chapter 9 part 2

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I was raging, throwing an absolute fit. I was going to kill Kaname! K.I.L.L! I was pacing around my room before finally throwing on the first rocker outfit I could find and pulled my hair that I took so painstakingly long to curl up into a ponytail and ran out of the room and racing down the hallways and out of the sun dorm. I ran into the ballroom where day class students were starting to get confused as too what happened to the night class students. Some were even about to go out searching for them. I sighed and jumped up on stage and gained everyone's attention.

"Sorry I was feeling a little sick before but now I'm ready to do another song." I said, faking cheer and turning to the IPod and playing another song. Everyone gathered around and started to listen and dance to the music. I was still extremely tired, thanks to only getting another hour of sleep before waking up from the rucket that was being made. I knew that something big was going to happen tonight and so I had somehow (like always) known my part and got ready to preoccupy the Day class students at the dance to avoid their interference. Why was I helping the bastard that bit me you're wondering? I'm not. I'm helping myself. I want to get the hell out of this place and the only way I'm going to be able to do that is if I prove I can get along with both vampires and humans, at least a little. So I'll try. Because I don't think I can take eternity on Earth.

I continue to sang more and more songs, and when I saw the headmaster smile at me and tell me to do one last song I nodded. "One more?" I asked the crowd and they cheered. It was amazing how fast you made fans but not friends.

In the empty stage

the curtain has already fallen on my time for dreams

just like yesterday, tomorrow will

not come again...I've realized it...

I sang softly. It was the only soft song I'd sang the entire night. I preferred much more fast beat and rocker music but I found I liked the softer tunes as well.

the last scene is always pain and beautiful, but

I'll wipe my tears and knock on this door!

I smiled into the song, but it wasn't the same smile from before. I wasn't currently in danger of dying right now. Instead, it was a real smile. I don't remember the last time I truly smiled...

My heartful song

I will always sing so that it will always reach you!

I twirled around the stage and got closer to the edge of the stage, leaning my arm out into the crowd and singing.

I wonder, since when did I stop showing my true smile?

don't give up on me, you've waited for me!

There wasn't any cheering, instead people were slow dancing and waving their arms above their heads, relaxed and soft smiles adorning their faces.

I brought up the shields of loneliness and fought myself,

but now I release my chains of deceit

My heartful song,

My heartful song,

I open my heart

It felt great to truly smile and sing. It's like breaking down those shields you put around yourself and letting them fall for just a moment. Letting go of everything and just enjoying the moment like I was. Enjoy the moment... I was enjoying a moment on earth. It was weird, but welcoming in a sense. And Earth had brought back something. I hadn't sung in the ocean for over five centuries, but I was again. and It was wonderful.


I'll change into a brand new me

bring out my courage

and continue to shine

my heartful song

my heartful song

I will always sing

so that it will reach you!

My cheeks were flushed, from what I didn't know, happiness I guess? I wasn't sure. It was an abnormal emotion that was for sure. I set the mic down and hopped off stage, not waiting as I ran out the door as the Headmaster began his closing speech he just had to give and I waited. I knew I would see them eventually, especially with standing in the middle of the academy by the pool. They were bound to show up. Finally I heard the confrontation and I smirked and jumped up in the trees with a little help from the wind and sat above, watching the confrontation. Zero was clearly outnumbered, but he also had power unknown to these men, proven when he demolished the guy in front of him.

Then the Night class and Kaname showed up. That put these intruders in place. When Yuuki showed up, I had to suppress the urge roll my eyes. She just always had to show up. At least Kiera wasn't like that. I might kill her out of annoyance. 'No you won't' a small voice inside my head whispered but I shushed it. I hated when that voice showed up. It only came every few centuries or so. Before she had died, my sister had called it 'my conscience' whatever the hell that is.

I had to suppress a laugh as I watched Yuuki yell at Kaname. She had no freaking idea did she? It was Kaname who had killed Shizuka Hio (the small grey haired girl, thank goodness she was annoying!) but he wasn't saying Zero didn't do it, which was pissing Yuuki off, even though he wasn't technically saying he did do it either. Everyone dispersed, including Takuma after a strong warning from Kaname to leave before he blew his head off and I jumped down.

"You should be sleeping." Kaname said quietly without looking at me.

"Yeah well my psychic mind caught hint of all of the tension in the air and forced me to wake up. You should be thanking me. I gave you my blood and kept the day class students out of the way. No actually I didn't give you my blood, you took it. I'm not okay with that. Next time you do something like that, you'll find yourself in a very dangerous situation. I'm not just any mermaid, Kaname. I guard the most treasured power in the world. And if you do something like that again, I won't hesitate to use it on you." I warned, though my voice didn't sound threatening. I still didn't have the energy to be my snarky, sarcastic, sassy self.

"The silver pearl." He said quietly and I nodded.

"Very powerful possession. And as you know, only a mermaid can use her pearl. A power you don't have and a power you will very much want. And before you call my bluff like I know you will, go ahead. Call my bluff. But even if you do, you won't kill me like you so desperately want to. Besides, you couldn't for a couple of days anyway, until I started to dry out or you found out how to break which good luck with that because I don't even know how." I said scornfully. He turned to face me.

"You're wrong. I believe you when you say that pearl has power I wish for, I tasted the power in your blood. And I don't wish to kill you, Amara." He answered. That completely confused me.

"Huh?" I asked unintelligently and almost hit myself for that lack of wit response. I also blamed it on him for making me stupid today.

"You remind me of her. Determined, set in your ways, down right stubborn, demanding, nothing fazes you, and a complete lack of tact. keeping you around is not only for Yuuki's benefit but for my selfish wish to have someone like her around." He said and before I could give another dumbfounded reply, he was gone.

People had to stop doing that to me.


Shorter then the first but I like it. I promise no more songs! It's a special occasion thing and they have importance. This isn't some kind of musical but for a book. Just special occasions only.

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(especially since I just got two chapters up in one night.)

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