Chapter 10

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Van Helsing placed the unconscious Anna on the bed, making sure he disarmed her of all her weapons she had on her being. Carl stood in the doorway watching and waiting for a good time to speak up, letting Van Helsing know he was there. "You know, she reminds me of Lilith. Much like Lilith, princess Anna will be very angry with you when she wakes up."

"I did what I had to do, to keep her from doing something to get herself killed. If that monster does have Lilith, I won't allow anyone to risk her life. Not only that, Anna is also the last of hope for her family to cross the gates of St. Peter. We don't want to let them down," Van Helsing said.

"You heard what princess Anna said. If Dracula has Lilith, chances are she's already dead. I get that you don't want to accept that the being who holds your affections is dead, but you're going to have to accept it. Besides, I don't think Lilith would want you sitting around moping over her loss. She would want you to move on with someone else. I'm sure princess Anna has taken quite a liking to you. I think you should go for her," Carl said.

"I refuse to believe that Lilith is dead. If Dracula wanted Lilith because of her beauty, something tells me that he wouldn't kill her right away. He would want to keep her around for a bit. I may still have time to save her from Dracula," Van Helsing said before pushing pass Carl. Carl turned and followed Van Helsing as he left the room.

A few hours later, Anna jumped awake sitting up in bed looking around the room, trying to piece together what had happened, and how she got in the room she was in. Only one name popped into her head. "Van Helsing."

Anna got out of bed, making her way through the mansion looking for any sign of Van Helsing so she could give him a piece of her mind. Anna was making her way towards the room where she saw the fireplace lit, only to stop when she heard the sound of rain pouring into the armory. Anna walked towards the door, shutting and locking it before turning around and spotting wet foot prints on the ground. Anna followed the footprints until she found her brother huddled in a corner shivering.

"Velkan! Oh my god, Velkan you're alive," Anna said while rushing over kneeling by her brother.

"Anna...Anna I don't have much time. I'm here to tell you that Dracula has a cure.  Dracula, he is also holding a young woman against her will. He believes it's his long-lost wife that he has been waiting for. You have to save her before he gets the chance to turn her into a vampire," Velkan said.

"Velkan my main concern is saving you. Not some woman I know nothing about," Anna said.

"Don't worry about me Anna. Worry about saving the woman; then you can save me. But it's important to get the woman away from Dracula," Velkan said before backing away from Anna groaning in pain.

Anna watched as her brother transformed into a werewolf once again. As the werewolf was getting ready to attack, Van Helsing rushed into the room aiming at the werewolf only to miss as Anna moved Van Helsing's arm to keep him from shooting the werewolf.

Van Helsing turned to glare at Anna. "Why would you do that?"

"Because he was here to help. Besides if people found out about him," Anna began.

"He's no longer your brother, Anna! He's going to kill innocent people if I don't stop him," Van Helsing argued.

"He won't. He told me about the mortal woman that Dracula is holding captive. I...I believe it's the same woman that you were looking for when you first came to my village. If Velkan was against us, why would he tell me about the woman that he has never seen or met before," Anna questioned.

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