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Dream and George were holding hands the entire time back "so does that mean?" "Not until you've asked" George was nervous it was awkward "dream will you be my boyfriend?" "Y-yes"
"YESSS" George said excited he got the boy of his dreams, George gave dream a kiss goodbye when he arrived at his house and dream needed to fix his car, he walked into the house and his dad punched him too hard this time, he fell to the floor and wouldn't wake up...

Heather came down screaming "MUM, MUM PLEASE COME QUICKLY ITS GEORGE" she was crying trying to sound as clear as she could whilst dream was fixing something on his car he seen blood on the door.

Dream ran in to see George on the floor, dream grabbed heather and he called 911 whilst George's mother was running down crying.

A few hours later

George woke up feeling drowsy where was he, he opened his eyes a little more to see his mum and heather "George, oh my god thank goodness! I was so worried" heather said in excitement his mum told him what happened "where's dream"
"Who's dream"
"Mum that was the boy that called the ambulance in the house" that made George smile to see that dream cared for him like that
"He's talking with dad outside"
George's heart dropped "MUM NO STOP HIM"
"What's wrong" his mum sounded confused "DAD WILL KILL HIM" George's mum ran out and alerted someone as soon as possible
George he got up yes he was in pain but dream would be in more pain if he didn't go heather helped him, she knows how much dream means to him.
He got outside to see blood everywhere and dream on the floor heather grabbed dream or at least tried George helped her and placed dream in the hospital bed he got his mum and they got a paramedic, after a while dream woke up George hugged him as tight as anyone had ever been hugged, "they said I'll be okay" dream said "yeah me too" George said trying to smile "were supposed to go home tonight" George said


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