__𝐈𝐗: 𝐄𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐱𝐚? __

378 26 40

 Etrexa ( Ē- Tricks- uh) 

The Latin word for 'Ran' And also the name for one of the most well known gods in existence, mainly because they are the god of all gods. If only they knew what horrible hands this power was in.

The hands of a minor.

Ranboo sighed. Today was going to be a long day. FIRST of all, Tommy was calling him. 

He reluctantly answered the phone.





"A LOT????"

Ranboo sighed.

"Ok. Ok. What exactly did you screw up?"

"I- well-? It's less of a screw up..more like a 'fuck you I need help now' kind of situation?"

"OH MY GOD JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" Ranboo practically shouted.



"I DON'T HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH WOMEN, LET ALONE MEN!" Tommy "explained" making motions with his hands, though Ranboo couldn't really...see them.


Ranboo had no idea what the hell was going on.

"Tommy, breathe."

Tommy did a little breathing exercise Ranboo had taught him.

In for eight,

Hold for 7,

Out for 10.

"You good now?"

"Ok. I think I'm good enough to form coherent thoughts."

"What did you need help with..?"

"Ok. So basically, bad asked for help with his soulmate, I went to his soulmate assigner and then HE couldn't help, and so then for SOME FUCKING REASON I WENT TO SKEPPY!"

"...o-Kay... so I'm guessing from the context, Skephalo."

"Yea, who the fuck else would bad be paired with?"

"I-!" Ranboo was going to be insulted, but you know, "actually that's a good point."



"Anyway, how can I help?"

"I mean, you are the ruler of the gods."

"I mean it's not like I know how to do my job, if I did I wouldn't be streaming ever single fucking day."

Tommy scoffed.

"Then why are you the ruler?" He taunted.

"Well, it's not like I wanted my parents to fucking die, Tommy." 

Ranboo doesn't curse often, so the words that left his mouth was quite a surprise to the younger.

Tommy...should've remembered that.

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