6- Stream

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Today was Wednesday. The week has been going by slow with all of my online classes and everything. But today I decided after school I was going to be productive. I was planning on filming a YouTube video, editing it, and posting it all in the same day. See, I'm a procrastinator so if I get all of this done, I'll be proud of myself. It was around my lunch break when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it. When I opened it I was greeted by Alex. "Oh hey Alex! Come on in" I said gesturing towards my room. He came in and sat on my bed. I went back over to my desk and sat in my rollie chair. "So what's up?" I said cheerfully. "Well Karl, Sapnap, Clay, George, and I were planning on doing a Jack-box stream around 8, and I was wondering if you'd want to join us" he said happily. "I would love to!" I said excitedly. "I'm going to have a very busy night" I said with a chuckle. "Did you have other plans too?" "Well I was going to record a YouTube video, edit it and upload it tonight. But I think I'll just stream with you guys instead" I said smiling. "Oh cool. But yeah, George, Clay and I all thought it'd be pretty cool to introduce you too Karl and Sapnap" "Yeah that's very cool! I might even ask Clay if I can join the smp" I said laughing "well one, you'd be a nice addition and two, he'd probably let you because your family" he said with a chuckle. "Very true" we both giggled then Alex left my room.

It was about time to stream. Clay came in my room and let me know to join the VC and that we were starting soon. I turned on my computer and logged into the VC. Clay, Alex, George, Sapnap, and Karl were already in the call starting to plan. "Hello guys!" I said when they stopped talking. "Hey y/n!" Alex said. "Hey, I'm Karl!" "Hey, I'm Nick, but everyone calls me Sapnap!" They said as they introduced themselves. "So what's the plan?" I said. "Well I'm going to go live and I'll deafen you guys until I do my introduction. Right after I announce that I am doing a jack-box stream with George, Clay, Karl, and Sap, I'll also announce that we have a special guest. Then you'll introduce yourself y/n" Alex explained. "Okay" we all agreed. About 5 minutes later Alex deafened us and started his stream. "Hello chat! Today I'm doing a Jack-box stream with Dream, George, Karl, Sapnap, and a special guest..." Alex said smiling. The chat erupted with comments like:

"Who is it?"
"Do we know them?"
"Have you streamed with them before?"

Alex began to chuckle. "I don't know chat, I don't know" he said being mysterious. The chat was still asking who it was. "Ok, ok, ok guys. Find out for yourself" he said with a smile. He un-deafened me and I began. "Hey chat! It's y/n! How are you!" I said with a chuckle. The chat had exploded.

"Omg it's, ItsY/N!!"
"Finally we get her to star on a stream!"
"Wait this is new!"
"Is y/n apart of the dream smp now?"
"Hey it's Dreams sister!"

Sapnap spoke up after a few moments. "Okay guys what should we do?" "Joke boat?" Karl suggested. "Sure" we all responded with. We played a couple rounds of Joke boat and moved on. It was really fun. I liked streaming with them.

After about 3 hours of streaming Jack-box games, Alex decided to end the stream. "Alright chat, I think we will end here. I love you all! Thank you so much for joining us tonight!". He waved to the camera, then ended the stream. I exited my jack-bix tab, and went back to the VC. "Hey guys I think I'm going to log off" I said letting out a little yawn. "Yeah me too" Alex agreed. "Bye guys it was nice meeting you!" "It was nice meeting you too!" Karl and Sapnap agreed. I logged off and let out a small sigh. As I walked out of my bedroom to go get water from the kitchen, I crossed paths with Alex, who was coming down the stairs. "Wheres Clay and George?" I asked as we both walked into the kitchen. "They decided to stay on VC for a bit longer" "oh okay" I said grabbing a cup.
"Uh hey y/n?"
"So I was wondering if maybe on Friday you wanted to go on a little date? Maybe mini golfing?"
"I'd love too! But wait"
"How are we going to sneak around Clay?"
"Maybe you can say your going to hang out with Sarah and on my way to hang out with my friend. And then just say I'll drop you off on my way there or something"
"That could work" I said with a little chuckle.
"Okay, so its a date"
"Its a date" I repeated.
"Goodnight y/n"
"Night Alex"

We parted was back to our bedrooms. Once I got back to my room, I changed into my pajamas, brush my hair and teeth, then slipped under my warm covers. I drifted to sleep comfortably, know I'd be spending Friday with Alex.

A/n: word count: 907
Sorry for the short chapter! I kind of just wanted to skip ahead to have some time fly by! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! And if you are, votes are appreciated! Have a good day/night habibis!❤️

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