The Decision

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     Aspen had collected more than enough of the scarlet fire in his first few moments of being back down in the Ancient Basin, taking much from the pain and fear surrounding the Abyss and taking the rest from the beasts that stalked the caverns.  He wasn't surprised, just impressed at how easy it was to collect for the Nightmare Heart.  None of them could see him, hidden through the veil of Nightmare to freely stalk the land until the Grimmchild drew nearer.  He took to pacing near the entrance to the caves, looking out over the moving spikes down below and the husk guards flying overhead.

     "Dance and die and live forever," he whispered to himself.  "Silent voices shout and sing."  He felt the warmth of the child growing nearer and raised his voice so the vessel could hear.  "Stand before the Troupe's dark heart."  The vessel came to a halt from a dash, the Grimmchild appearing behind it from darkness.  "Burn away the Nightmare King...."  The vessel looked up at him with its nail drawn but Aspen raised his hand.

     "There is no need for that, little vessel," Aspen assured, summoning his cane, atop which the scarlet fire had collected.  "Unlike the rest of the Grimmkin, I give my fire to the child freely."  He twirled his cane and let the fire absorb into the child, noting that that was the last needed to collect to finish the ritual.  "My Master awaits you back in his chambers, but first I would like to talk to you, vessel."  It didn't say anything but didn't move to leave either.  "You spoke with Brumm...didn't you?"  

     The vessel looked up at him for a moment before nodding its head.  "And he expressed a desire to stop the ritual...hasn't he?"  The vessel took even longer this time before nodding.  "Then you have nothing more to tell me...unless you are going to aid him...."  The vessel didn't respond.  "Brumm wants to respect the ruins of this kingdom but doesn't understand that this kingdom has already been defiled...and it is no longer home to anyone but the few who survived the infection...and you."  The vessel continued to stare.  "You don't couldn't are the true vessel...perfectly hollow and the perfect summoner to complete the ritual and grow the child."

     He pointed back towards the exit of the Basin.  "Go now, True Vessel.  Find Grimm and enter his dream, there you will find the final dance.  Go forth and be brave but know that if you try to banish the troupe, I will stand in your way...and I will break you as many times as it takes to make you understand...."  With that he vanished in a cloud of scarlet fire, reappearing in a desolate place where the wind tore at his cape and hat.  These cliffs were where the ritual began and the only place they could be ended before the dance was completed.  

     Grabbing a hold of the brim of his top hat so as to keep it on his head, Aspen began his flight to the Nightmare Lantern.  Something deep inside of him told him that Brumm would not simply choose to walk away but a part of him hoped he would.  They were friends...brothers whose bond was written in scarlet Aspen would have to say goodbye to Brumm...either through banishment or through death.  "The blood of a traitor being the blood of a friend...such a tragedy but it is not my doing...Brumm has made his choice...and I have made mine. For the Nightmare Heart...."

A Tale of the Grimm TroupeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon