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George climbed up to the top and held on to the picture of him and dream kissing in the bathroom why didn't he do it when he had the chance he held his hands out ready to drop when he heard "GEORGE STOP PLEASE" George's eyes opened immediately "I'm sorry George please" "I'm so sorry dream" he closed his eyes and lifted him self back dream grabbed him and pulled him away making him fall of the edge "DREAM NO" George jumped off after behind him and grabbed his hand they hugged whilst waiting to die together George cried onto dreams shoulder knowing dream was going to die, he span round so then dream was on top and hit the ground...

He woke up in a hospital bed in much pain, he turned his head to see the blonde boy sat next to him just waking up, the paramedic told him he would be here for a few days and he was lucky to be alive  the same with dream *I can't be bothered to write a few days so just skip to when there leaving*

They went out the doors together holding hands whilst George tried to explain what happened, that he had been harassed and dream apologised multiple times.

When they got home dream and George played minecraft for a while with Sapnap BadBoyHalo and Karl, "so where have you two been?" Bad said, dream decided not to tell them what had actually happened I broke my arm on... the trampoline and so did George?" Dream said confused trying to convince them, George blushed but no one really saw.

*im not going to go into to much detail but what happened after that is dream and George moved in together and loved each other*

Ok so this is the end of the story don't judge me I know it's terrible I'm sorry it's short but this is my first ever story and I'm not used to writing long paragraphs sorry!

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