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Bad remembered when he found out Skeppy was his soulmate like it was yesterday.

He was interviewing Skeppy for Mod on his server, MuncyMc. The muffin had trolled him to post a video on his YouTube channel.

Bad used to be a content creator himself, one of Skeppys favorites in fact- that was, until he knew Skeppy was his soulmate.

Then he stopped posting.

Once Zak had posted the video to YouTube, Bad has heard an odd noise. A little 'ding!' That he'd never heard before. Not for himself anyway.

He wasn't terribly excited. He thought this whole "Soulmate" thing was kind of odd. I mean, why would some god decide to play Cupid.

All he knew is that he wanted to meet his soulmate in true love. He didn't want to just know them from the videos recorded and schedule some weird meeting like most.

Hesitantly, after much internal monologuing, he opened the notification and his heart sank. It was that  troll!

It was in some weird text messaging app, a text with a video attached.

"Hey! You've met your soulmateeeeeeeee WOOOOO YOU FOUND LOVE LONELY BOY"


Bad knew he'd be doomed to pair with Skeppy. He hated it, too. How could this god think that he could ever like that annoying little sh- crap!

Although he was pretty. And kind of charming. And he would be lying if he said he didn't want to put that brat in his p- shut up shut up shut up, he would not give into what the gods wanted.

Those Gods would hear from Bad.

If he knew how to contact them. Or if they even existed.

It could just be some creep who liked to play matchmaker.

Bad told himself that, though he knew he was wrong.

There were many Gods. Gods of the elements, gods of the sky, etc.

Something most don't know is that you don't get videos from your soulmate until you meet. The gods probably decided after you met that you'd be cursed to be together, which was smart, Bad had to admit.

Bad decided to try to contact this troll. Not to tell him about the soulmates or anything, that was the last thing on his mind.

Although a tiny part of him wanted to.

A part that grew bigger bit by bit each time he saw Skeppy.

But he didn't.

[Word Count: 397]

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