Who's The Psycho (Kai) - Chapter 1/3

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"Let me get that for you." He reached over her stretched out arm and effortlessly grabbed the jar of sugar. She stepped down from her former tiptoed position and sighed.

"I could've reached it myself." she huffed at him. Kai stood there, arms steady behind him on the kitchen counter with a grin full of contentment.

"You sure, sweetheart? Looked like you were going through a bit of a stretch. Pun intended."

"Shut up. Don't call me sweetheart, asshole."

"Ouch. Don't call me asshole and we have a deal."

The smirk he had on his face was one that always sent chills down her body. Simply of fear-fear of what he could do to her, and fear of what she might feel about it. To be stuck on a barren planet with a psychotic beast took a toll on her sanity. The amount of times they've tried to kill each other was an equal amount of times she's wanted him. Really wanted him.

"If you're gonna cook dinner tonight, just know that I hate tomatoes."

"Great. I'll cook some Bolognese." She said and smiled out of satisfaction as she saw his face crinkle into that sour look. She usually only saw it when she'd stabbed him or shot him-literally.

"I dare you. Do it." he slowly mumbled before rising from the edge of the counter and towering her, leaving their faces only inches away from one another.

"Too close, Kai." she said back in equal rage and shoved him in the chest with the palm of her hand.

He took a deep breath and did that growl that she loathed. He did it all the time-he'd just growl, as if he was some sort of animal. When he was annoyed, tired, satisfied or in this case, angry.

"You need to stop doing that." Kai stated sternly while grabbing the arm she'd shoved him with. She attempted to shake herself loose from his grip but all he did was smile with a dark satisfaction at her feeble attempts.

"Now." His voice full of cheer as if he wasn't latching onto her-or that she wasn't groaning in pain.

"It's either you don't use tomatoes, or I'll cook tonight."

Kai annoyed her to death. If there was a way out of the prison she was trapped in and the only way to escape was to treat Kai nicely, she wouldn't take it. If she was on the empty planet on her own and went insane from the lack of company, she'd be glad that at least Kai wasn't there.

So naturally, the first thing her instincts told her to do was grab the jar of sugar and smash it onto his pretty little head.

Shards of the ceramic jar scattered onto the wooden floor of the kitchen. White grains flew in all directions and some even got into her eyes. Kai was bent over on the ground with one hand over the side of his head. He pulled his fingers from his wound and saw the blood on his hands.

He slowly creeped his gaze up to hers and grinned. "Bad girl." he laughed.

He stood right back up and cracked his neck left to right then sighed. "What do I do with you, I wonder."

She quickly picked up a large piece of the smashed jar from the ground and pointed it towards him. "I'll fucking stab you, you psychopath."

"I'm the psychopath? Guess who's the one that smashed a jar on the other persons head!" Kai shouted. "Take a look at yourself, you're pointing a weapon at me for asking-nicely, I might add-to leave tomatoes out of the menu."

She hadn't realised she'd been breathing heavily and at a fast pace until she felt a striking pain in her hand. Blood was dripping from it and she realised how hard her grip had been, only out of blind rage.

Kai's face went from serial killer to concerned little boy in the time she'd looked at her wound and back at him.

He slapped her forearm, hard, and the large shard of glass fell to the ground, joining the pile of sugar and making it a dark red.

He rushed towards her and took her injured hand into his. "You can really be an idiot sometimes." he said sounding disappointed only with a hint of humour.

"Sit here." he ordered and pushed her by her waist onto the kitchen counter. "Hey, what the fu-"

"Zip it, clumsy."

"Nobody says zip it anymore."

"Well then that's a tragedy for the future."

He opened the kitchen cabinet on the right of the room and reached for a small box. She was imagining how hard it would've been for her to get it. She'd probably have to stand on a chair while he only needed to extend his arm.

He walked back over to where he had sat her down and opened it. It was a first aid kit.

She scoffed at him in disbelief "I'll heal in a couple hours, you know that."

Kai ignored her and continued searching for the items he needed. He grabbed a white plastic and ripped it open with his teeth. He pulled out a long white cloth and pulled her hand closer towards him.

"I know but I still don't like to see you bleed."

She was staring at his face waiting for him to yell out what a disgusting joke that was. But he didn't and instead put all his attention on bandaging her wounded hand. She began feeling guilty. Actually guilty for a change, for injuring him.

"There." he slightly curled his lips.

"Thanks. Why'd you decide to heal me instead of kill me today?"

He laughed softly, as if to himself and shook his head. "What if I told you that I like you."

Who's The Psycho and other short stories - Kai (Malachai Parker) / Chris Wood The Vampire Diaries [TVD]Where stories live. Discover now