2- Orlando

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I woke up early in the morning around 6:30. I wanted to get a head start on getting to Orlando, since it was about 4 and a half hours away. I showered and got ready. I threw on some black shorts, a blue button-up crop top, and my black slid on vans. I brought my bags downstairs and put them in the trunk of the car. I got up my mom and sister around 7:15-ish. We left the house at 7:50. I made a stop at Starbucks. I went in and told Tess about me leaving for Orlando as she made my moms, sisters, and I's order. After that, we got on the road for our 4 and a half hour adventure. We played some songs and jammed out while I drove us. We had been on the road for about 2 hours when I decided to stop for gas and a little restroom break. I pumped some gas and my mom and 'Drista' were using the bathroom and getting a snack for us. We had got back on the highway and listened to music while snacking on our snacks. Siri told me that we'd be at our destination in about 45 minutes. I was so excited and a little nervous too.

It was around 1:25 when we arrived at Clays house. I grabbed my bags from the trunk and we started to head to the door. We knocked on the door and a man with a familiar face opened the door. "Oh hello y/n, 'Drista' and momma Clay" the man said with a chuckle. "Hey George, is Clay here?" "Yes, come on in" we stepped inside and saw a huge open downstairs area. "Clay! Your family is here!" George yelled upstairs to Clay. Shortly after George yelled down to them, he came down the stairs. "Hey guys!" Clay said coming in for a hug. We all hugged him back. Clay, mom and 'Drista' talked for a bit. They told me bye and we said we'd talk to each other later, then they left. "God you've grown since the last time I've seen you!" Clay exclaimed. "You too!" I chuckled. "So here's your room up over here" Clay led me over to a bedroom right next to the living room. It was a nice bedroom, it was a pretty good size too. It was very modern, and I liked the style. "Thanks pissbaby" I said smirking at him "Oh shut up short-stack" we chuckled at the nicknames we had given each other a while ago. The memories were nice. "So Clay, I've already met George, but doesn't someone else live here too?" "Yes, Alex. He's at the grocery store right now. He'll be back soon. Why?" "Oh, I was just wondering because I knew it was you and George obviously, but I couldn't remember if Alex still lived with you guys" I said unpacking my bag. "Oh ok. He should be home soon. We should all watch a movie tonight and catch up. Also to get you more introduced to Alex since you've never met him" "Okay, I like that idea" I said with a smile. "Well I'll let you unpack, see ya in a bit" Clay said before leaving my room.

It took me about an hour to unpack things and get organized. Right after I finished, I heard the front door open. "Hello everyone, I'm home" A voice called out. "I bet that's Alex" I thought to myself. I walked out of my room and everyone was in the kitchen. They were all chatting and putting groceries away as I entered the room. "Oh Alex, this is y/n, y/n this is Alex" Clay said. "Uh hey, I'm Alex" Alex said holding at his hand for me to shake it. I felt my face get a little hot. "Hello, I'm y/n nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand. "Same here" he replied with before he went back to putting groceries away. Oh my god I thought to myself. He's so hot and sweet. I must've zoned out thinking about this because George called my name twice. "Y/n! You good?" He said in his soft British accent. "Uh yeah I'm good, sorry I must've zoned out" "Oh, it's alright. You were just freaking me out there for a sec" George said with a chuckle.

About 2 hours later around 4:30, Clay and George were in the living room talking and Alex was making dinner in the kitchen. "Whatcha making" I said sitting down at the island trying to make casual conversation. "Well Clay told me you really like spaghetti and garlic bread, so I'm making that" he chuckled as he put the garlic bread in the oven. "Well he is very right" I said with a chuckle. I went and sat with George and Clay until Alex called us over for dinner. It smelled amazing. "Thank you" I said sitting down at the table "Oh no problem y/n" he said with a little smile. My cheeks turned light pink and I could tell. We started eating and it was very delicious. "Mm that was good" I said after everyone finished "Thanks, and you have a good taste in food" he smirked looking at me. "Haha no problem, and I know, Italian food is amazing" I said with a chuckle. "Well guys y/n and I discussed earlier that we should all watch a movie and get to know each other a bit" "sounds good" George and Alex agreed. We all walked into the living room and sat down in the comfortable couch. We put in some random movies because we weren't really paying attention anyways. "First, y/n you should tell me and Alex a bit about yourself since I'd hope Clay knows more about you" George said with a chuckle. "Ok than. Well I'm 17, I have one friend named Tess. I do online school, I stream and have a YouTube channel. I'm a night owl and I have a caffeine addiction" I said with a chuckle "And that's pretty much it. Tell me about you George" I said looking at him. "Well I'm 24, I also stream and have a YouTube channel. I'm colorblind. I was born in the UK, then I moved to Florida shortly after getting together with Clay" he said that as he gave Clay a little smile "And that's pretty much it. I can't really think of much" he said shrugging. "What about you Alex?" I said looking at him. "Oh erm- I'm 20, I too stream on twitch. I'm Mexican and I was born in Mexico. Spanish is my first language, English is my second. That's pretty much it" he said with a smile. "That's cool" I said looking at him. I felt little butterflies in my stomach. We chatted a bit and when the movie was done Clay and George told us goodnight, then headed upstairs to bed. I went into the kitchen where Alex was, and started to help him clean up. "Don't worry about this" he told me referring to the kitchen. "I know, but I want to help clean up" I said smirking at him. "Fine" he said with a smile.

After Alex and I finished the kitchen we told each other goodnight, then headed into my room. I went into my bathroom, brushed my teeth and hair, and got into my pjs. I got into my bed and scrolled through Instagram a bit. I had gotten a notification from Instagram and I checked it. QuackityHQ followed you I hit follow back right as I saw it. I chuckled at the fact that it didn't take long for him to follow me on social media. I finally put my phone down and turned my light off. I laid there for about an hour. I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about my whole situation. Me coming to live with my brother, his boyfriend, and his friend. My finding my brothers friend hot. ME FINDING MY BROTHERS FRIEND HOT! He has hot though. I literally just met this dude and he'd been on my mind all night. Slow your role there y/n, like you said, you only met him today. Since I laid there not being able to sleep, I just decided to go and get some water from the kitchen.

A/n: word count: 1407
I think this chapter moved pretty smoothly. I wanted to get 2 chapters out tonight, and I might be able to put another one out tomorrow. Other then that, bye habibis!!! <3

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