.iii. : ghost kisses

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Kaiden stared at me for a moment, studying my face before he smiled softly.

"I just realized how desperately I needed to see your smile.." He whispered slowly as if I were the one about to disappear instead of him. His eyebrows creasing upwards. He reached over and gently cupped my cheek, although his hand went right through it. I leaned against his hand, even if I couldn't feel his touch, that was okay. As long as he was here, I was lucky.

But as he said those words, my heart started picking up. I closed my eyes and allowed tears to stream down my face. I needed him more than I thought I did, hearing his words just made me realize that all the more. I didn't quite understand how he was here as a ghost, but I didn't want to question it. I was lucky, I really was.

Kaiden blinked and frowned a bit, "Hey, don't cry Ten," He whispered, he went to wipe my tears but as excepted, his hand went right through my head.

I began sobbing hiccuping in between each sob, my frame shaking. I couldn't help it, I was just so happy that he was here. For month's I wished for him to walk through that door, laughing and joking around. Finally, even though he was a spirit, that day was happening right now. York said that the day wouldn't happen, if only he could be here now to see Kaiden. I smiled, my tears making my lips salty. I wanted to say something to Kaiden, but all I could do is smile and hope that he realized how happy I was, now that he was here with me.

Kaiden seemed to get what I was trying to say and sighed, but he was smiling just as much as I was. "I love you.."

I wiped my tears and tried grabbing his hand, although my hand went right through his, I wanted to let him know that I loved him back. It's just the littlest things that can tell someone how you feel, especially with physical touch.

I wanted to take a shower, but I didn't want Kaiden to go..No, not yet. I stared up at him, pleading with my eyes for him to stay. He studied my eyes for a moment and chuckled.

"I'll stay, don't worry, Ten." He murmured.

I smiled softly at him and then went up the steps to get changed. I thought today would be a day full of grieving, this was honestly the last thing I had excepted out of today. But that didn't matter, I could finally enjoy my life again now that Kaiden was here.


After I took my shower, I slipped on sweat pants and a tank top, walking down the steps. Kaiden was laying down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. He sat up once he heard me and slowly smiled at me.

"Hey love," He whispered to me I smiled and nodded to him, crawling onto the couch, he sat beside me and we both sat there in comfortable silence. Kaiden soon cleared his throat.

"You know..I was told by other ghosts that you became mute a few weeks after I died..I didn't believe them. You were always quiet but I didn't think you would become mute..It just reminds me how much I really miss your voice..Your voice was so soft and sweet, it was hard to forget it." Kaiden sighed softly, leaning back against the couch.

"Now it's difficult to believe that you really don't speak anymore.." I listened and kept my gaze down. Many people didn't believe me at first, but soon after a while of me not talking they began to believe it was true. It wasn't like I was choosing to be mute, sometimes when I went to stores or restaurants the waiter or cashier would tell me to speak. They tried to force me, but luckily, York would be there and would tell them off.

Physically, my body wouldn't let me. Something in my head just told me not to speak or talk. I wouldn't allow it. Kaiden sighed.

"When...When the car accident happened I didn't even know what was going on. All I felt was pain before the pain was erased. There was a loud bang too and before I knew it I was out of my body.." He murmured, he turned to me, his eyes glazing over with sadness.

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