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"So..... first things first! The two of you need to dress up in nice clothing! You know? To look attractive!" Alfred spoke like a pro. "How do you know so much?" Arthur asked. "The internet! Duh! We are pros at current trends," he added with a smirk. Matthew pulled Arthur away into his room while Alfred pulled me into my room. "We have to see what we are working with.... let's take a look at your clothes," he laughed. "No need to worry, I have a great sense of fashion," I spoke confidently.

"Pfft.... maybe if you were going to a dinner party. You need something casual! And cool. Something all the girls would dig," he laughed. I sat on my bed and watched him go through my closet. I had to admit that I did not have much casual wear, but whatever he chose would be fine. "Okay! Wear these! And put this on," Alfred spoke. He tossed me some jeans and a white button-up, and I did as he said. "We are going for a casual yet fun guy type of look," he spoke, putting his hands on his hips.

I began to laugh and nod "I don't even want to know what kind of things you are watching to know so much," I laughed. He shrugged and turned around so I could change. "So.... do you want your profile only to be targeted towards women?" He asked nervously. I began to change, and I wondered why the two of them asked about our sexuality. "Why are the two of you always asking about that," I laughed. "Hmm?! Oh.... uh..... I guess you could say that Mattie and I are curious," he laughed nervously.

"Well, if you want to know, I've dated men in the past. So maybe that answers your question," I laughed. I could see his body tense up as he began to laugh. "That's cool!" He spoke.

Once I finished getting dressed, I tapped his shoulder to turn and look at me. He nodded pleased and began to roll up my sleeves for me. "And unbutton your shirt a little," he laughed. These kids!!!! They make me feel younger than I am. "Alright! Now sit down so I can fix your hair a little," he said in a sassy way. I nodded and did as he said by sitting on a chair. "So.... what about Arthur? Does he...... you know?" He asked slowly. I could tell he was nervous to ask. "Hmm? Does he like guys?" I asked. He began to laugh nervously as I looked at him through the mirror.

"Yeah.... I suppose," I spoke nervously. "I don't mean it in a bad way... Mattie and I were just wondering," he laughed nervously. I smiled at him slightly and shrugged. "I'm actually not sure..... I don't recall him mentioning that. Maybe you should ask him?" I suggested. He looked at me, shocked, and shook his head "I don't think I could.... maybe Mattie will," he laughed.

Alfred just put my hair in a low ponytail. "All done," he smiled. I nodded at how nice he made me look and smiled at him. I kind of wish they were mine.... it would have been nice to raise them. Makes me sad knowing they had a hard childhood. "Let's go see how Matthew and Arthur are doing," I spoke. He nodded, and we both walked out of the room. We walked up to Arthur's door and heard a bunch of laughing.

"As if that idiot could have been any more dense!" I heard Arthur say. I wonder what they were talking about. Alfred opened the door quickly, and it made me shocked "we are coming in!" He announced. I walked in seeing Matthew with the biggest smile on his face.

Once my eyes locked with Arthur's, I felt tight in my chest. He was dressed up nice, and I was impressed. He usually looks like hell every day. "I was going for an intellectual look" Matthew looked to Alfred. "It looks great!" Alfred cheered.

I looked at Arthur, and it was like I was at a loss for words. He stared back at me and gave me a sweet unaware smile. It made my cheeks get hot, and I didn't know what to do. "You look great," I managed to say. His smile suddenly dropped, and he looked away from me. "You too..." he said under his breath. It was honestly the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"Soooo..... did you both need time alone, or were we going to do this?" The boys teased. It made Arthur and I jump and laugh awkwardly. "Yeah!!! I mean, no! But uh.... dammit," Arthur tried to speak. "Let's get it started," I laughed.

They both nodded at us and pulled us into the living room. I had never been in this situation before, and it was hilarious. Arthur and I looked at each other and laughed as Matthew and Alfred began to make sure the living room looked nice for us. "Matthew is good at editing pictures, so he will ensure you two look awesome!" Alfred cheered. "He's right! I won an award for good editing in middle school," Matthew smiled.

Alfred turned some music on for us and shrugged his shoulders as all of us stared at him. "I can't work in such a quiet workspace," he laughed. I was a little embarrassed at first, but I think it went away as the music played. "So, who is going first?" Matthew asked. Arthur and I looked at each other, and I pointed to him quickly. "I think Arthur should go first! He looks like he will be a natural," I teased. He glared at me and looked away. "Of course, you would say that. You have always been a coward," he laughed. For some reason, I felt this urge for competitiveness. "That's it!!!! I'm going first! I'll be better!" I laughed, standing up.

"Great!" The boys said in unison.

A Perfect Pair(F.A.C.E Family) Where stories live. Discover now