The Dance

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      Aspen sat in the front middle of the stands, hiding in the dark with the other Grimmkin as they waited with bated breath for the vessel to arrive to begin the dance.  Soon enough, their waiting was rewarded as the vessel stepped onto the stage.  Grimm appeared, as normal, in red smoke and looking away from the vessel. 

     "Wonderful," he crooned.  "Wonderful.  My kin arrive and the time has come.  The searing fire, it carries well the ritual's promise."  He spread his wings as the Grimmchild flew into him, causing him to turn to the side and wrap himself back in his wings. He straightened back up, snapping his fingers and lighting the lanterns around the stage with scarlet fire.  "Dance with me, my friend.  The crowd awaits.  Show them you're worthy of a starring role."  Grimm looked at Aspen from the stage below, prompting Aspen to signal the orchestra to begin.  The music flared to life as Grimm gave a low, respectful bow to the vessel who returned with a smaller bow before Grimm disappeared.  

     Anyone who knew what this dance was, which they only would if they had seen the ritual before would know that this dance was a dance of scarlet fire...a dance of death.  Grimm was mobile as usual, rushing into a lunge which moved into an uppercut before exploding into fire or launching fire at the vessel who was just as quick as the Troupe Master.  Aspen stared fascinated at his master's fighting skills, remembering Grimm teaching him how to fight while staying mobile for a performance.  It was astounding to see no matter how many times Aspen saw the dance.

     "Oh my."  Aspen looked to his side to see Iselda and another bug sitting nearby.  Spikes had just raised from the ground as Grimm forced the tips of his cloak into the ground, narrowly missing the vessel.  "I hope they're alright."

     "Don't fret, my love," the bug with her assured her.  "I've seen this one down in the ruins.  They can handle themselves against more than just this show...."  Aspen returned his gaze to the dance to watch as Grimm's kick slammed into the vessel.  There was no doubting the skill of the vessel but there was also something to be said for the prowess of Grimm.  The orchestra continued their song, the choir joining in to sing their praise of their Master.  

     Grimm vanished and reappeared, hovering in the air before expanding his wings to form a ball, balls of scarlet fire flying from him.  The audience broke out in applause, this attack being both beautiful and horrifying in its form.  The vessel jumped through gaps it saw, firing spells of its own of black energy.  Powerful magic surrounded the dance on both sides, two powerful wielders of Soul and fire including it in their dance.  The dance continued normally until the vessel did something which made the audience gasp in surprise.

     The vessel's nail struck Grimm in the side, forcing him to scatter into a swarm of bats, a center one with glowing red eyes controlling the swarm before coalescing into Grimm's silhouette before vanishing.  The audience once again broke out into applause as Grimm appeared yet again to continued the dance.  Aspen was not sure how long he was sat there, watching as Grimm battered the vessel and the vessel did the same but he knew that the time the Heart told him about was drawing nearer.  Brumm had already left to collect the fire and prepared to betray the troupe.

     Aspen was torn from his musing as Grimm let out a pained yell, red smoke pouring from him before fading into the air.  Everything was quiet for a moment, the orchestra stopping their song and one of them grabbing an nearby accordion in preparation.  Grimm soon reappeared and bowed to the vessel again who did the same as the audience applauded them.

     "Bravo, my friend," Grimm congratulated.  "Hear how the crowd adores you!  They've not seen such a show in a long time."  He snapped his fingers and red fire rushed to form the Grimmchild which had grown yet again.  "Look here!  How the child has grown , nourished and strengthened by the heat of our passionate dance!  The two of you will feature in many tragedies and triumphs together, I'm sure."  The Grimmchild crooned and swirled around the vessel, a most adorable display.

     "And so our great Ritual nears its end," Grimm continued. "Will you continue to harvest the flame, even though now you surely see the path it illuminates for us?  Our scarlet eyes will watch you keenly...friend."  The lanterns faded, plunging the audience into darkness as Grimm vanished.  "Go out into the darkness.  Harvest the last lingering embers of this Kingdom.  Then return to me and we will complete our dance."  Aspen left to go find his master as the Grimmkin and other watchers dispersed, knowing his master would be in his chamber.

     "A fine performance, Master," Aspen praised as he walked in.  Grimm looked over his shoulder at the magician.

      "Thank you," he replied.  "I suppose you are here to learn where I will send you before I fall to the slumber...."  Aspen nodded.  "You are going down to the Ancient Basin...all of that regret, shame and fear will do nicely to fuel the child...."  Aspen bowed to Grimm before speaking.

     "What of Brumm?" he asked, knowing the Heart had told Grimm of Brumm's betrayal.  

     "Stop him from destroying the Lantern," Grimm ordered, climbing the wall to hang from the ceiling.  "Try to convince him to walk away and leave his mask.  If he walks away, I will let him leave the troupe...."

     "And if he chooses to try to get past me?" Aspen inquired.  Those scarlet eyes met Aspen's before the order was given.

     "End his life," Grimm ordered, yawning shortly after.  "The Ritual must not be stopped...not when we are this close."  

     "It will be done, Master," Aspen said, turning to leave.  "Pleasant dreams...."

     "There is no such thing with this slumber," Grimm muttered, closing his eyes.

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