Chapter 11

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"I said that you're safe with me, and I still mean it."

Rosalie's POV: 

The door swung open as I rushed inside and put my backpack down before sprinting back outside. It was finally Friday, which meant I got my car back today! I burst through the door and nearly collapsed on the driveway when I saw it parked there in all its glory.

The fresh white paint glistened in the sunlight and the new tires were fully pumped and ready to be driven. Oh, to feel the comfort of the seat contouring to my body as I drive along the road with MY music playing. I couldn't help myself--I squealed like a little girl.

My dad came up beside me and chuckled. "Finally got your car, eh?" I nodded excitedly.

"No more chauffeur for me, I'm a driving woman!" I twirled my keys on my finger.

"So, no more Luke driving you around?"

Huh, I never thought about what Luke and I would do after I got my car. Would he still drive me? Would we still talk? I hope so, although he may not have been my favorite person when we first met, he was growing on me. I just wonder if our friendship is one-sided or if Luke likes being around me as well.

"Well, maybe he could. I don't exactly know yet." I said hesitantly.

"Why don't you take your car for a spin and find out?"

"I can go out?" I exclaimed.

"You'll be with Luke." He said happily.

Right, what was it with him and letting me go out with Luke?

"Why are you so lenient all of a sudden when it comes to me going out with Luke?" I asked. His smile instantly faded, but it returned as soon as it was gone.

"Stephen, Mr. Moore, is one of my best friends. He and I went through so much together. Luke being his son makes me more inclined to trust him with going out with you." He looked into the distance as if remembering his old memories, but he seemed slightly on edge. I wonder what they did as teens that made them so close. And also why they don't talk anymore.

"I want to hear about that! It seems like you two had a lot of fun back then." I spoke up.

"Maybe another day, first make your own memories before you listen to my old ones." He chuckled. I smiled softly at him before jumping in my car and driving to Luke's house.

I was going to ask him to go to the diner where we could catch up and eat. I haven't seen him in a while and I also want to make sure he's doing okay. Of course he sat with Iris and I at lunch still, but he seemed distant--almost stressed as if something was distracting him. I pulled up on his driveway, giving my car one last glance as I squealed internally. 

I knocked on his door and it swung open to reveal a very distressed Luke.


"Oh hi, I just wanted to check up on you and ask if you wanted to grab some food at Tom's because look! I got my car back!" I stepped aside to give him a clear view of my car parked on the street. He glanced behind me and looked back with a smile that didn't exactly seem genuine.

"Is this a bad time?" I asked skeptically.

He looked around nervously. "What time is it?"

"Two? Luke, look I can just come back later."

He frowned and stood there for a moment as I awkwardly waited for him to reply.

"I'll call Iris! Maybe she can come." He suggested suddenly.

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