Chapter 36

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"Have you ever had prison food? Totally do not recommend it."

Rosalie's POV: 

"No! No way!" Luke yelled, walking inside the house. 

"Oh c'mon Luke! Why not?" I accused. He turned around quickly and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Why not? Do you not know Jack at all? He's crazy! If we let him go free, who knows what he's going to do next. No, absolutely not!" He yelled. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but there's no way I'm giving up that easily.

"He's promised us that he won't cause any more trouble after we defeat my dad!" I argued.

"And you just believe him?" He asked bluntly. I felt myself get angrier at that--I wasn't stupid. Of course I didn't believe him, but I had to make it seem like I did. Otherwise, Luke definitely wouldn't agree. 

"Yes! What else is he going to do? And to be honest--without him, we don't stand a chance."

"Well nice to know you have such faith in us!" He raised his hands in the air. Is he actually accusing me of not believing in our team? That's not what this is about at all. Jack is just an asset.

"Oh c'mon Luke! It's been weeks and we are no closer to finding out anything about the tyricate or my dad. We need someone who can scheme and sneak around. Jack is the best guy for the job!" I yelled and he glared at me.

"I can scheme--" I scoffed and he cut me off with a sharp look. "We don't need him at all--I can help stop your dad."

"And do you have extensive knowledge of the tyricate? How it works? Do you know where to even start to find my dad?" I challenged. He stood there thinking about it--progress. One final blow and he'd be on my side.


"But what? You're just hesitant because it's Jack. If it were anyone else, you'd be the first one hopping on board with letting them go free."

"Of course I'm hesitant with Jack because well--IT'S JACK! I don't trust him!" He screamed and I narrowed my eyes at him. Just because he decided to be a big baby and throw a tantrum, does not mean that I'm backing down now. My plan would succeed--it had to. I couldn't let my dad do this and if that meant doing whatever it took to stop him--then that's what I would do.

"You may not trust him, but do you trust me?" I stepped closer to him, grabbing his hands.

He sighed, letting his shoulders relax. Bingo. "You know I trust you."

I grinned. I knew that already, but this just sealed the deal. "Then you should trust my plan."

"You're evil." He retorted and I tilted my head in confusion.


"You know I can't say no to you, and you use it against me." He muttered, dropping my hands. He walked past me, not saying anything else. I let out a small nervous chuckle, letting him cool off. Of course I felt bad for asking this of him. But we needed Jack. We had to win.

"Good luck telling everyone else." He hollered as he walked upstairs. I heard the door slam behind him and winced. Well, not exactly an ideal situation, but I can't worry about that yet.

Jack has to go free first.


Convincing Luke to convince Mr. Moore was extremely difficult. If I did it, I'm pretty sure I would have been kicked out by now. I lucked out extremely when Luke agreed to this.

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