Who's The Psycho (Kai) - Chapter 3/3

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They were stood in the very empty town square of Mystic Falls. She felt chills roll down her spine at the barrenness. When she used to go to there, it was always filled with people and laughter and happiness. To see empty streets and lit up buildings with no people made her queasy.

Kai and her walked side by side keeping a close distance on their stroll. She wasn't surprised at how even though she was 20 years in the past, her town looked the same. Other than the fact that there were a little more trees and a little less cars.

She was savouring how she felt in that moment. No speaking, no fighting, but she knew they both cherished each other's companies. The wind blew and scattered orange leaves past their feet. She felt a sudden chill and sneezed.

Kai looked at her with raised eyebrows. "What?" she asked. He giggled at her "You sneeze like a kitten." "Shut up." she laughed and shoved him.

"I know in the movies this is the part where the guy gives the girl his jacket and all." he said and rolled his eyes. Obviously Malachai Parker wasn't about to comfort her romantically. "but, this is my favourite jacket, so-" he stopped their pace exactly in front of a shop door and smashed the glass with his elbow.

She flinched at the loud noise and sneezed again. She thought about how stupid it probably made her look. Kai put his arm into the gaping space he'd just created in the door and twisted the knob from inside. He walked in and jumped out just a second later holding a soft white sweater. "Here." he said.

"Thanks?" she said confused. Kai did the growl thing, annoyed that time, and put the jacket around her shoulders for her. "Let's go, I wanna show you something." he held her hand and pulled her along with him.

They walked a little further out of the town square until they reached the end of a single road.

"It's a wall." she scoffed. "It's a hill." he replied. It was quite dark and she couldn't see much but when she approached the wall, it was in fact a hill. Kai began to climb it heading towards the top.

"Malachai, what are you doing?"

"Just follow me, sweetheart."

"I told you not to call me sweetheart. That's reserved for people I have mutual care for."

"Yeah whatever. But you know I hate Malachai."

She shook her head and sighed. When was he not childish? She took a breath and began ascending the steep hill with him. It was only twice their height, but it's angle made it slightly difficult to hike up.

Kai made his way to the top and reached his hand down to pull her up. She grabbed his arm for assistance and wiggled to the top, getting slightly covered in mud.


She was staring at a panoramic view of the forest. The moonlight shone down on the nearly bare trees while the wind blew it left to right in soothing motions. Creeks from the branches echoed around below her and she realised she was stood on the top of the highest peak in sight.

"Woah." she sighed. She looked at Kai and he was smiling at her with a proud look on his face. "Do you like it?" he asked.

"It's beautiful. How did you find this place?"

"I come here a lot. I usually feel so alone and being out here looking at all this-" he pointed to the large view of trees. "-it makes me feel safe." he scoffed "I know it sounds stupid-"

"No." she cut him off "I get you."

He grinned at her and couldn't help but laugh. "You know what you're doing right?" "What do you mean?" she asked and took a single step back.

"You always give me that look when I smile."

"I don't know what you're talking about." but in fact, she did. And the truth was that whenever he smiled, she would wonder how it could make him seem perfect. As though his childish happiness washed away every bad thing he'd ever done.

"I guess you have a curious smile." she said and sat on the edge of the land. "Oh yeah?" he asked and sat himself down next to her. "Yeah." she laughed.

They both sat still on the ground and she felt as if she were on the edge of the world. She finally felt at peace for once since being there and felt more human than ever. And maybe that's why Kai would go there. Maybe he needed to feel human and to feel sane. Maybe Kai wasn't crazy or evil-manipulative maybe, but ultimately kindhearted. Her impulses blew with the wind and she decided to make a radical choice.


He replied with a hum.

"Kiss me."

Kai turned towards her. He looked confused. She was tired of pretending that hating him made her a better person. She was just as crazy as he was and maybe crazier that very second.

She slid her hand next to his and he began to intertwine their fingers.

"What?" he asked.

There was a surprising amount of disbelief in his voice. Also a little trembly and not as confident as he usually was. His smile lifted a little and she noticed his focus averting to her lips.

But to her surprise, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before separating their hands.

"I-" he stood up from the edge of the peak and dusted the sand off his jeans.

"As much as I wanna kiss you, you're probably going to go back to hating me again. I'm that monster you hate, remember?" Kai tried to laugh but she could hear the unenthusiastic tone in his voice. "I don't want to make you do anything you're gonna regret. It'll just be weird for the both of us."

Her vision blurred from staring at him too long. She stood up and sighed to herself. She wanted to kiss him. She knew she wanted to kiss him. She's known the whole night and she wanted it to happen.


She brushed pass him and he uneasily growled. "Stop."

He caught hold of her arm and pulled her close into him. Much like how he did when he was threatening her earlier in the day. But instead of hurting her-he was kissing her.

She felt a wave of relief flow through her. As though kissing him was the answer to all her problems. And he did make it seem that way.

She expected Kai to be the kind of boy to kiss hard and needy, when actually he was kissing her patiently and soft. She could feel him smiling. She imagined he'd felt the same sense of relief too.

When they pulled away, with his eyes closed, Kai breathed out, "I think I can call you sweetheart now."


Thanks for reading! Check out my new Kai story for more Kai feels x

Who's The Psycho and other short stories - Kai (Malachai Parker) / Chris Wood The Vampire Diaries [TVD]Where stories live. Discover now