Chapter 12

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"A vampire banquet, huh?" I asked, crossing my legs and leaning forward, smirking as Hanabusa's father twitched and stuttered in my presence. It seems he'd been sent by the senate with direct orders to invite me to a vampire banquet the Aidou family was hosting. He nodded.

"Yes." He mumbled. I leaned back, crossing my arms and thinking it over. No way would Kaname agree too it. Which meant, all the more reason to go. I nodded. 

"Very well, I will attend. When did you say this party would take place?"  I asked. He handed me a small, cream-colored invitation card with the date, time, and place. 

"Two nights from now. The invitation has time and place." He told me and then we exchanged last goodbyes and I stood up. 

"Headmaster, you can have your office back." I called and he jumped out from the closet, landing flat on his face. He stood up quickly and brushed himself off.

"You really shouldn't attend that  banquet, Amara." He warned me but I waved him off. 

"I'm not afraid of a bunch of bloodsuckers, Kaien. Besides, I'd like to personally thank Ichio for being the cause of my malfunction the other day." I stated coldly and the Headmaster finally seemed to get it. 

"You don't think...?"He trailed off and I nodded, eyes narrowed in a glare. 

"I don't like my mind being messed with and I intend to get to the bottom of how it happened and who decided it was alright to mess with my mind." I said, venom dripping from every word. Kaien gave me a concerned look.

"Don't do anything rash Amara." He stated coolly and I let out a harsh laugh. 

"Why? I know you're not worried I'll get hurt, so who are you worried about?" I asked and he sighed. 

"I may have not lived nearly as long as you, Amara, I have met some interesting characters in my years, including other mermaids. I've met mermaids who have told me about you." He stated and I froze. "At first, I couldn't make myself believe it was you they were talking about, you didn't quite seem like the girl, but every sign pointed too it and I came to the conclusion. You are one of the seven original mermaids to ever exist, the seven sirens as the other mermaids put it. But not only that, you were the indirect cause of vampires coming into existence when you used the powers of your silver pearl to stop the entire earth from being destroyed by a meteor that would've not only destroyed the creatures on land, but completely wipe out all life in the ocean, including the mermaids. Although it's been proven that mermaids are anti-social creatures, preferring to be alone, even with others of your kind, every mermaid i've ever managed to get to speak with me, mentioned you in some way or another. Either they claimed you would bring your wrath down on me for capturing them or they cursed you out for bring their capture upon them." He murmured and I clenched my fists at my side. 

"So? I told you I was powerful and I told you I was old." I said nonchalantly. 

"Yes but from my other observations of your kind, Amara, you are deep sea travellers and only ever come up every century or so for a human heart and rarely ever converse with humans. Let me make this clearer to you, in my time of researching your kind, ever since I found out about you of course, I'd managed to meet seventy-two mermaids, I captured forty-three of them, and most of them were incapable of speaking human languages. Only about a dozen were capable of conversation in any human language." He told me and I pursed my lips.

"And so? Get to the point!" I snapped. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. 

"You've claimed to speak several human languages, many of which I can prove you are fluent in. You also understand many human terms, including sports, fashion, literature, history, mathematics, although you may not excel in these topics, you understand them to a degree. When I spoke with Sayori and her family, you were having a difficult time walking but her father noticed that you acted more as if it had been a very long time since you walked instead of never having walked before in your life. Furthermore, in order for you to have known of the meteor approaching, you would've had to have risen to the surface and talked or at least paid close enough attention to human conversation to understand know anything and even if you didn't speak with the humans during that time, you had to have risen to the surface to know in enough time of the meteor's approach. You have spent a lot more time on the surface than you care to explain." He said and I chewed my lip.

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