Cursed (Vampire knight)

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The couple laughed as they talked, enjoying the romantic boat ride they'd taken as their two year anniversary date. However the boat became even more unstable as waves continuously hit against it. The captain walked up to the couple, a grim look on his face.

"There's a storm brewing and it's even worse back closer to land. We'll have to stay out here except..." he trailed off nervously. 

"But what?" The woman asked curiously, still smiling. 

"This is cursed waters right here." He whispered so low they almost hadn't heard him. Silence passed through them and then a laugh broke out between the couple. The captain scowled. "I'm serious! No sailor in his right mind would come through this area during the night, let alone stay here for a night." He insisted and the couple stared at him, obviously wondering if he was truly capable of sailing this boat now.

"And pray tell, why are these waters cursed?" The man asked, laughter in his voice.

"Mermaids." The captain said lowly and once again, there was silence. 

"Mermaids? But aren't mermaids good? You know, the little mermaid?" He asked and his girlfriend sat  quietly beside him, listening intently. 

"Those are just stories. The real mermaids aren't nearly as kind and benevolent. Real mermaids are beautiful, yes, but deadly and will tear your heart out as soon as they've gotten you enslaved in their gaze. Dangerous creatures. Seen a few in my years and almost died each time. Would've taken my heart had the the others not kept me from climbing out of the boat. If you ever see a mermaid, look away from the eyes. It's the eyes that capture ya." He says gravelly, but the guy only laughs, finding the story nothing more then that, a story. The woman didn't laugh, instead she hugged onto her boyfriend's arm tightly, a blank stare on her face.

"That's a nice story, but I don't believe in mermaids. Is there anywhere to sleep for the night?" The man asked and grudgingly, the man said there wasn't anywhere but at the seats next to the edge of the boat. With a shrug the man sat down, beckoning for his girlfriend to sit down beside him. Reluctantly she did and laid her head on his shoulder. 

"You don't honestly believe in mermaids do you?" he asked her incredulously.

"Of course not. Let's just sleep and hope the storm doesn't cause too much trouble." She says, voice void of emotion and closed her eyes to sleep. The man did the same, and despite the raging storm he fell asleep quickly with his girlfriend right beside him. 

He woke to the sound of something flicking against the side of the boat and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, looking over the edge. A girl, probably in her late teens stared up at him with glassy green-blue eyes, her eyes as deep and mesmerizing as the sea. Her moonbeam blonde hair was long and stuck to her skin and then flowed around her in a halo as it met the water. Her skin was fair and  porcelain. As he stared at her mesmerizingly, he wondered if she was an angel, or possibly a goddess he were looking at. Wanting to touch her beautiful face he leaned down, reaching his hand to her. She smiled up at him and took his hand in her small pale one. 

Her pale pink lips turned up into a devilish smirk and with surprising strength she pulled him down into the water with her, gripping his  hand in an iron grip. Despite the warnings and the clear evil intent, he could only stare at her lovingly because how could such a beautiful angel be evil? Surely she wasn't, surely she had to be a goddess of light. And as she dug her claws through his chest and pulled the heart right from him, he died happy, knowing he had done the beautiful creature a favor. 

She dropped the dead body as the waters quickly bloodied and became red, but she only had her eyes on the heart. How a mermaid hungered for a man's heart, but not in the same way a normal woman did. They wanted to rip it from their chests and take it as their own. 

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