Chapter 43

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"Stay safe. Both of you." 

Luke's POV: 

"Did they say yes?" Rosalie practically shouted at me. Ever since we explained the plan to her, she had been hounding me about getting POWA to begin investigations. Not only did Rosalie want to start investigations, but now her mom wanted to help us.

I get that she wants to help stop Mr. Rao, but I was still on the fence about it. If she got hurt, Rosalie would be crushed. And now Rosalie is not only putting more pressure on herself, but on everyone around her.

If I thought she was intense before, boy was I wrong.

"Rosalie. I've been trying all week. My dad has been trying. We're getting there and if you ask me one more time, then I will go insane." I managed to get out through gritted teeth. She huffed, stepping towards me.

"Well lucky for you! Because I'm going to ask everyday until it happens."

And she kept her promise. Every day for two weeks straight, she asked. And every day, I told her--no.

Until today. 

I busted through the door and saw Rosalie already standing there, waiting for me eagerly.

"Well?" I nodded rapidly and she squealed loudly, causing me to cover my ears from the noise. Instantly, she bombarded me with questions.

"So when are we going? How many agents are coming with us? Do we have a specific location?" She asked, following me into the kitchen. I had my back to her as she kept badgering me. I had seen this coming, but she was being incredibly overwhelming again. 

Turning around swiftly to face her, she stumbled slightly and looked at me waiting for me to answer.

"We need Jack here first." I said.

"Ah call for me and you shall receive." Jack entered the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the counter. Rosalie and I rolled our eyes simultaneously at his comment. I could have bet that he was standing outside the door, waiting for the perfect opportunity to walk in.

"And what are we talking about today?" He took a bite of the apple.

"We were talking about the next mission." I said and his eyes widened a fraction, before returning to their normal, relaxed state. 

"It's going to be next Friday. POWA is supplying us with their trucks again and a hundred agents. But we're going to still need to train the same way. Just because we have help doesn't mean we can ease up. Learned that the hard way." I saw Rosalie and Jack nod, but he had a small smirk on his face--probably thinking about that day at the waterfall. He was too smug for his own good. 

"Is that all?" Jack asked and I nodded. Rosalie excused herself to speak to her mom and I stood in front of Jack awkwardly. We hadn't really talked to each other much since we last talked to dad and I wasn't sure exactly what to say.

"Well, we should tell dad." I told him and he shook his head.

"Not we, you." He snapped back and I sighed. I figured the only way this could work was if the two of them interacted more--no matter how badly it may go.

"Please Jack? You can't let one bad experience stop you." I reasoned.

"But that's it. It's not just one bad experience, it's years and years. He won't get over it! I'm not going with you."

He had a point, but to be fair, my dad needed time. But how much time? Well that was still up in the air.

"If you don't go with me, I can convince Rosalie to not let you on the mission." I threatened. 

He scoffed. "Please no one is changing Rosalie's mind now."

I raised an eyebrow. "You want to bet on that?"

He studied my face to see if I was lying. I kept it blank. Of course I was lying. I couldn't convince Rosalie, but I was hoping he wouldn't know that.


The relief flooded through me as we walked to the study together. I opened the door slowly and saw him sitting there. The deja vu hit me as I thought of the last time this happened. I just hoped it wouldn't end up like last time.

"Dad?" He looked up and saw the two of us standing there. Jack shuffled awkwardly in front of the desk.

"Did you hear--"

"Yes, I helped make the decision." He interrupted and I nodded. The silence fell over us as Jack and I stood there, waiting for him to say anything else, but he didn't. A part of me was slightly grateful that he didn't say anything. Silence was better than yelling. But I also wanted him to react, say something, maybe even fix whatever was happening now.

"Are you going to be coming with us?" I asked. He sighed, averting his gaze from the computer onto us two.

"Yes, I'm coming. You will need the experience there. I'll be with you to keep everyone on task." He replied quickly. Jack and I nodded.

"Well, is there anything you need?" I spoke again and my dad shook his head. Excusing myself, I began to walk out and Jack followed me. That's it?

That felt better, but still not great. The silence unnerved me. Was he angry? Or was he finally thinking this through? Why won't he say anything else?

Maybe he was just trying to control himself. Or maybe there could be hope. I just hoped that this was a good sign. I didn't feel happy, but I didn't feel terrible either. I wonder if Jack felt the same way--I did practically drag him here.

"Stay safe. Both of you." I heard his voice behind me.

A large smile grew on my face. I heard Jack's sharp intake of breath as we both walked out of the room.

There was that flicker of hope again, but this time--a thousand times stronger.  

I honestly really don't like this chapter at all, but I think it was a necessary one to have. So, I hope you enjoyed it! We are nearing the end of the story, so I just want to say thank you to anyone who read this far! You are all amazing :)) 

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