The Summoner Arrives

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     Aspen's already waning patience grew ever thinner, bordering on annoyance as the days passed and still not a sign of the summoner.  Brumm, Divine and Grimm all did their best to assure him the summoner would come but after a few days the strain was starting to tell even on them.  The only thing that kept Aspen from speaking out even further was his respect for his Master and colleagues but also because of what the Heart had confided in him and, most likely, Grimm himself.  Perhaps the summoner had simply not been interested in the tent because they didn't understand the concept of interest...if it was what Aspen thought it was, it should have no concept of anything, really.

     "The Heart has instructed us to wait," Aspen kept telling himself when his thoughts turned.  "And so we shall wait...."  But he also knew that the Heart could wait as long as it wanted to...godlike patience doesn't necessarily translate to the followers of said god.  His journeys down into the ruins of the kingdom below were somewhat helping his mood, wandering the paths of his past but his nostalgia could only do so much.  However it was as he was returning from one such foray that it happened.  

     He had just climbed out of the well and walked into the tent when he heard soft footsteps behind him.  Turning around, and looking down, he saw the summoner.  A white head with blank black eyes, a small cloak covering it's inky black body, a nail slung over it's back with a deep channel forged into it.  It appeared to merely be a child but Aspen had seen its kind before...but was unsure if he ever saw more than one....  "Who are you?  Have you come to watch the show?"

     The vessel said nothing, looking up at Aspen who slowly put together what was going on.  "Come with Master will want to speak with you...."  He turned and walked towards the stage, the vessel padding along behind him with quiet footsteps.  The time had come for the Ritual to begin.  The stage was empty and dark but Aspen stopped in the center.  From somewhere in the darkness came spotlights, a drumroll and the music of Brumm's accordion before Grimm appeared in a puff of red smoke, the spotlights focused on him.

     "The summoner has arrived, Master," Aspen knelt.  Grimm looked over his shoulder at the pair.

     "So it was you who called us," Grimm said.  "Well met, my friend.  Well met.  I am Grimm, master of this troupe.  The lantern has been lit, and your summons heeded.  A fine stage you choose, this kingdom fallowed by worm and root, perfect earth upon which our Ritual will take place.  And you, my friend.  Your own part is far from over."  

     Aspen stood back up and looked at the vessel, noting its blank expression.  Any other creature would have been quivering at the troupe master but not his did not understand fear.  Grimm bowed deeply to the vessel, his eyes boring into theirs as he continued.  "As the lantern flared your role was cast, our compact written in scarlet fire.  Eager we are to see you commence, but first, some illumination is required...."

     "The child," Aspen whispered.  Grimm straightened up as a soft glow briefly illuminated part of the vessel.  The charm had been given to allow the child to alert the Grimmkin to the coming of the summoner.  

     "Across these lands my kin now spread," Grimm continued, "collecting that essence peculiar to my...breed, the flame in dream.  Seek my kin; collect their flame and return it to me.  Together, marvels shall be achieved.  But don't fret small one.  For this task you won't travel alone.  My child shall guide you to that flame and gather within itself that burning essence.  Like you, the child plays a key role in this task.  Only with it by your side will the flame, and my kin, reveal themselves to you."  He then vanished in a cloud of red smoke and the spotlights went dim.  

     "Your role has been given to you," Aspen told the vessel.  "Go out and find the scarlet fire our kin have found among the eternal rain, the lush grass and gleaming crystals.  Return and Master Grimm will have more for you...and eventually reward you for your participation in our dance...."  The vessel turned and left the stage, leaving the tent to begin its task.  The sound of quiet footsteps came up behind Aspen but he did not jump at the approach of his master.

     "So there were more," Grimm offered, thoughtfully.  "A perfect figure to partake in our Ritual...."

     "Indeed," Aspen agreed.  "But it is curious why there is another vessel when only one was needed...."  Aspen turned to look at Grimm.  

     "Perhaps it took many tries to get it right," Grimm speculated.  "Perhaps this is one of the supposed failures who found their way back....  We will have to wait and see...the dance has begun...."   

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