4- Coffee shop

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I was awoken in the morning by George. "Y/n it's time to wake up. We are going to go get some breakfast and coffee. If you want to come you need to get ready, we are leaving in about 15 minutes". I groaned as I sat up. "What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes slightly. "About 9:50" George responded with. "9:50?!" I exclaimed. "Yes" George said slowly while backing away. I jumped out of bed and started to walk to the bathroom. "Y/n?" George asked with a concerned tone in his voice. "What?" I called while brushing my teeth. "Is everything..... alright?" He said slowly. "Kinda, why?" "What do you mean 'kinda'? And I'm asking because you sound panicked" "I am panicked George! I woke up at 9:50!" "So?" George said while raising his eyebrows. "I'm always up early, like 7:00 or earlier kind of early!" I exclaimed while laying an outfit on my bed. "Oh ok than.... well I'll let you get dressed. See you in a few minutes" George said while leaving my room and shuting the door. I get dressed quickly. I put on a white wrap around shirt, black shorts, and my black vans. I grabbed my phone and sunglasses. After that, I left my bedroom and headed out to the living room where everyone was waiting. "Took you long enough" Alex said jokingly "Shut up Alex" I said rolling my eyes with a smile.

We all got into Clay's car and drove to a coffee shop that was about 15 minutes out of Orlando that I had never heard of. The name of it was "Mia's place". We walked in and I don't know what I was expecting, but it was beautiful on the inside. It was very modern and there were small chandeliers hanging over the tables. We walked over to the counter and ordered our coffees. The name tag on the cashier read the name 'Sarah' and she told us that we can chose a place to sit and she'd bring us our coffees once they were done. I chose for us to go sit in a little nook in the back. It was in a bay window and it had a great view. We all chatted while we waited for our coffees to be brought over. She handed everyone's coffees out, mine was handed to me last. "Here you go" she said handing me my drink with a smile. I smiled back at her and we made eye contact. I will admit, she was beautiful. Nice golden skin, baby blue eyes, straight black hair, and light pink lips. I stared at her as she walked away. "Helloooo earth to y/n!" Clay said waving his hand in front of my faces. "Hellooooo Clayyyyy" I said snapping back to reality. "You were staring" he said with a smirk. "Shut up" I said as I felt my face get warm. "You were totally checking her out" George chimed in. "I was not!" I said defensively. "Mhm ok" Clay said smiling. I rolled my eyes and looked at Alex who hadn't said anything in awhile. "Hey, you good?" I said with a chuckle. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Alex said looking at me. "You haven't said anything in a while" "oh, I'm just lost in thought" "oh ok" I said before starting a conversation. After we finished our beverages we started to head out of the coffee shop. "Uhh hold on guys I'll be right out, you guys can go" I said as we headed out of the door. "Ok?" Clay said before they all walked out of the door. I walked back inside and up to the register. "Hello, may I help you?" Sarah said with a smile. Here we go "uh hi, So you look like you're around my age and you are really pretty and I just moved in with my brother in Orlando. I guess what I'm getting at is, I don't have any friends around and I was wondering if I could... possibly get your number?" I said shyly. My heart was racing, I suck at talking to people. "Sure" she said with a chuckle. She told me here number and I put it into my phone. I texted her "hey" just to make sure she got the message. "My names Y/n by the way" I said with a chuckle "Sarah" she said as she held her hand out for me to shake it. We shook hands then I headed out to the car. "What were you doing in there?" Clay asked looking back at me. "Uhh I was getting the waitresses number...." I said playing with my hands. "Oh?" George said smirking. "Shut up guys, okay? I don't have any friends. I saw this as an opportunity to make some" I said eyeing Clay and George. "Sureeee" Clay said starting the car. I heard Alex let out a small sigh next to me.

Alex's POV

Y/n had gotten into the car with a smile on her face. "What were you doing in there?" Clay said as she entered the car. "Uhh I was getting the waitresses number...." she said nervously. I suddenly felt a little jealous, and I didn't know why. "Oh?" George said smirking into the mirror. "Shut up guys, okay? I don't have any friends. I saw this as an opportunity to make some" she said glaring at George and Clay. "Sureeeee" Clay said as he started the car. I let out a sigh that I thought was quite. Apparently it wasn't quite enough. I felt y/n's eyes staring at me right after I let out my sigh. She opened her phone and started typing something. I assumed it was the girl at the coffee shop, which made me a little more sad. Then, I heard my phone ding. Y/n had messaged me on Instagram. Oh yeah, I forgot we had followed each other I thought to myself. The message read:

What's wrong?

Nothing, why?

That was obviously a lie.

Alex I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid. But you can talk to me if you want when you're ready:)


I closed Instagram and decided to scroll through Twitter. Before I knew it, we were back at the house we went inside and I went up to my room. I put in my head phones and searched through my songs. I came across the song 'Electric Love' by the BØRNS and clicked it. I laid down on my bed, closed my eyes and just listened. I was so lost in the song I didn't even hear someone come in. I opened my eyes once I felt a weight shift in my bed. I looked to my left and there was y/n. She took out my left earbud and put it into her own ear. She closed her eyes and hummed along to the song. I continued to look at her for a second before I closed my eyes again and hummed along too. Suddenly I felt something touch my hand. I opened my eyes and looked down. I saw y/n's hand on top of mine. Suddenly she opened her eyes and looked at me. She took her hand off of mine and held her palm up towards me. I looked at her confused. She smiled and lifted her open palm up more. I then realized what she meant. I took her right hand in my left. I laced our fingers as we continued to lay there. Ironically right as we laced fingers the chorus of the song played.

And all I need is to be struck by your Electric love (ohh)
Baby your Electric love (ahh)
Baby your Electric-

Then the song ended. Y/n and I were left there holding hands as the next song came on.

A/n: word count: 1320
I really liked this chapter! I'm sorry it took forever to update, I've been really busy lately. I'll try to update pretty regularly! Have a great day/night habibis!❤️

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