Who's The Psycho (Kai) - Chapter 2/3

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"What if I told you that I like you."

She did nothing but curve her eyebrows in anticipation-still waiting for him to reveal his crude joke. Kai was hovering in front of her, putting up a smile of a ten year old.

She snickered at his occurring mood swings and grabbed him by the collar. He stumbled and groaned as she pulled him closer.

"Turn." she ordered before tapping his jaw. He rolled his eyes and faced his wounded head towards her. She exhaled a chuckle in disbelief. She would have never thought she'd be helping Kai instead of hurting him.

"I'm serious you know." He said, breaking the silence.

"What?" she asked while dabbing the liquid from the kit onto his cuts.

"I like you. You're brave, you're intelligent, you're spontaneous and I also think you're the most beautiful girl on this planet."

She laughed without holding back at his tacky flirtation. "If you like me you have a funny way of showing it."

She finished plastering his cuts and pushed him away from the counter she was sat on and towards the opposite end of the kitchen.

"Come on, you know I've been stuck here alone for like twenty years. I'm excited you're here is that so wrong?"

"For starters, you don't restrain me if you want to get my attention."

He paused and scoffed at her. "You're lying to yourself."

She was stunned. She expected him to say something witty, but not that.

"I see the way you look at me." he grinned while making his way back towards her, taking his time with every step.

"You want me." He placed his hands on either side of her and onto the counter. "I can see the desperation in your eyes. You're fighting it."

"I don't know what you're-"

"You don't have to deny it because there's no one here to judge you. There's no shame in admitting your attracted to the-darkness. Everyone's a little insane." He stroked his fingers up and down her arms and focused his gaze onto her lips.

Kai chuckled and pulled the smallest crooked smile. He began softly stroking her lower lip with his thumb. She could feel every nerve in her lip wince from his touch. Then there was a moment-a scary one. She thought she might've gave into her buried cravings and fall into his arms and let him kiss her as long as he'd like. But instead she broke loose of his presence and ran straight for her bedroom.

She locked her door and fell straight onto her bed. She waited for Kai's knock on her door to reel her back out again but he didn't come. She still laid waiting, confused, angry and tired. And not long after, she shut her eyes and feel asleep until the sun sank from the sky.

She awoke to three soft knocks on her door and jerked up from her bed. She scanned her room for anything out of place, but everything seemed to be intact. Her gaze fell to the floor to see a small parchment being slid underneath her door.

She rose and hesitantly picked up the piece of paper only out of curiosity. She didn't have an interest in Kai's needs anymore. She saw a plate of spaghetti with a question mark beside it drawn on with a sharpie marker.

She then became truly annoyed. First Kai wanted to kill her, which lead to her finding out that he wanted to kiss her, then he wanted her to cook for him? Right after disturbing her sleep? She wasn't planning on being okay with him exhausting her-mentally.

She marched out of her room and headed straight towards his. "Kai!" she screamed. She quickly realised his room was vacant because his door was slightly ajar. Not once has he left his door open while he was inside.

She stomped towards the living room with growing fury. "Malachai, where are you!" She exaggerated the rage in her voice so he could clearly hear how annoyed she was.

She walked into the dining area and stopped. It was dark, there were candles-and two plates of spaghetti. She approached the dining table and saw the plates of Bolognese acceptably presented, though quite rookie like staring at her with guilt. He cooked she kept thinking. Given that it wasn't the most appetising looking meal she'd seen before, the effort he probably put in was out of the ordinary.

"Hi." she heard Kai greet from behind. She turned around to see him stood there with his hands in his pockets, waiting for a reply-from the looks of his gleaming eyes.

"Kai, what is this?" She said. She was smiling. She tried her best not to but she somehow couldn't stop it. She decided to give in for the night, just to give him the satisfaction at least once. It couldn't hurt her, she wouldn't let it.

"I guess this is kinda my way of saying I'm sorry I've been such a jackass lately."

He was looking at her and she was staring back at him. And for once, she quite liked looking at Kai-maybe even admiring him. Like the fact that his cheeks were always slightly pink or how he'd always wear the same green jacket every other day.

She wanted to break the silence but couldn't find the words to speak. "Tomatoes." she finally announced.

"Tomatoes." he smiled. The dish Kai decided to cook was the one that specifically got them into their latest fight. Which made the thought all the more sincere.

He pulled out a chair for her and proceeded to sit himself down across her. She looked down at the table and all she could see was her food and a glimpse of Kai's face. The rest of the room was in total darkness as there were only two candles on the table.

"It's kinda dark, could you turn the lights on?" Kai's did nothing but smile. Instead he held her wrist and gave a small wave of his hand.

The whole room glowed bright with a golden shine. There were candles everywhere catching fire in turn. Some on the floor, the doorway and even the windowsill. She stared in amazement of how beautiful it looked. Kai gestured her to begin eating and to her surprise, it was quite delicious.

She decided to reevaluate herself for the night. She may have thought he was a psychopath, but she'd done some questionable things as well. She sometimes thought about how the prison she was in tampered with her sanity. So, naturally if she felt she was going crazy, she could only imagine how Kai was holding up after two decades.

He was a funny guy. He kept trying to make her laugh the whole night-and succeeded. She began thinking about how his company wouldn't be so miserable if she'd just gave an effort to talk to him. He was in some ways, comforting to have near.

After their meal, Kai stacked the plates and washed them himself. "Are you tired?" he asked faced away from her, scrubbing the dishes. She was sat in the same chair just observing him.

"No." she answered. "Good." he replied while switching off the tap. "Let's go for a walk."

Who's The Psycho and other short stories - Kai (Malachai Parker) / Chris Wood The Vampire Diaries [TVD]Where stories live. Discover now