Two Ways (Chris) - Chapter 3/4

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She wiped her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Chris was standing on her balcony, outside her bedroom, at 11pm. She still couldn't believe she was seeing her once goofy best friend, the now cocky jock, smiling innocently at her. So she couldn't help but grab him by the folds of his hoodie before slapping him right across his face.

Chris silently shrieked in pain, making sure to not wake anyone. He stood straight up and scoffed.

"Okay, I deserved that." he laughed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she worriedly asked, in case her parents had saw him climb up their tree to her bedroom. That would not suit if her father had caught him. Chris wouldn't be the only one in trouble.

"It's your birthday. Your eighteenth birthday."

"So? Why do you care? You didn't seem to remember in school today."

"I know, I know-" he held her by her shoulders "-and I'm sorry but-"

"And you didn't remember last year either. Until a week later, at least. You know I still wished you, even though you totally didn't give a shit after."

"Last year was different!"

He held her wrist and pulled her out to the balcony. It was extremely cold while Chris wore a black hoodie and she her elephant print pyjamas.

"Cute p-jays." he teased. She nudged him before ordering him to continue his explanation.

"As you might've noticed, I've been distancing myself from you for a while now."

She felt a flame grow in her chest. She was fuming, of course she'd noticed. In fact, she couldn't stop noticing. Every time she saw him, he would always dodge her. At one point, she really thought she'd done something to fend Chris off. But after a long period of feeling bad for herself, she decided to forget about it and move on.

"You know my ex-girlfriend Sandy?"

At the mention of the name, she rolled her eyes in reflex.

"Yeah I know her."

"Well she told me that if we were going to date, I wasn't allowed to speak to you."

The fire in her chest grew larger until she couldn't contain it any longer. She gave Chris another solid slap across his face. That time, he groaned out loud.

"And you fucking listened? What the hell is wrong with you?" she was panting and she couldn't stop it.

"That's the thing! I told her if she wasn't going to let us be friends, I wouldn't go out with her." Chris took a deep breath and searched for the words to say "She sort of... Blackmailed me."

She was taken by surprise. Blackmail was definitely not something she thought he was going to say.

"All the more reason not to date her. Seriously, you're so stupid."

"I know, she's a lunatic." he half smiled at her. "That's why I broke up with her."

"After like two years! And wasn't she the one to break up with you? Cause you cheated-"

"No just listen. I'm sure you know Sandy's twin brother, Sebastian. The captain of the football team? Well, Sandy said if I didn't listen to her, she'd make Sebastian kick me out. You know how important football is to me. I'm going for a scholarship, it isn't a joke."

No matter how much Chris had grown or changed, he still had that glisten in his eyes that made her swoon. Silly and she still couldn't believe it-or resist it.

"I don't know if I can forgive you that easily, Chris. You really hurt me."

Shame poured into his face and he looked like he could start tearing. He held both her hands in his before flashing the slightest grin.

"I know what I did was unforgivable. But it wasn't just hard on you, I lost my best friend as well." he pulled her from the centre of the balcony to the far railings by the tree.

"I don't know how long it'll take for me to gain your trust again but let's start from now."

Chris's gaze travelled to a spot on the road. He was looking at his blue truck that was parked in front of her house. She found it strange because he only lived across the street. He wouldn't need to drive to get across the street. But, she then looked to the back of the truck to see a picnic basket and a mat ready to be set.

"I'm taking you to the town park. Just like we always did on your birthday."

"Chris you're crazy. It's nearly-"

"Come on, Jessie."

He smirked at her, breaking one of many walls she'd put up to defend herself. That name she hadn't heard him roll off his tongue in a lifetime. She couldn't resist.

"Okay, Woody."

Who's The Psycho and other short stories - Kai (Malachai Parker) / Chris Wood The Vampire Diaries [TVD]Where stories live. Discover now