stronger, she pulled herself from my grasp with ease and she took off at a run 

"Jess, come back" I yelled running after her "Jess" she opened the door to the house and began to walk out "Jessie please stop" I cried grabbing her arm again 

"I have to be with her" Jess cried, who did she need to be with, without warning Jess threw me into a wall and began to walk across the field, I stood up and went after her 

"Come to me Jessica" the voice was still whispering as I tried to catch up with Jess, we were approaching the folly and I ran some more, I was very tired but I couldn't stop, Jess walked into the tower while I was still running up the last hill 

"Hanna" a voice called my name but I didn't stop running, our friends had found us but it might be too late, I rushed into the tower and no one was there, then I noticed the door to a staircase open, I started to run again, my calves were burning and my chest was tight 

"Hold onto this Jessica" I heard a woman say, it had to be Patricia, I was nearing the top and I would reach Jess soon "no earthly force will be strong enough to remove your grip"


I got to the top of the tower to see Patricia kissing the top of Jess's hand "don't touch her" I yelled 

"You think you can stop me?" Patricia laughed and I was thrown into a wall, I screamed as my head collided with the stone, black dots danced in front of me, I tried to move but I wasn't able to, Patricia started chanting  and a storm brewing above us, Jess was just smiling at the storm and I still couldn't move, it was becoming frustrating 

"JESS" I heard someone yell from below 


"JESSIE" our friends were here, Spike appeared from the stairwell 

"Hanna are you ok," he asked running to me 

"I'm fine, just help Jess" I yelled, my pinky was now able to move so that was something

"Come on Jess, you have to help me fight it" Spike cried tugging on Jess's arm "you're under her control, you're going to get yourself killed"

"No Spike" Jess yelled "I promised her I would stay here, I promised her, I love her and I'm going to die for her" both of my arms could move now and I was slowly able to twist my neck as well

"Why aren't you helping?" Spike screamed to me 

"In case you haven't noticed I can't move my fucking legs" I shot back at him and he nodded understanding, my whole top half was unfrozen now I just needed my legs to move 

"Jess, listen to me," Spike said "I know someone you love told you not to move but you love me too right?" Jess looked at him she seemed to be a little bit out of the trance "I love you and since I love you I think you should give me a hug, Jessie do you love me? please"

"Fight it Jess" I yelled as I was able to unstick my left leg and move it around "come on" I groaned hitting my other leg

"Yes, I love you" Jess cried and Spike pulled her out of the way just before a bolt of lightning struck the pole she had been holding onto, my right leg could move now and I stood up rushing to my friends 

"Jessica, I told you not to move" Patrica yelled 

"I'm sorry" Jess responded 

"Grab the pole Jessica, now" she yelled, Spike and I grabbed onto Jess as she tried to reach the pole again, it was a struggle and she was still quite strong "shoot them" Patricia commanded Allan, he raised the gun and pointed it at me 

"I can't," Allan said 

"You're pathetic Allan" Patricia spat taking the gun herself, she aimed the gun as Spike about to shoot when Allan pushed her into the poll just as lightning struck, she was thrown to the side and killed instantly 

"Spike, Hanna, what's going on?" Jess asked gripping onto us

"Christ, I thought we lost you," Spike said and pulled us both into a hug, the three of us stood there clinging to each other, the sun started to rise, we were no longer trapped in time 

"We did it" I grinned  

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