chapter 8

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I glowered as I sat high in the tree, watching as the young noble girl pranced around while Yuuki and Takuma tried to catch her. She was stealing my thunder! I jumped down from the tree and landed lightly on my feet, right in front of the petite, blue haired girl. She stopped abruptly, momentary surprise crossing over her features. 

"Who are you?" She asked curiously. 

"The question is not who I am, but who are you?" I asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion. She curtsied and smiled innocently at me, an innnocent smile that was obviously fake. I would know, I'd used that look on many a men to lure them too the water.

"My name is Maria Kurenai, you are?" She asked lightly. I gave her a haughty look.

"My name is none of your concern," I told her. "you should know that I am the troublemaker of this school and you are not taking my job. I will hurt you." I threatened. She giggled, eyes gleaming mischeviously.

"You're funny. I like you. Maybe you will be useful too me." She said, tugging on a strand of my hair. I slapped her hand away, staring at her coldly. I leaned forward threateningly. 

"Watch it, princess. You don't know how you're dealing with." I warned, voice full of venom. For a moment her eyes sparked with anger.

"Oh? And who am I dealing with then?" She asked, voice turning a little dangerous.

"Ha! Like i'd tell someone like you. Why don't you just get lost huh?" I sneered. "This is my school, my playground. You're not welcome." I hissed. 

"My, my. How scary. However if you'll excuse me, i'm avoiding people." She said, giggled and then glided off as Takuma and Yuuki were starting to catch off, breathlessly. 

"A-amara! Have you seen Maria?" Yuuki panted.

"That short brat? She just ran past me. Now Yuuki, for the most part you are my enemy or victim of bullying, however I officially dislike this Maria girl. So here's the plan." I said deviously, whispering the plan in her ear. She looked shocked but I just smirked and waved, heading off in the opposite direction towards the school. I had more dance preparations to make. I was jut in the middle of yelling at a ninth grader about booking the wrong band when there was a tap on my shoulder.

"I'm busy." I snapped, not looking at the person and continuing to check things off on my list. The person cleared their throat and I sighed in exasperation and spun around. My eyes narrowed as I saw a very torn up looking Kiera, with her hair disarray and tears falling down her cheeks, completely ruining her makeup. I raised an eyebrow.

"What the hell happened to you?" I scoffed. She just shook her head, more tears forming in her eyes. I pursed my lips. What was wrong with her? Surprising me, she threw her arms over my shoulders, digging her face into the crook of my neck and sobbing loudly. Okay, something serious had to be wrong if she was coming to me to cry. I briefly wondered if her father had died but waved that off almost instantly. She knew I would throw a party if he did. Something else was wrong. I hated the brat but she was half my sister and the annoying need to protect what was part of my sister was nagging at me.

"What happened?" I ordered once more, pushing her off me and walked out of the room and away from wandering eyes. She gulped, trying to stop her tears but she was shaking violently and she slid to the ground.

"I-i'm sorry, I know you hate me and don't want to see me b-but you're really the only person I know well enough to come too here and I...I just needed a hug." She whispered brokenly. I knelt down in front of her.

"Enough with the rambling and get to the point. What happened?" I demanded forcefully, using only a little bit of compulsion to get my point across.

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