Chapter 47

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"He had everything: he had a family, a best friend, and a good life, but he threw it all away for power."

Luke's POV: 

My feet burned as we continued to walk around the beach in search of anything remotely suspicious. The beach looked so inviting as I looked at all the people surfing and playing in the water.

Meanwhile I was stuck in the middle of a doofus sandwich.

"Maybe she just did it out of pity." Jack started. 

"Hm, or she did it as a parting gift. Just in case, you know." Zach continued. 

 "Hm, possible. Didn't want to leave Luke pining after her in the possible last moments of his life--or maybe that's exactly what she wanted." 

"Will you two be quiet?" I yelled. They had been going on like this for the entire time we had been on the beach. They both gave me a wary look as I continued to observe our surroundings.

"Awww is little Luke frustrated?" Jack teased and I heard Zach let out a chuckle. Some best friend he was.

What if they were right? Maybe they're right, maybe she just did it because she thought we might die. Am I overthinking this? What if she regretted it? And I couldn't even say anything to her.

"Relax dude! We're just joking. Roro hangs out with you for a reason. She stood by you for a reason. And I bet that you're one of the reasons for her being here today." Zach told me. I scoffed.

"Rosalie isn't here because of me, she's here because of her dad." Of course she is. It's understandable.

"Jeez. How dumb are you? Yes, she's here for her dad obviously. But I bet that's not her only reason. Just like 'proving yourself to POWA' isn't your only reason." I heard Jack's voice next to me. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and looked away quickly.

"HA! I think I just struck a cord there." Jack boasted in triumph and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay, you've made your point--" My arm was grabbed and I saw Zach looking off into the distance.

"What happened?" I heard Jack come over to us.

"Look." Zach gestured his head over to a place near the beach. It was a small hut, similar to Jack's old one. It had a bad paint job, most of it already chipped off and it looked extremely run down. I doubted that it had any electricity or clean water.

Why would one person go through all this for one machine? He had everything: he had a family, a best friend, and a good life, but he threw it all away for power. I felt myself shudder at the thought.

Then I realized--Jack had the same mindset.

Maybe he still did. But it didn't matter now, he got it all taken away from him. I wonder if he still cared about that.

There were a couple of men exiting the building--they were definitely guards. Tall, muscular, and dressed in all black.

"Those are my guards." Jack seethed and I held him back, trying to keep us out of their view. I felt his muscles tense and he glanced at me, shrugging my arm off.I gave him a warning look and he took a deep breath, calming himself.

"C'mon let's follow them." Zach said, breaking the silence. Jack nodded, going to follow them.

"We have to warn the others too." I stopped them from walking off.

"Call Rowboat on the way. We have to follow them before we lose them." Jack briskly walked forward, trying to track the men down.

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