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     A dragonfly stood in the middle of a stage, the crowd looking down from the higher rise of the stands as scarlet fire danced around the bug.  It moved with him, performing an intricate dance around him while keeping him safe.  The short cape over his shoulders flicked as the creatures in the fire whipped by, rustling the top hat as well.  His hands began to move in a way to gather the flames closer, coalescing into a single ring of fire around him, controlled by the will of their master.  His hands flew up, the flames moving to form into an image of a bat with its wings spread before vanishing into thin air.

     He gave a bow to the audience who offered an applause as he walked off the stage.  He grabbed the small cane which rested against the entrance of the stage, letting out a sigh as accordion music grew louder as he walked.

     "Something wrong, Aspen," a burly bug playing his accordion asked.  "That was a rather lonesome sounding sigh...."  Aspen looked at his fellow troupe member, looking at the two lines over his mask...the mark of the Troupe.  

     "It's hard to explain, Brumm," Aspen answered.  "It's a...complicated feeling...I'm not sure how to describe it...."

     "Then perhaps I can help, Magician."  Aspen and Brumm turned to look at the speaker, looking into the scarlet eyes of the Troupe Master, Grimm.  They both bowed to him as a sign of respect.  "Come...walk with me...the show is finished for now...."  Aspen followed the bat, walking a short distance behind him.  "You say you are experiencing something complicated...."

     "Yes," Aspen answered.  "With regards to the audience...."  Grimm motioned for Aspen to walk beside him which he obeyed.  "I fear they grow tired of my performances...."

     "Nonsense," Grimm assured.  "They adore you...listen to how they cheer for you...."  Aspen shook his head.  "You don't agree?"

     "I feel they know something I do not," Aspen supplied.  "As though something about this journey across dream is different...but I have not seen them like this in many a year."  Aspen did not notice where they were going, thinking more about his own concerns rather than where Grimm was leading him.  It was not until they had entered the Troupe Master's chamber that Aspen stopped his musings.  "Why are we here?"

     "There is something I must show you," Grimm explained, gesturing to what looked like a cradle in the middle of the room.  Aspen had been back here before...many years ago...shortly after the Troupe had left the kingdom of his imagination began to run wild again.  He followed Grimm to the cradle, looking down to see the tiny body inside.  It looked like Grimm; a tiny grey body with two tiny wings wrapped around itself as it slept.  Aspen absentmindedly put his hand on the edge of the cradle, his mind piecing together the answer.

     "A child," he breathed.  "The ritual is at hand...."  He looked to Grimm whose scarlet eyes looked back into Aspen.  "This is what they are waiting for...the dance...."  Grimm nodded.  "Have our kin been sent out to collect the fire?"

     "Of course, my magician," Grimm assured.  "The novices are out collecting fire amongst the grass, the eternal rain and crystals...."  Aspen nodded in understanding, remembering his days of wondering about Hallownest and adventuring to the deepest corners of the kingdom.  "You will have your chance to collect the scarlet fire once the dance has been patient, magician...."

     "But the lighter of the lantern has not shown themselves," Aspen countered.  "The ritual cannot begin until the summoner comes to speak with you...."  Grimm looked down at the child before speaking.  

     "The lantern has been lit," he stated, calmly.  "And we shall not leave until someone comes to take their role in the dance...we must be patient and wait for the summoner...."  Aspen took the silence that followed as Grimm telling him that he could leave, walking back across the stage and towards the exit.

     "What did he show you?" Brumm inquired, continuing to play his accordion.  Aspen didn't say anything for a while, twirling a cane absent-mindedly between his fingers.  "Aspen...?"

     "The Heart has given a child," Aspen muttered.  "The time has come to look to another Troupe Master...the scarlet flame will be passed down yet again...burn the father...feed the child...."   

A Tale of the Grimm TroupeWhere stories live. Discover now