Two Ways (Chris) - Chapter 2/4

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There he was, hardly ten meters away from her and he made her feel lost. Lost, dizzy, confused and alone. It was as if he were a memory. They used to spend every waking moment with each other ever since the day she could walk. But it'd been months since they even had a proper conversation. The last time Chris spoke to her was when he asked for the date in chemistry, two weeks earlier.

She watched him joke around with his friends, having their usual loud conversations that could be heard from across the hallway. But it was just a chorus of boy laughter to her. She watched him. She watched him, and watched him. And she watched him walk towards her.

Her palms grew sweaty and her heart picked up pace. It couldn't be that Chris had actually remembered her birthday. It was as if she were watching him in slow motion, the way his smile grew as he looked at her, or how his eyes fluttered meeting hers. He was actually looking her, and nobody else.

"Hey." his deep voice greeted.

She sometimes forgot how much Chris had grown. She would often imagine the slim, clumsy little boy she'd known growing up, not the broad, muscular chiseled football player.

"Hi." she barely whispered back.

She was smiling uncontrollably and realised she needed to tone down her excitement. Chris didn't even speak to her on her 17th birthday a year before, but did later apologise. After a week.

Say it, she kept thinking. Say a two word sentence; happy birthday. Or just say anything at all. Anything.

"You-" he pulled something out from his bag "-you left your calculator in math yesterday."

She heard her heart physically cracking in her chest. Though, she had no reason to. She meant nothing to him, so he should mean nothing to her.

She reached out to grab the calculator from him, not averting their eye contact. It was like she was trying to yell out to him telepathically.

Chris! It's my birthday! Wish me happy birthday, like you always do!

To her prediction, he continued smiling. As if it were a situation where a boy gives a girl the calculator she'd left in math.

"Thanks." she finally muttered, admitting to herself that he'd forgotten her birthday. Again.

Chris nodded and returned to the pack of jocks he'd approached from. Just in a flash, he was gone. Like a memory again. She couldn't grasp the fact that her best friend was someone she no longer knew.

She never knew what he'd gotten for Christmas anymore, or what shoes he'd bought with the money he saved from babysitting, or just how his day had been.

But, that's what happens. You think you know someone for the moment, and that you have grand plans to takeover the world together. But at the snap of a finger, everything could change.

The snap of the finger for her, was Chris's girlfriend, Sandy. They dated for a year and broke up three months back, but were still the talk of the school. Rumours were going around that Chris cheated on Sandy with her best friend. That sounds as shallow as it can get, but the worst part was that Sandy's best friend also happened to be Chris's best friends girlfriend. Chris and his best friends aren't even on speaking terms.

The Chris she knew would've never sunk to such a low standard, but people do change.


After school, she headed to her brand new car to drive over to her birthday lunch. Her friends Megan, Ryan and Joseph had planned a picnic in the town park-a tradition she did every birthday with Chris-though they didn't know that.

She drove past the familiar shops and houses in her town, until she reached the park. She spotted her three friends stood by the gate, waiting for her arrival.

They were holding presents, baskets and picnic mats, welcoming her to her picnic party. She didn't care for Chris in that moment. She had real friends who stuck by her. But what she did care for, was the rumbles in the sky growing louder.

Before she and her friends could even step through the park gates, water dripped down from the sky beginning to soak them.

They all rushed into her car, bearing the picnic items. After a minute or two of despair, they unanimously decided to take the party elsewhere instead of being miserable and wet.

They had fun, and she had no regrets. She didn't mind that her annual picnic lunch didn't go through for the first time, but it would've been nice to do it on her eighteenth birthday.


That night, she returned home and spent time with her parents. She had some dinner, did her homework and prepared for bed. Her elephant print pyjama pants kept her cozy for the chilly night. She sat by the head of her mattress with her nightlight on, feeling unsatisfied.

It was a good day, but it wasn't a great one. She'd always expected more for her eighteenth but as she knew by now, plans change.

And apparently, so do the branches of the tree outside her room. She heard the crackling and tapping noises rattle vigorously on her balcony railing. She rose from her bed to see what was in the giant tree outside her window. Maybe it was a large bird, or a family of squirrels nesting their home.

But as she stood by the frame of the window, a pair of black converse shoes landed on the railings of her balcony. It was then followed by a hooded figure landing on the ground.

She was two breaths away from screaming out loud, until the figure swiped his hood to the back. It was dark, but she could see it was just a boy in a black sweater.

She watched him approach the balcony door before easing it open.


"Happy Birthday."

--------------end of chapter 2--------------

I swear: this is not the end. A LOT more to come x ;) hope you liked it!

Who's The Psycho and other short stories - Kai (Malachai Parker) / Chris Wood The Vampire Diaries [TVD]Where stories live. Discover now