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After three amazing months with his new friend, Athusa agreed to run away with Amethyst. They were going to live in the Outlands together.  They sat together on their two sides of the border.

Soon they would be able to be together.  Athusa wouldn't have to worry about his parents, the king, or his strength anymore.  He had all he needed.......'My brother.....I have to say goodbye to my brother!'

"Amethyst, there's something I have to do before we leave, and it's very important!"

She looks up at me with confused eyes. "I thought we were all ready, what is it that's making you want to go back now? Were so close to leaving!"

"I know... It's just, my brother...he's the only one who kept me going.  I have to say goodbye"

"A-are you sure you can trust him? What if he rats us out?"

"This is my brother we're talking about....He's really nice! I'm sure he would never do anything like that."

Amethyst seemed to look concerned but she eventually gave in. "If it's what you want."

"Thank you." I smile.

I run back into the woods.  I couldn't fly since I could risk getting spotted by someone.

I search my way through the brush until I come to an opening in the jungle.  I saw my home.

I ran across the dirt field and made my way to mine and Krager's house.  I had to be very cautious since it was almost morning and my parents could be up any minute now.

I heard footsteps behind me and jumped back.  It was Amethyst.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I whisper yelled.

"MAKING SURE YOU DON'T GET KILLED!" She whisper yelled back.

"Ok fine! Just...stay out here. My brothers right in here so keep it down."

She says nothing and just makes a serious face that says, *Be CAREFUL.*

I proceed to open the door and walk inside.  I moved my head around, searching for my brother.

"Athusa?" A familiar voice from behind me asked.

I turn around.  It was my brother.

Story of a Dragon ||Villan arc|| Short storyWhere stories live. Discover now