Chapter 5

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Calum observed Smith coming in to the class. She was wearing a tight skirt that reached just above her knees, a low-cut blouse that fit her curvy body, a messy bun, her glasses and lipgloss on her lips. Calum smiled, today was going to make the first step.

"Alright guys, take out your notebook, we're going to start with some equations."

Calum was barely paying attention to the class, he looked at her butt moving to the beat of her hips when she walked. He imagined how good it would feel to touch it. Luke nudged him. Calum smiled satisfied, he knew what to do. He dedicated the whole class to bother Luke, not pay attention and he didn't answer any question.

"Hood!" Smith yelled at him. "I'm done, you're grounded. In my office at 4, did you hear me?"

Calum nodded, looking repentant, but when no one was looking and Mrs. Smith killed him with her glare, he winked at her making her blush. He smirked. The bell rang.

"I see you tomorrow, enjoy your punishment." Luke told calum.

"Hood, walk with me please." Mrs. Smith said in a serious manner, Calum nodded.

Calum walked behind her, looking at her butt. He smiled, if all turned out well, maybe today he would make his bet. He searched inside his backpack to see if he had condoms, emergencies always needed them. His mouth curved, there were them. If his plan went in his favor, he'd have the bet on his arms, if not, he'd have to wait some days.

The office was big and cozy, the walls were white, that lighted up the place. Some pictures of famous people were hanging on the walls. There was also a big shelf with loads of books, the majority, math books. There was a desk where there was a picture of the teacher with a little girl... Did she have a daughter? Calum was going to find it out, maybe that could make things worst.

"Take a sit." She said seriously.

Calum took off his jacket because the office was really hot. Smith sat on her sit, that was slightly tilted, while checking something on her laptop. Calum looked at her neckline. He smiled.

"Teacher please, don't be too severe with me." Calum pleaded trying not to laugh.

"I've spoken to you many times so you can behave" she said in a serious manner. "And nothing happens, what's wrong with you Hood?"

"Call me Calum." Calum said while sitting on the chair and crossing his legs.

"Well, Calum what's wrong?" She questioned. "You don't have bad grades, but your behavior leave me out of breath."

"My behavior? I leave you out of breath?" Her words definitely had a double meaning, making her blush.

"Obviously your behavior bothers me, you're very stubbrn," she said. "Now take out your math notebook." She ordered.

Calum nodded, the plan should go slow so it could work, he had an hour to do it, but he was going to do it, for sure.


Mrs. Smith told him to do some exercises and he made them, while she kept staring at him out of the corner of her eye the whole time he was next to her in the room.

She never felt so nervous and awkward with a student, yet with one twelve years younger than her.

"I don't understand this." Calum finally said.

Mrs. Smith was Looking out of the window, then approached Calum and leaned down to check. Calum smiled, while she talked and talked. He could see her cleavage clearly.

"Did you understand?" Calum denied with his head.

Smith sighed heavily.

"I need a more dedicated teacher," Calum stood up sharply. She felt very nervous and inhibited.

" I don't know if you understand me."

"No Hood, i don't. "

"Someone...closer to me." Calum whispered with a hoarsely and sexy voice.
The embarrassed teacher, had walked backwards to the wall by inertia, while Calum was getting closer to her.

"Someone who could teach me more personally," He whispered close to her ear.

"Hood, come back to your sit." Mrs. Smith said trying to sound firm, but the voice that came out didn't sound firm at all.

Suddenly, Calum's hand was now on her waist. The other was near the door so he used his other hand to lock the door.

" i don't want anyone to interrupt my education." Calum said very close to her lips.

Emma Smith looked at him almost in fear, but in reality the situation had her on the edge.

"Calum come back to-" suddenly Calum without a word, kissed her abruptly right on her lips, clasping their bodies and his other hand now running over her thigh.

At first she resisted, but she slowly gave in with every fingering from the boy. He kissed her almost with violence, looking for the zip of her skirt. Emma groaned with every touch, while Calum undressed her carefully. He threw away every paper on the desk and the laptop and placed her on it, getting on her.

After awhile, he had the bet on his hands. He smiled triumphantly as Emma groaned under him, Luke owed him so much. Now Calum could use his Motorbike every time he wanted to.


While Calum was buckling his pants and Emma was organizing the office, she came to his mind, Kat, the girl of his dreams.

All of a sudden, he felt bad, once he told her, her voice would be full of disappointment.

"This..." Smith still a little bit unsettled, " is between us."

" Every time you want it, Mrs. Smith." Calum said.

He looked at the photograph Emma was now picking up from the floor.

"Is she your daughter?" Calum asked.

"She's my little sister."

Calum sighed with relief and approached her.

"If my punishments are always like this, i think i won't behave." Said he sexually while capturing her lips abruptly.

He came out of the office, like nothing had really happened. He smiled again, this time with proud and satisfaction. He walked to his house, but changed the direction to Kat's house, he needed to vent his anger, now or never, he had to reproach her for having not waited for him to go to school.

He knocked the door.

AU: OMG GUYS SMUT HAHAH i told you Calum is a bad boy. What do you thinks is going to happen now?
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