Two Ways (Chris) - Chapter 1/4

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Something a little different at the start. Hope you'll like it. x


"Happy 5th Burthday Chris!", was what had been scribbled onto a green parchment with a variety of coloured crayons. She pasted the paper onto a wrapped gift, with the assistance of her mother, before leaving it at his doorstep across the street. Trotting along merrily, she made her way back home to have her shepherds pie lunch.

The clocked had just struck 2:05 p.m, before a patter of knocks echoed from the front door. From the head of the dining table, she watched her mother approach the entrance before easing it open.

"Chris, dear. Happy Birthday!" her mother wished.

"Thank you for the present. Is-"

"Yes, she's right inside. Honey, Chris is here."

She didn't need to be notified when her best friend was at the door. She could already recognise his knocking pattern from seconds earlier. She slid down the large dining chair and proceeded to the entrance.

"Howdy, Woody."

"Howdy, Jessie."

Chris and herself had a childish epiphany when they'd watched Toy Story 2 for the first time. Since his surname was Wood, they decided he'd be called Woody and she, Jessie.

"Happy Birthday. We're both five now! How exciting is this?"

"Super exciting!" he grinned at her. "I love the roller skates you got for me. They're exactly the ones I wanted." his eyes shone with an innocent glisten. Mouth smiling out of cheeks, in excitement and disbelief.

"Glad you like them. I left them on your doorstep because I thought you were having lunch out with your parents."

"Nope. It got moved to dinner. I want you to go with us tonight. My mom even said she would ask your mom. And if you come now, we can try my new roller skates together!"

She turned around to her mother who was observing the two children chatter by the doorway.

"Go along. Mrs. Wood already called me this morning, I thought I'd surprise you."

She ran with her tiny feet pattering towards her mother and hugged her tight.

"See you tonight, mommy!"


"Happy eleventh birthday." Chris wished before handing her a wide box wrapped in pink paper. She held it and shook it around a little. It was light and didn't make much sound.

"This feels empty. Are you sure there's something in here?"

"Always the suspicious type. Of course there's something inside! Open it, go ahead."

She sat down on Chris's sofa and placed the gift on her lap. There was a tiny card pasted on the top left of the present.

"Howdy, Jessie. I noticed you looking at this when we went to the mall last weekend. I know you'll love it. From, Woody"

She ripped the present open with caution. Hints of beige began showing as she tore the paper. But as soon as she saw the logo on the box, she squealed and flung it open.

She peeled a fuchsia coloured evening dress with a hint of gold shine out of the box. She dangled it in the air admiring it from top to bottom. She never though she'd ever get to have that dress after her mother had said they couldn't afford it, mainly because it was a "waste of money" and she "didn't need it".

"Chris, how did you get this? I can't believe it, it's perfect! Thank you times infinity!" she exclaimed, full of excitement and straight away threw herself onto him, strangling him in a hug, as the dress tickled him at his neck.

"I knew you wanted it and I knew it'd make you happy, so I thought I'd get it."

Chris gently pushed her off his body and held her by her shoulders.

"Swear you'll wear this dress all the time?" he muttered before pulling a pout. "I promise, Chris."

"Alright, you better. Come on, moms made us lunch in the kitchen."


To: Chris "its ur bday next week! sweet sixteen, we shld plan something hella BIG!!"

From: Chris "sounds gr8. but i made plans with Sandy already. She bought us tickets to the Packers game n i rly dont want to miss that."

From: Chris "plus her parents will b there so it rly will be a BIG night."

To: Chris "oh shit... well what about the day before?"

From: Chris "no good either. ill b at football training the whole day. all the days before that too. but tmrw should be good. u free?"

To: Chris "nooo. im visiting grammy tomorrow... its ok.. ill just see u in school. happy birthday."


She stood by her locker, getting ready for first period. Her thoughts drowned as she stared at her books. It was the morning of her 18th birthday. She should've been happier. It was her last year in school, her friends were throwing her a party and most importantly, she'd just gotten a car from her parents.

She knew she should've been happier. Another thing she knew was why she wasn't. As she looked to her left, right down the hallway, she saw Chris in his perfect plaid shirt with his perfect hair and perfect stubble over his perfect smile laughing with his jock friends. She wondered if he even remembered it was her birthday.

--------------end of chapter 1------------------

GUYS so the funniest thing happened. I wrote this like 3 days ago and when Chris did his Twitter Q&A yesterday HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT PEOPLE CALLED HIM WOODY GROWING UP!!! so I kinda died inside but yea. next chapter out in a bit!! x

Who's The Psycho and other short stories - Kai (Malachai Parker) / Chris Wood The Vampire Diaries [TVD]Where stories live. Discover now