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"Where were you!? Mother is REALLY mad!!! She's looking EVERYwhere for you!" Krager said with a voice of concern.

I froze. 'Of all the 9 realms!!  My parents are already looking for me?  This is really bad....I have to be quick!' I thought to myself.

"It's really complicated.....But I can't quite explain in time. I'm running away." 

Krager froze and made a face of confusion. "W-what? You're not serious are you...."

I look up at him with eyes of sadness. "I came back to say goodbye."

"This can't be real....WHY!? Why are you leaving!!! WE'RE SO CLOSE TO MAKING IT TO THE KINGS ARMY!"

"I don't want to go into the army....I....I met someone....across the border....were going to run away together."

"So, you meet SOME DRAGON!! And now you want to LEAVE ME!? After I watched out for you!?!?! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!?!? AND FOR WHAT?"

"K-Krager I-"

Before I could finish, I saw him run out the door with tears.

Story of a Dragon ||Villan arc|| Short storyWhere stories live. Discover now